The terrifying collision sounded violently on the island, the terrifying explosion, the incomparable slashing, the "bullet thread" that shattered the tree, and the raging blue flames blasted the island into a mess, and the large pieces kept cracking, like spiders. It spreads out like a net, and the big trees are crumbling crazily, like a multi-bone Nomi card.

"Super Whiplash!!"

The tall body was in a strange posture, Dolan Flamenco stretched out his hands backwards, and the dense lines gathered crazily, and then a "line" as thick as an arm blasted out like a cannonball, that terrifying power, Enough to cut off tall buildings in an instant.

"call out!!"

In the face of such a powerful attack, the man wearing a black top hat and eyes as sharp as an eagle just waved his hands like a cross, inlaid with beautiful gems, and a magnificent supreme sword. Cut out!


The thick "line" was directly slashed, and the flaming slash remained unchanged, slicing the boundless earth and slashing towards Doran Flamenco.


Dolan Flamen's whole body froze, a trace of fear flashed in his pink glasses, and the whole person disappeared in place in an instant.


The earth cracked open like tofu, and was easily slashed by a blazing slash to the extreme, and then tore apart the boundless sea, splitting the kilometer sea in half in the blink of an eye, tens of meters deep, like an abyss. Shocking.


Rao Shi had seen such a sharp slash before, and Doflamingo was still shocked by it, looking at Hawkeye full of fear.

"As expected of Hawkeye Mihawk!"


The upper part of his right hand directly turned into a rice cake, and in the blink of an eye, it turned red, steaming with terrifying power, and covering most of his face with a scarf, Katakuri, who had only two eyes, stared coldly at Hawkeye, the whole person instantly disappeared in place.

".rice cake!!"

Like a rocket launcher, its power is far superior to an unknown number of times the attack, and it slammed directly into Hawkeye.

"Black Knife Extreme Slash!"

The sharp eagle-like eyes shrank slightly and became a little solemn. Then, the slash far surpassed the previous slash and was slashed out. The blue-and-white slash made people shudder.


The terrifying collision broke out, and the air wave swept out in an instant. The terrifying power directly changed Katakuri's face, and the whole person was blasted out.

"Smashing Impact!!"

Immediately after that, a tall man with green hair rushed forward, his fists had an invisible halo condensed, and instantly blasted a majestic shock wave, which slammed into the back of Hawkeye.


Between the electric light and flint, Hawkeye slashed a flaming slash directly behind, and instantly cut off the shock wave. The terrifying destruction of the edge was shocking.


The green-haired man narrowly escaped the slash, and the terrifying slash slashed the ground and shattered large trees. (Qian Hao Zhao)


The sharp chirping sounded abruptly, attracting everyone's attention. In the air, a big blue bird looked down at Hawkeye, and the flaming blue flames made people a little astonished.


The big blue bird crashed down and collided with the slash from the eagle eye. The terrifying explosion spread to thousands of meters of earth, and the whole earth was cracking. The terrifying blue flame accompanied the explosion, soaring into the sky, shining the entire island.

ps: There are no billions of Liu Liu Liu, Liu Liu died for a long time, please translate with homophones.

By the way, the skirt is not mine alone, but I made an agreement with an author two years ago to share the skirt, so I am not the skirt (well) owner but the manager, and more importantly, the author It was overthrown and fell to the manager. Now the skirt is a girl. Of course, the girl is very busy and basically has no time to manage, so don't go to @the other party. As for the author's business card in it, it is [Myth] Fallen to Heaven.

So, please join the group to make that dead group more active! (spread hands).

Chapter [-]: The powerful eagle eye, one enemy four (fourth more)

"Boom boom boom!!!"

"Clang, Clang, Clang..."

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The splendid blue flames were burning, and the sky-high firelight illuminated the entire island. The shocking force was colliding, and the violent confrontation continued to sound, which was deafening.

"call out!!"

The flaming slash slashed, directly slashing the blue phoenix, the flames flew, and the blue bird's body directly cut a huge wound, but what was shocking was that the huge wound was in an instant. The recovery was complete, which made people a little surprised.

"A phoenix?"

Hawkeye frowned, looking at the undead bird that had recovered from his injuries and was not weak at all, and said with some headaches.

"What a troublesome ability!"

The phoenix Marco, the captain of the first combat team of the Whitebeard Pirates, is extremely powerful. He is the deputy of the Whitebeard Pirates. Of course, no matter how strong Marco is, he is not an opponent of Hawkeye. After all, Hawkeye can match The existence of red-haired Shanks is evenly divided, even if the combat power may be inferior to that of the real Four Emperors, but it will definitely not be worse.

But Marco's undead ability is too foul. If there is no absolutely overwhelming power, even if he is split into 380 halves, or his head is exploded, he can quickly recover.

That terrifying undead ability is enough to give any top powerhouse a headache.

"As expected of Hawkeye, he has the title of the world's largest swordsman, and his reputation is well-deserved!"

The flames were burning, and Marko looked at Hawkeye indifferently and chuckled.

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