"Then, let's go!"

Following Kaido's order, the re-coated fleet headed towards the new world.


Behind a certain building, a shark-fish man gnashed his teeth and looked at Kaido who was leaving and Charlie beside him, with an extremely angry expression.

"I actually took Xia Li away!".

Chapter [-] World conscription, sky-high reward list (third more)

Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

The Marshal's Office Building.

"Brush brush..."

The desk that originally belonged to the empty steel frame, "Black Wrist" Zefa was sitting on the desk with a solemn expression, filling in the documents on the table.

On the side were Lieutenant General Crane, Sakaski, Kuzan, and even Polsalino, who was wrapped in bandages and far from recovering from his injuries.

Of course, the three people at this time are no longer lieutenant generals, but have truly become generals and have been reconstituted - the three generals.

Three days ago, the Five Old Stars had already given an order to promote the "Black Wrist" Zefa to the new marshal, and the three of Sakaski were promoted to the position of generals, filling the three vacancies of the three generals. .

They are "Akainu" - Sakaski, "Kizuka" - Polsalino, "Aokiji" - Kuzan.

Of course, the news hasn't really spread out yet, it's just circulated in the naval headquarters.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the World Government also suffered heavy losses, two army generals were killed, Mary Joa was attacked by Kaido, and the field marshal was severely injured. , so that the world government was in a hurry for a while.

Otherwise, it is really possible for the World Government to directly drop a top powerhouse to take over the position of the Admiral, but unfortunately, the World Government is also too busy to take care of itself.


As if it was completed, Zefa put down the pen, he was relieved, sorted out the documents in his hand, and handed it to the crane beside him.

"Is this the world conscription and Qiwuhai plan proposed by the Five Old Stars?"

After carefully reading the document in his hand, He sighed and closed his eyes. The old face, who had not had much rest since the death of Gang Gukong and Warring States, seemed to have grown even older.

The world conscription is proposed by the world government to recruit top powerhouses and massive populations from all over the world to fill the vacant lieutenant generals and the navy who have suffered heavy losses.

In fact, after many killings by Kaido, especially the battle in the waters of the Chambord Islands, the number of lieutenant admirals in the naval headquarters fell to the lowest point in history, and almost all elite lieutenant admirals, such as ghost spiders, tea dolphins , Taotu and other veterans and even top lieutenant generals are all dead, and if they are caught, they will almost exhaust the backbone of the navy.

Except for a few lieutenant generals who survived because they did not participate in the war, after the loss of a large number of generals and colonels, the navy headquarters is actually just an empty shell. In addition to the three generals who can still gather together, the backbone and the low-level elite , less than a layer of the heyday.

It can be said that the Navy Headquarters has suffered heavy losses, and it is impossible to recover without more than ten years of development.

Therefore, in order to deter the increasingly riotous sea, the Five Old Stars had no choice but to recruit soldiers from all over the world, recruiting strong men from all over the world, and directly parachuting down to fill the position of lieutenant general.

As for the Qiwuhai plan, it was implemented a few years ago, giving powerful pirates the status of legal plunder and allowing them to develop at sea. , together against the powerful pirates.

It can be said that it is a plan to put a legitimate official background on the pirates and let them plunder, which is a plan to greatly reduce the prestige of the world government.

As the first person in the Qiwuhai plan, it was the "Sand Crocodile" Crocodile a few years ago. As a pirate star who was unstoppable at the time, after accepting the Navy's Qiwuhai, he ran out to challenge Bailey. The beard, as a result, was directly crushed, and one arm was broken, and he could only roll back to the great channel in a sullen way.

"Qiwuhai plan! Five old stars still don't understand!"

Sighing, the crane said helplessly.

"Did they really think that they can order those pirates by virtue of the identity of Qiwuhai?"

As long as the powerful pirates are all unruly existences, it is difficult to get them to obey orders.

From Crane's point of view, the so-called Qiwuhai under the king has no effect except to allow those rampant pirates to have the status of legal plunder, and to greatly reduce the prestige of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

"There is no way to do this. Now in this big era of rampage, the navy can no longer suppress the sea, and it can only weaken the strength of the pirates by turning red."

Sitting on the side, Polsalino, who has truly been promoted to general, and who has the title of "Kia ape", shrugged and said helplessly.

He also didn't think the so-called Qiwuhai under the king had any effect, but the order of the Five Old Stars, the highest authority in the world government, even the Admiral of the Navy could not refuse.

0 ask for flowers 0  

"Having said that, the most important thing now is to recruit the world's soldiers and recruit the top powerhouses who can supplement the lieutenant general of the headquarters!"

Some lazily lying on the chair, Qingzhi said lazily, in the battle of Chambord Islands, Qingzhi was not seriously injured, so after more than half a month of training, he has almost recovered.

"Yes, these news are more important than the Qiwuhai under the king, the recruitment of the world, the admiral of the Navy and the three generals."

Crossing his hands and looking at a few people, "Black Wrist" Zefa said lightly.

"Only by completely complementing the combat power of the navy can we gradually stabilize the turbulent sea!"

Hearing Zefa's words, Akainu, Kiabou, Aokiji and others turned solemn. After Roger's execution, the era of the Great Pirates that had rioted, and then after the Kaido incident, and the Chambord archipelago. After World War I.


The number of pirates once again rioted, and the number and madness far exceeded before, and because the losses were too heavy, the navy could not effectively pursue the pirates, resulting in heavy losses to towns and naval bases in the four seas, and many towns All were bloodbathed.

The level of confusion can be said to be far greater than before.

"By the way, announce the reward of the Beast Pirates!"

Saying that, Zefa handed a stack of reward orders to the crane.

"Hundred Beasts" Kaido, with a reward of [-] billion, is the most ferocious pirate in history and the strongest monster in the world.

"Lonely Red" Ryder, offering a reward of [-] million.

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