Kaido thought lightly, he didn't think that someone was willing to give his life as soon as they met, even if that person was loyal, Kaido didn't believe it very much.

In fact, unless it is a dead man who was trained since childhood, in the face of death, no matter how loyal subordinates are, they will be suspicious for a while, let alone let them self-execute this kind of order.

However, Kaido was quickly moved, only after hesitating for a while, "Strange Cat" Hall raised his head, his eyes were very firm, and he said without hesitation: "If Lord Kaido asks me to kill myself, Hall will never hesitate. !"

Kaido was surprised. He could naturally hear that Hall's words were sincere. Even if Kaido asked him to kill himself now, he might regret it, but he would definitely implement it without hesitation.

This kind of blind loyalty, although very stupid, but Kaido likes it very much, because it is stupid loyalty to himself.

"If that's the case, then accept you!"

Squinting slightly, looking at Hall, Kaido said lightly.

"You are a devil fruit power user!"

It's not speculation, with Kaido's current power, it's easy to see if the opponent is a Devil Fruit person, even if the opponent doesn't show it.

"Yes, the next one is the animal system cat cat fruit ability!"

"Cat Cat Fruit! Very ordinary ability!"

Looking at Hall flatly, Kaido commented casually, and then said lightly.

"Then I'll take these Devil Fruits and this Supreme Sword, do you have any opinion?"

The reason why Kaido came to Mobit Island was naturally the Devil Fruit and the Supreme Sword. Even if Hall became Kaido's subordinate, Kaido would not give up.

"These things are originally for adults!" Hall opened the exquisite box with some difficulty, revealing two fruits with exquisite patterns inside, one of which was bright gold, which made people unable to help but indulge in it. Magnificent colors, one of which is scarlet blood, exuding magical brilliance.

"This is the superhuman type, the golden golden fruit, this one is the phantom species, the bat fruit!"

Handing the box containing the Devil Fruit to Kaido, Hall said respectfully, but his hands were trembling slightly, obviously because he was seriously injured.

"Your injury is too serious!"

Frowning, Kaido said indifferently, although he didn't pay much attention to Hall's subordinate, he was extremely loyal to himself anyway, so it's not good to just let it go.

"Let your injury recover first!"

Raising his right hand, he said to the system in his heart, and then a warm radiance emanated from Kaido's hands, bathing on Hall's body, and then, a surprising scene appeared.

The terrifying injury that was enough to cause death was recovering quickly, and in just the blink of an eye, it recovered, like a miracle, making Hall a little stunned, even Hawkeye standing behind Kaido was a little surprised looking at Kaido.

"All right!"

Speaking softly, Kaido took the Devil Fruit and took the golden fruit with great interest.

"Superhuman type Golden Fruit! Isn't this the Devil Fruit that created the Golden Emperor!"

Gilder Tai (bbac) Zorro, is the head and first-class entertainer who controls the world's largest entertainment city, Guran Taizolo, in the original book.

Known as the "Golden Emperor".It is Berry who owns 20% of the world.The king of casinos who reigns over the casino.There is even the power to use the world government.

And Guran Tezzolo is a giant golden ship with a length of [-] meters. It is the world's largest entertainment city, an independent country and a demilitarized zone recognized by the government.

The "absolute sanctuary" that even the world government itself could not take lightly, possessed power no less than that of the Heavenly Dragons, and was the pure gold empire ruled by Gilder Tezzolo.

And what made all this is the superhuman Jinjin fruit in Kaido's hands.

Of course, even the golden fruit is not a panacea. If it weren't for Tezzolo's own talent, he would be very brilliant, or he could reach the heights in the original book with a single moment of fruit.

"But the current Golden Emperor is still a slave to Mary Jo Adam!"

The Tezzolo in the original book escaped from the Holy Land because of the fisherman Fisher Tiger's trouble with Mary Joa, and got rid of his slave status. If you count the time, it will take two years!

However, in this life, after Kaido's rioting with Mary Joa, the World Government has obviously learned to behave, and will definitely send a large number of soldiers and horses to guard Mary Joa, and even a few kings may have a few guarding, not Then he continued to sleep, so whether the fish-man Fisher Tiger could still make a fuss about Mary Joa, but it was hard to say, maybe he was directly suppressed as soon as the trouble started.

"It seems that the majestic Golden Emperor of the previous life is about to disappear!"

Speaking softly what Hall and the others couldn't understand, Kaido put the Jinjin fruit back.

If there is no Golden Emperor, then create another one. Kaido has time and subordinates, and it may not be impossible to cultivate a new Golden Emperor.


"Clang, Clang, Clang..."

"Puff, puff, puff..."

"Ah, ah, ah..."

The fierce battle has come to an end. Under the mad bloodthirsty attack of Shiliu of the Rain, even many pirates who are not weak have gradually fallen into the disadvantage, and it has become difficult to support.


Laughing wildly, Shiliu the Rain's eyes were red, flashing with a coquettish red glow, and the long knife in his hand was madly waving, cutting out one after another flaming red sword glow, tearing the bodies of many pirates, and blood splashed. out, and scattered all over the earth.


The scarlet long knife slashed across and cut the body of a large piece of pirate in half.

In the end, after a long and fierce battle, seventy or eighty corpses were left at the scene, and the ground was stained with blood, which made people shudder.

Of course, Shiryu of the Rain didn't kill all of them, but two or three pirates remained.

ps: The family went to sing, I seem to be going _(:з"∠)_.

Chapter [-] The Supreme Sword - The Glory of the Silver Moon (Second)

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