"Ice disaster" zero, with a reward of [-] million.

"Drought" Jack, offering a reward of [-] million.

"Wind Disaster" Horton, offering a reward of [-] million.


The degenerate director, "Poison Man" Magellan, offered a reward of [-] million.

The Fallen Warden, Shiliu of the Rain, offers a reward of [-] million...

There are dozens of powerful pirates, plus Kaido's own bounty, the whole group adds up to almost [-] billion terrifying levels.

This kind of bounty can almost be said to be unprecedented, enough to shake the entire sea.

ps: Mom sells batches. Chapter [-] obviously has no place to cross the line, but it was reviewed by me! ! ! .

Chapter [-]: The Blind Man and the Bull Demon, the Arrogant Moriah (First)

the next day.

When the news of the new admiral and the three generals spread across the sea, it instantly caused an upsurge.

"The three generals are together? But what's the use?"

"That monster is no match for even the Admiral and the Marine Hero!!"

"The navy can't possibly be that monster's opponent!"

Countless people and even the navy were whispering in desperation. They no longer had much confidence in the navy. After the live broadcast more than half a month ago, Kaido's invincible impression had been deeply reflected in their minds, like a demon. Such a gesture is destined to become a nightmare for countless people.

Of course, when the news of the recruitment of soldiers in the world came out together, it still aroused the response of many people of justice, and countless strong men rushed to the navy headquarters.

No matter how decadent the world government is or how badly the navy has failed, the world government has ruled the world for more than 12 years, and its "orthodox" identity has long been deeply imprinted in the hearts of most ordinary people, especially the [-]th Navy , After many years of fighting against pirates, even after a fiasco, the prestige among the people has plummeted, but among the people, the prestige is still very high, and many strong people still respond to their conscription.

However, the navy, on the other hand, restarted the plan of the King's Seven Wuhai and summoned powerful pirates to give them a legal plundering status to fight against the big pirates in the new world. The news still aroused the disgust of many people.

A new world, an island.

"The navy actually launched a world conscription? It seems that after that battle, the losses of the navy were too heavy!"

"Not only did a marshal and two generals perish, but even most lieutenant generals and generals perished. In this way, it seems that the recruitment of soldiers in the world is helpless!"

"Hmph, if I also have great power, I will definitely respond to the navy's conscription, become a lieutenant general, and kill those hateful pirates."

Many people are talking about it, and they are very interested in the news of the recruitment of soldiers in the world. Of course, they are just ordinary people. Even if they are extremely interested, they do not have that ability.

"Blah blah blah..."

Light footsteps came, and a blind man with short hair and a beard, wearing a lavender bathrobe, tied with a black and purple belt, and a purple cloak, walked slowly with a staff and a knife in his hand.

"Is the world conscription?"

He murmured softly, and his long-blind eyes looked in the direction of the Navy Headquarters.

"Justice needs to be defended, and I should do my part too!"

As he said, he walked towards the port, his tall body exuding a terrifying sense of oppression, which shocked the hard life who noticed it. He didn't understand that a blind gambler who was laughed at by them would have such a terrible aura.

On the other side, on a certain beast island, terrifying vibrations spread all over the island, terrifying roars came one after another, and the rumbling sounds were like thunder and thunder. The forest was torn apart, and pieces of wood were flying all over the sky.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The violent fist slammed down wildly, making a loud noise, and accompanied by the whining of the beast, a huge figure flew out, smashing a huge pit on the ground, and the sky was covered with smoke and dust, covering the sky.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The huge body walked out like a demon, with a pair of sharp horns flashing with cold light, a tail of ox was swaying behind him, his whole body was covered with hair, and a pair of ruthless eyes were extremely tyrannical, like a terrifying bull demon.

"Conscription in the world? Kaido the beast? I really want to challenge it!"

A low voice sounded, slowly spreading around, and the huge body shrunk crazily, turning into a strong middle-aged man.

"Pirates of the new world, wait for me, I will make you tremble!"


On the calm sea, a skeleton pirate flag with dark bats and a terrifying pirate ship is slowly advancing.

"Hee hee hee hee, Lao Tzu's bounty has finally exceeded 3 million!"

On the deck, an extremely tall, 6-meter-plus man with an extremely sturdy and demon-like appearance, with two horns on both sides of his forehead, extremely sharp ears and teeth, was laughing loudly. The voice was full of joy.

"Hahaha, it really deserves to be the boss of Moria, that is the Iron Snake Pirates, and they are quite famous in the new world!"

"The captain of the Iron Snake Pirates has a bounty of more than [-] million. If he can defeat him, the captain can be said to be famous!"

"Now the boss of Moriah is also a famous big pirate in the New World!"

Beside Moria, there are a group of strong and strong pirates, each exuding a strong breath. The pirates are cheering, and their tone is full of sincerity. Different from ordinary pirates, they are sincerely for their captain. happy.

"Hee hee hee hee, that is of course, the next step is to raise the bounty to compete for the position of One Piece!"

Moria laughed, the laughter was sharp and weird, and the tone was full of joy and ambition, obviously having great confidence in his own strength.

"Boss Moria, Whitebeard, Redhead, and BIG-MOM formed an alliance and called pirates with a reward of more than [-] million to join the alliance."

At this time, a tall pirate with long yellow hair and a long knife on his waist said that he is the deputy captain of the Moonlight Pirates, and the strongest subordinate of Moriah, with a bounty of one Eighty million.

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