Accompanied by a deafening, indescribable loud noise, the eardrums roar!

"Boom boom boom!"

The aftermath of terror swept in all directions, and large forests, buildings and even many people watching the battle were swept up into the air.


The huge white tiger smashed the two lieutenant generals' tricks with monstrous might, and slammed straight at the two lieutenant generals. With unparalleled impact, it blasted out a hundred meters long in the Chambord Archipelago. the huge "channel".

"Woohoo... kacha kacha..."

The earth was constantly cracking and shattering, and the strong airflow raged wildly around the surroundings, impacting in all directions.

Trees, weeds, rocks, buildings, etc., were directly blown away by the violent airflow, and the shocking cracks spread continuously.

From the shattered port forward, the small half of the Chambord Archipelago was affected, and the entire island was shaking slightly, which was extremely shocking.

"Lieutenant General Luo Qi, Lieutenant General 'Ghost Sword'!!!"

Several rear admirals, as well as many general-level officers and a large number of naval elites, their faces changed wildly, and they shouted in horror.

"Hahaha, just worry about yourself!"

The earth shook violently, and the deafening roar kept ringing. An incomparably gigantic elephant man, with a terrifying aura, rushed forward, and a gigantic elephant trunk stretched out sharply, smashing into a rear admiral in an instant.

"not good!!!"

The Rear Admiral's face changed greatly, and he drew his knife in an instant, trying to block the huge elephant trunk, but in the moment of contact, he was directly blown away by a terrifying force.


The Rear Admiral vomited blood and flew out like a cannonball. He slammed heavily on the wall, smashing a deep pit, and his chest sunk directly. Obviously, he couldn't survive.

A rear admiral was instantly killed!

In fact, with Jack's current strength, it is impossible to kill the Major General directly, but Jack's fruit is known for its terrifying power, and it is a sudden attack.

"Hahaha, happy!!"

The earth cracked, and a huge elephant foot stepped on the ground heavily, causing the earth to crack open, raising a lot of dust, and a huge right hand directly turned into an elephant foot and slammed into another major general.

Although he has just obtained the Zodiac, Ancient Species, Elephant and Elephant Fruit, he can't develop more power and can only use it simply, but with Jack's own strength and the increase brought by the Ancient Species, it is enough to defeat ordinary lieutenant generals.


Seeing Jack easily kill a major general in one second, Fan Leng snorted without showing weakness. With a flash, he appeared in front of a major general in an instant, his index finger was covered in pitch black, and he stabbed dozens of times in an instant.

"Finger gun, machine gun!"

With a fierce momentum, the finger gun pierced the air, and slammed into the major general who had no time to react, blasting dozens of blood holes in an instant.


The blood continued to surge, the major general's eyes were wide open, his face was full of unwillingness and resentment, and then his body was kicked flying.

With the strengths such as Fan and Jack enough to defeat ordinary lieutenant generals, facing only a few major generals and a group of school-level military officers and naval elites, it is naturally easy to crush.

But in a short while, a large number of navies were killed, blood was scattered all over the earth, and it was extremely tragic.

"damn it!!"

Porusalino, who was hiding to the side, looked extremely gloomy. Looking at the navy who were being slaughtered constantly, he was extremely angry. Even his extremely smooth personality was burning with anger in the face of this scene.

In particular, in his domineering perception, the two lieutenant generals "Ghost Sword" and Luo Qi, their breath has disappeared, apparently fell under the shocking blow.

Two veteran lieutenants!Such losses are enough to make the Navy Headquarters extremely distressed!

Any lieutenant general of the navy headquarters was killed from the sea of ​​corpses and blood. He was an absolute powerhouse and the backbone of the navy.

However, no matter how angry Polsalino was, he didn't dare to act rashly, but stared at the sea that was gradually returning to calm, with a lot of fear in his heart.

There, there is an extremely terrifying momentum that is gradually rising!


The gradually calm sea surface was once again startled by waves, and the shocking eyes in Polsalino gradually separated like a cracked earth, as if it was torn apart by a great force.

"Polsalino, won't you run away?"

A figure was walking on the ground, stepping in the air, walking up step by step, looking at the startled and angry Kiwi, and said lightly.


Looking at Kizaru indifferently, an invisible but extremely terrifying aura quickly spread from Kaido's body and pressed towards Kizaru.

"What?! This... is this overlord's arrogance?!"

Polsalino's face was pale, his body trembled slightly, and he was shocked by the terrifying aura.

Kaido has the aptitude of Overlord. Although Kizaru is surprised, he doesn't care too much. After all, although Overlord is rare, it is only relative to the first half of the great waterway. In the new world, those who have Overlord aptitude People are like crucian carp crossing the river.

But being as powerful as Kaido, so that top lieutenant generals like him are affected, it is extremely terrifying.

"Hmph, run away? You are a little conceited, don't you think you have defeated me?"

Although Polsalino has a smooth personality and has long planned to run away, he is also arrogant and arrogant. Being so contemptuous by Kaido, he is naturally extremely annoyed and replied with a sneer.

"Really?" Tilt his head, Kaido stared at Polsalino with some playfulness, and sneered: "Then, be careful, Polsalino!"

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