The slender body arched slightly, a terrifying momentum rose, the muscles of the whole body were shaking slightly, and the terrifying power was gathering, and it might explode at any time.


In the next instant, the overwhelming gust of wind roared up, like a sharp arrow from the string, Kaido stepped on the void, rushed out, and stepped a distance of tens of meters in an instant, and punched Porusali with a punch. promise!

"not good?!"

The fierce wind whistled, and Polsalino's face changed greatly. In his sight, a fist was rapidly enlarged, and it slammed into front of him in an instant, making him subconsciously protect his hands in front of his chest. Got hit with a punch.

Chapter [-] Ends


The terrifying fist, with terrifying power, slammed directly on Kizaru's body.

"Damn!!" Blood spurted, Polsalino said with a little anger, and the whole person flew out in a mess, but there was no major injury. After all, he was a top lieutenant general, and he was not that fragile.

"Are you alright!"

Kaido reached out and grabbed it, and the invisible tyrant's territory was instantly covered, and the area of ​​several kilometers was instantly controlled by Kaido.

"Try this!"

Muttering, Kaido stretched his right hand towards Kiabou, and the invisible gravitational force instantly enveloped Polsalino, and the terrifying suction force instantly sucked him over.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

"What?! What's going on!"

The figure suddenly shook, and the whole person was uncontrollable. Polsalino, who was sucked in, looked extremely shocked and a little unbelievable. No matter how quickly he reacted, when he wanted to escape with elementalization, he inadvertently found Kaido. The figure has appeared in the sky above him.


With an extremely indifferent expression, Kaido raised his right foot high, dark red lightning intertwined, with a terrifying overlord color and armed color, and kicked down heavily, kicking directly on Polsalino's abdomen, letting him Like a cannonball, it flew out heavily.


The ground collapsed and cracked open, and Polsalino smashed to the ground in an embarrassed manner, covered by the raised dust.


In the dust in the sky, Polsalino directly spit out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person was in a state of embarrassment.

However, Kaido didn't give Kizaru any chance to breathe, his long hair fluttered wantonly, his muscles were tense, and the strength of his whole body was constantly gathering, and his terrifying aura couldn't stop rising.

Domineering entwined, he attached his hands to a layer of black armor, the dark black with a cold cold light.

Then, a punch hit.

"Day Tiger!!!"

The air was constantly shaking, and then, a huge ferocious tiger phantom appeared in mid-air, carrying a terrifying ferocity, making people tremble, and slammed down at an alarming speed.


The indescribable explosion appeared, with a shocking mushroom cloud, drowning Polsalino.


The earth is constantly crumbling, cracking in all directions, and then breaking apart.


The entire Chambord Archipelago was trembling, large buildings kept collapsing, and terrifying air waves rolled up large rubble trees, slamming around, sweeping a large area.

The huge west port was completely shattered. Looking from the air, the entire Chambord Archipelago was like a piece of cake being bitten, and the entire west corner was completely destroyed.

"Huh? Have you escaped?" Standing in the void, Kaido frowned. Although he didn't feel domineering, but with Kaido's perception that was more terrifying than beasts, he could vaguely sense Polsalino. His breath did not fall under his own attack.

Even, even the previous kick did not cause too much damage to it, but Kaido is not surprised, after all, he is a natural person with the ability to shine fruit, the future admiral, even if it is far from twenty years later. So strong, he also has the strength of a top lieutenant general. With less than one-third of Kaido's strength, he can't crush the opponent like he crushes other lieutenant generals.

Of course, if it is to restore the cost body, it will be different.

"Hahaha, he really deserves to be the boss of Kaido!"

"How is that possible?! Even Lieutenant General Polsalino was defeated?"

"Fight them!"

Looking at the terrifying scene of that day's cracking, Jack laughed loudly. Compared with the navy, they were desperate, and the remaining major generals were even more indignant and shouted angrily.

"If you want to die, then it will fulfill you!!!"

Jack roared, the incomparably huge elephant body shook the earth, slammed forward brazenly, with a terrifying momentum, shaking the sky and the earth.

The battle soon ended. Under the attack of Jack and Fan, two powerful men comparable to lieutenant generals, the elites of the navy who did not have the same combat power were easily crushed.

The three major lieutenant generals, many generals, and thousands of navy elites who came to Chambord Archipelago were all wiped out except for Polusalino who had fled!



The sea was slightly turbulent, and a group of seagulls flew leisurely from the sky.

In the southern port of the Chambord Archipelago, a pirate ship with a length of twenty meters and a width of more than ten meters is docked at the pier. It is a Jack pirate ship.

Although it was at the port where Kaido and Polsalino and other lieutenants fought, it was also affected many times, but fortunately, it was not destroyed by the aftermath of that battle and was well preserved.

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