Hawkeye asked in disbelief, and his tone was a little incredible. In his opinion, Kaido's strength was already terrifying to the extreme, far surpassing general-level powerhouses, even the strongest man in the world - Whitebeard, more than As far as Kaido is concerned, it is too much worse, almost impossible to compare.

However, in Kaido's words, there are other worlds outside this world, and the strength far exceeds Kaido's existence, which makes Hawkeye a little unbelievable.

It's no wonder that the little frog at the bottom of the well can see the vastness of the infinitely diverse world?

"Of course, this world is just a tiny speck of dust among the heavens and myriad worlds. Compared with this world, the powerful world is as numerous as grains of sand in the sea. , even this world can be destroyed at the touch of a finger!"

The world is endless, and the world of One Piece is just one of the more common ones in the infinite world. Compared with this world, there are too many powerful ones, too many to count.

Even if Kaido, who is currently invincible in the world of One Piece, is placed in the heavens and the world, he is as small as an ant. In the eyes of some great powers, the current Kaido is not much stronger than an ant. The existence of death makes no difference.

Even if Kaido's bloodline is fully recovered, it is only at the stage of breaking away from ants and becoming a member of the strong, far less than the peerless powers who can destroy thousands of universes with a raised hand.

Of course, with a strong bloodline and system, able to travel through the heavens and the world to strengthen himself, Kaido has the confidence to reach the top of the heavens and the world 730.

"However, even if the world is endless and the powerhouses are as numerous as stars, I will surely reach the top of the heavens and the world, and spread my empire to every corner of the heavens and the world!"

Looking directly at the eagle eye, Kaido said loudly and forcefully, if it was Kaido before, it would be nothing more than ruling the world of pirates, and then step by step to become the powerhouse at the peak of the heavens and the world.

But now that Kaido has changed his mind, how can a mere world satisfy Kaido?

If you can bring all the heavens and the world under your command, let hundreds of millions of strong people surrender to you!

Let all the beauties of the heavens and the world enter your own harem, and let yourself become the supreme emperor of the heavens and the world!

If you can achieve this great cause, what regrets will there be in your life?

Even if this great undertaking is almost impossible to complete, even if this great undertaking will take time until the end of the stars, the destruction of the world will still be difficult to satisfy, but so what?

This is Kaido's arrogance, his ambition, and his lifelong pursuit in the future.


Taking a deep breath, Hawkeye suppressed the shock in his heart, without any hesitation, he knelt down on one knee and said respectfully to Kaido.

"Hawkeye Mihawk, willing to follow Lord Kaido and conquer the heavens and the world!"

ps: Having said that, building an empire seems like a lot of trouble _(:з"∠)_.

Chapter [-]: The battle of the spike, the bloodthirsty rain of Shiliu (third more)

"That Hawkeye surrendered!!"

In the distance, the body was no longer in the trembling Katakuri, staring at Kaido, with an expression that could not be concealed in horror, and said in a low voice.

Beside them, Doflamingo and Doku had extremely solemn expressions, their tall bodies tensed up, ready to escape at any time.

That's right, it's running away. In the face of such desperate monsters as Kaido, even if they are as arrogant as Doflamingo, they only have the idea of ​​running away, and they don't dare to touch it, especially when Kaido raises his hand. Instantly killed the undead bird, received Hawkeye's slash without injury, and subdued the arrogant Hawkeye, and was even more fearful in his heart.

He didn't even dare to have the slightest thought to fight Kaido.

"Well, your future position will be divided after I get rid of Whitebeard and others!"

Seeing Hawkeye surrender, Kaido nodded slightly and said to Hawkeye.


Kaido turned to look at Katakuri and the others with a dignified expression, and the terrifying aura radiated out, like the sky falling to the ground, making people terrified.

"It's better to get rid of you first!"

"not good!!!"

The pupils shrank violently, and Katakuri's face filled with horror, as if he saw something, the sticky rice cakes poured out, turned into huge white fists, and slammed them out.

"Strange Power Rice Cake!!"

The huge fist fell like a star, tearing the atmosphere, with the terrifying power of shattering mountains and rivers, and colliding with the white fist.


The white fist was like tofu hitting the steel, and it shattered directly. The white rice cakes splashed out of the sky. The huge black fist did not change its momentum, and slammed heavily on the terrified Katakuri.


The sky collapsed, and Katakuri was blasted directly into the earth, and a huge pothole was blasted out, and the cracks in the sky spread wildly, tearing the boundless earth.


The earth shook endlessly, and the entire island was shaking wildly under Kaido's punch, causing the pirates standing on the island to shake their bodies, as if they could not bear it.

Shaking the mountains and rivers with one punch, and smashing the mountains and rivers with his feet, this is Kaido's true combat power now!

"Escape! 々.!"

His pupils shrunk to the size of a pinhead, and his forehead couldn't help sweating.

"damn it!"

Doku looked at the time between his fingers with an ugly face, and escaped from Doflamingo, who was dozens or hundreds of meters away, and roared, and wanted to turn around and run away.


However, before he could escape, a big hand descended from the sky, like the hand of the sky, directly grabbing half of his body, and a terrifying force swept in, making his whole body screeching violently, almost turning him into flesh Sauce.


Doku screamed frantically, the terrifying power he couldn't resist at all, almost crushed him to pieces.

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