Of course, stimulation is exciting, but Kaido knows that he is definitely hated by the other party. Thinking about it, he was suddenly thrown a bomb that was about to explode on his head, and it was blown up. Even if he did not suffer any damage, his anger was Absolutely, and definitely not small.

Even Kaido himself, if someone does this, I am afraid that he will directly tear the other party, let alone an extremely arrogant-looking heavenly power.

"Forget it, the world is endless, it's almost impossible for "[-]" to encounter it!" But soon, Kaido shook his head and said indifferently, as Kaido said, the world is endless , like the constant sand in the sea, there are countless numbers, and the chance of encountering them is too small.

The so-called All Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms is just a general term. If it really counts, even the system may not be able to know all of it!

Of course, Kaido didn't know at this time that he really went to that world in the future, and also ran into each other.

"By the way, that woman was very beautiful just now!" Squinting his golden eyes, Kaido rubbed his chin, recalling the face he had seen before, with that arrogant and ruthless look, he was definitely a queen of the previous generation. Now, coupled with the terrifying strength of the peak of the sky, people are full of the desire to conquer, and they can't help but want to conquer it.

It's a pity that the other side's chest is so pitifully small that it can almost be said to be flat.

"Well, poor" "Milk is also a rare resource, isn't it?!"

Soon, Kaido let go of his thoughts and hurried to Jingling Court with a chuckle, leaving behind the collapsed thousands of miles of land.


At the gate of the messy Jingling Court, many gods of death from the fourth division healed other wounded gods of death and healed their injuries——

This was scalded by the super high temperature caused by Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's previous swastika.

And the captains such as Kuchiki Byakuya, Jingle Chunshui, Zaraki Kenpachi, Komamura Zuojin and even Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, who are at the forefront, are receiving the healing of Uzuru Hanaru, and obviously, they are many captains at the same time. The healing made Mao Zhihualie's consumption a little serious. The originally gentle face was full of crystal sweat, and the braids that were originally coiled were also messy and stuck to the face. It looked a little embarrassed, but it was full of sacredness. brilliance-

like an angel.

"Wipe it!"

A flat and gentle voice came, and then a white palm stretched out with a clean handkerchief, wiping the sweat for Uzhihualie.

"Thank you..." Feeling the gentle touch on his face, Uzhihualie turned his head with a sincere and gentle smile on his face. He was about to say thank you, but suddenly froze there, with a thick expression on his face. stunned color

"It's you?!"

There is no doubt that the handsome young man with long silver hair and golden eyes looking at her tenderly in front of her, with a noble and sacred temperament, is undoubtedly the one who caused the entire Jingling Court before and defeated her. Almost all the captains, including Captain Yamamoto, almost destroyed the mysterious man of Jingling Garden, especially the other party who claimed to be——

Void King!

But why does this mysterious man, who has the power of a god and crushed the entire Jingling Court, look at her tenderly?

Isn't the other party the kind of person who fights every time they disagree?

"My name is Kaido!"

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, Kaido looked at Uzhihualie's rare and extremely surprised expression with satisfaction, and then lightly raised his white chin, his golden pupils looked directly at the other party, and chuckled lightly.

"Your smile is very beautiful. I like it very much. You have to show it to me often. If you can't do it, then I will destroy the Jingling Court." The white fingers gently rubbed against the dryness of Uzhihualie. The lips of Kaido showed a smile, and said very terrifying words gently——

This made Uzhihualie feel powerless to complain.

"By the way, you are not allowed to show this kind of smile to others, or I will kill him!"

Soon, Kaido narrowed his eyes again, with a soft smile, and said threatening words, and then Kaido quickly lowered his head, and lightly tapped on Uno Hanaritsu's somewhat dry lips, like a touch of water. Then, without hesitation, he turned around and walked out, leaving behind a bewildered face of Uzhihualie.

"It's your time next, so I won't disturb you."

He waved his hand indifferently, and Kaido's tall and straight figure gradually disappeared into the distance.

"I am..."

Staring blankly at Kaido who was gradually disappearing, Unoka Lie raised his right hand and gently touched his lips, feeling the feeling of an electric shock in the previous moment, and said with a bit of laughter: "I was taken advantage of!"

God is pitiful, even after hundreds of years of age, Uzhihualie's first kiss is still preserved and has never been taken away by others. In fact, with the extremely arrogant character at that time, coupled with the terrifying incomparable strength, It is almost impossible for other men to gain her approval. The only man who can defeat her is an uncle who is about to enter old age (Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai). Another threat is a beast that only knows how to fight (Zaraki Kenpachi). …

Therefore, even if he is a few hundred years old, Uno no Hana Lie is still a young child who still has his first kiss. He was suddenly attacked by Kaido just now, so he would naturally be stunned.

"But...it feels good too!"

Putting his right hand lightly on his chest, feeling the heart beating violently again in addition to the battle, Uzhihualie said lightly, and a gentle smile evoked the corner of his mouth again, but this smile was more than usual smile -

Too much warmth and a touch of sweetness.


"We are..."

"I was fed dog food?!"

"That guy is really strong! We must fight him again!"

Looking at Kaido, who had disappeared, and at Uzhihualie, who had a very gentle expression and a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, several captains and gods of death who were present wanted to cry without tears. impulse--

4.7 Don't bring such abusive single dogs! ! !

Of course, one of the unsociable words was directly ignored by everyone.


ps: By the way, Sister Hua is so shy, will it be too fast?

But probably not. After all, Sister Hua has never been in love for hundreds of years, and only knows how to fight and kill. Kaido, who suddenly appeared at this time, is not only extremely powerful (choose Jing Lingting), but also has the previous Sen Luo. A sword rekindled Sister Hua's ambition, coupled with her gentle actions and a domineering kiss at this time, it shouldn't be impossible to make Sister Hua shy, right?

Love scenes can't be written, don't blame! (T_T)/~~

In other words, the god of death I like is Sister Hua!

The last point, the author of the comment area can't post comments now, so I'm sorry if I can't reply! .

Chapter [-] Dialogue Aizen (Second)

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