
Raising his head, looking at Doflamingo who had already escaped a distance of several hundred meters, Kaido sneered, then raised his hand and threw Doku directly.


Like a meteor, its tall body rubbed the atmosphere frantically, and in the blink of an eye, it surpassed several times the speed of sound, and burned violently, like a meteorite flying at a high speed. In less than half a second, it directly caught up with Dover Lang. Brother Ming, hit him hard.


The intense pain struck, causing Brother Doflamingo to just scream in agony, and the whole person was directly smashed into the ground, and he was knocked unconscious.

"Gollum!! This is the end?!!"

"It actually killed the phoenix Marco and Katakuri with one blow, and made Hawkeye surrender!!"

"Is this the strongest monster in the world?"

In the distance, the pirates and swordsmen who were watching on the side, their scalps were numb, and they looked at Kaido in shock, almost speechless.

"Of course, this is our adult!!"

"Yes, Kaido's boss is the strongest monster in the world, something that even a general can't reach, can be knocked down with just one blow!"

"It's a pity that Lord Kaido snatched away the prey every time, even if I didn't have a chance to shoot!"

Several icy, arrogant, or bloodthirsty voices came, which shocked many pirates and swordsmen, turned around and looked over, and then lost their voices.

"A bounty of [-] billion and [-] million for the lonely red!!"

"There is also a reward of [-] million for Drought Jack!!"

"A reward of [-] million Fallen Warden, Shiliu of the Rain!!"


One after another, there are more than [-] large or small bodies standing there, and the power emanating from the invisible is almost suffocating those pirates.

"I'm so sorry! Lord Kaido wants me to wait for the pirates on this island to be wiped out!"

Pulling out his long knife, Shiliu of the Rain stared at the many pirates bloodthirsty, and a cold smile rose from the corner of his cigar-dipping mouth.

".¨Sorry, can I ask you to die?"

The scarlet edge swept across the blood-colored track, and Shiliu of the Rain sneered, his tall body rushed towards the many pirates, and the long knife swept out, and the extremely sharp edge made him extremely frightened.

"No, they're going to kill us!"

"Fight with them!!"

"Yes, even if they are strong, we are not easy to mess with!"

With a roar, those pirates took out their weapons one after another and fought with Shiliu of the Rain.

"Clang, Clang, Clang..."

"Puff puff……"

The fierce symphony sounded, the collision of the sword and the sword caused a violent sound of gold and iron, the sharp tip of the knife cut through the flesh and blood, and the scarlet blood gushed out, spilling over the entire battlefield, and the battle was fierce for a while.

The pirates who can reach the new world, or survive in the new world, any one is an elite existence, and each one is far better than the pirates in the great waterway, especially these pirates present, since they dare to chase Killing "strange cat" Hall, a well-known pirate, naturally has two brushes.

Therefore, Rao Shiliu of Rain is extremely powerful, and he cannot easily take them down completely for a while.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of a pirate in the new world, even Shiliu of the Rain can't be easily crushed!"

Looking at the fierce battle in the field, Jack said with some admiration, knowing that Shiliu of the Rain's strength may not be too outstanding among them, but he definitely has the strength of a quasi-general, but in the face of a group of pirates It was surprising that they could not easily win the alliance for a while!

"Shiliu of the Rain, remember to keep a few alive!!"

The tearing red - Ryder said softly, the sound was not loud, but it clearly reached the ears of Shiliu of the Rain.

ps: There are only three shifts today.

Chapter [-] Superman: Golden Fruit (First)

"Master Kaido!!"

When Kaido, whose body was restored to its original shape, came to the "strange cat" Hall, he was facing Hall's respectful posture.

"Hang!! I don't remember having you as a subordinate!"

Kaido looked at the injured pirate in front of him with interest, and a little bit of interest arose.

"I have always admired Lord Kaido. Since five years ago, I have been looking forward to joining Lord Kaido's command!"

His body was shaking with excitement, Hall stared at Kaido, and said excitedly.

"Please accept me, Lord Kaido, and let me become Kaido's subordinate! I can do anything for Lord Kaido!"


Looking at the excited Hall, Kaido looked at him with some playfulness, and said jokingly.

"Even if it makes you die?"

The sound was not loud, but it could clearly enter Hall's ears, causing his body to tremble, and he couldn't help being silent.

'Afraid? '

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