"...This phantom bat fruit is very powerful, and even... it can keep people young forever!"

After hesitating for a while, Ryder said uncertainly, "Are you really going to give it to me?"

Ryder has no doubts whether Kaido can capture this Devil Fruit. In fact, when Kaido set his eyes on the "Strange Cat" Pirates, it was destined to belong to these fruits and the Supreme Sword.

Different from that "strange cat" Hall, will he not be able to withstand the pursuit of powerful pirates until Kaido arrives, and forcibly destroy the devil fruit.

"I never put my eyes on the mere Devil Fruit!"

Raising his right hand, Kaido looked at Ryder and the others, and said incomparably overbearing.

"Young? Time can't take away a trace of my youth, 870 is in front of me, even time has to retreat!"

This is not a big talk. When Kaido revived his bloodline to [-]%, Kaido's lifespan was as high as a thousand years, and until Kaido died, he would not age even a cent, even if he broke through. Shackles, if the recovery reaches [-]%, Kaido will transcend the mighty power of time and have the body of immortality.

Time can't leave the slightest trace on Kaido.


Taking a light breath, Ryder looked at the confident and domineering Kaido in shock, and was directly shocked by Kaido's words.

In front of me, even time has to retreat!

How domineering and arrogant this is, even the greatest force in the world, time, can despise it.

Ryder knew that Kaido was not lying. Although he didn't get along for a long time, Ryder knew very well how Kaido was, confident and domineering, and never bothered to lie.

"Lonely Red Ryder, now renamed Tear Red, I wish to follow Lord Kaido forever and tear apart all enemies for Lord Kaido!"

The whole person suddenly knelt down on one knee, the lonely red, no, it should be said to be the tearing red Ryder, he said in a sonorous and powerful tone, compared to the reluctance in advancing the city, the current Ryder is surrendering wholeheartedly. Kaido.

He even changed the title he was proud of so that he was no longer lonely. .

Chapter [-] The battle of Mobit Island, the mighty Hawkeye (third more)

'Ryder surrendered? '

' Even changed the title of loneliness! ! '

'how is this possible! ! '

Among the criminals who advanced to the city, several criminals from the same period as Ryder were horrified. Compared with the absence of Jack and others, they understood Ryder's loneliness better. arrogant.

"……very good!"

Kaido looked at Ryder slightly in surprise, and then nodded in appreciation. Compared with the other insignificant criminals in the advance city, the Red Earl was the most valued by Kaido. He was the same as Jack and others, even Kaido's future development of a new world. important subordinates.

Ryder can truly surrender to himself, but Kaido is still somewhat satisfied.

But compared to Ryder's sincere surrender, the most important thing right now is—

"It's still time to go to Mobit Island to avoid the Devil Fruit being robbed or destroyed!"

Said, Kaido looked at Moria, who had recovered a little, and looked at Kaido in horror, with a playful look in his eyes.

"As for you, Moriah—"

"Escape! Escape to the Great Channel—"

"Still on the great waterway, and under my shadow, just survive! If you dare to take a step into the new world and welcome you, it is death!"

Looking down at Moria condescendingly, an invisible but terrifying sense of oppression naturally radiated, making Moria edit her whole body, lowered her head, and dared not look directly at Kaido.

Even though he was extremely humiliated and angry, the invisible and terrifying sense of oppression and the fear and powerlessness that came from his heart made Moria unable to lift her head.


When Moriah was thrown on the boat and let it float away, Jack walked up to Kaido and asked with some doubts.

"Boss Kaido, just let him go like this? Although he is weak, it will be troublesome if he takes revenge in the future!"

Although Moria's strength is not bad, almost surpassing the veteran lieutenant general, but in the eyes of Jack, who has almost reached the level of a general, he is still weak, and belongs to the kind of existence that can be slapped to death with a few slaps.

However, Moriah's potential is still good. With the ability of Shadow and Shadow Fruit, if he hadn't met Kaido, he might not be able to become a big pirate in the future and call the wind and rain in the new world.

"It doesn't matter, this is the reason why I want to let him go. If I can cultivate a huge army, I have to praise him a little bit."! "

With a wave of his hand, Kaido looked at Moria who was far away, and said meaningfully.

"If you can't do it, then just run over to death!"

Letting Moria go is just an idle chess game for Kaido. For Kaido, who is destined to rule the entire world in the future, a huge army is necessary, not all elites, at least worthy The level of the navy is higher than that of the headquarters, so that the whole world can be conquered and those kingdoms can be suppressed.

And Moriah's shadow just can cultivate legion, although it has flaws, but it is better than nothing.Of course, this was just an idle move, but Kaido played it casually, and even Kaido did not enslave Moriah.

"Turn around and head to Morbite!"

Following Kaido's order, the huge fleet slowly turned to another direction, and in the permanent pointer obtained from Moriah, drove towards Mobit Island.


A day later, Morbite Island.

"Boom boom boom!!!"


"Sweep brush brush!!"

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