No matter how the sluggish death gods roared with grief and indignation in a fucking mood, at this time Kaido had left the Jingling Court and came to a certain place in Liusoul Street, with a complex complexion on his face. of Matsumoto Ranchu and Young Mori Peach.

" actually defeated Captain Yamamoto!"

Standing aside, Matsumoto Ranju looked at Kaido, who was leaning on the stone chair with Erlang's legs crossed, and sighed with a complicated expression.

Although he knew Kaido's strength very well before, but after today's battle, Matsumoto Ranju really understood Kaido's strength, which is like a god.

The desperate and suffocating power also extinguished the last thought in her heart.

"Captain Aizen...Xiaobai..."

The young Sen Tao on the side was completely in a trance, muttering two names in his mouth, his expression was dark and full of despair.

"Hmph, if you know, just stay with me obediently!" Looking at Matsumoto Ranju, who had a complicated face, Kaido snorted lightly, raised his hand and pulled Matsumoto Ranju into his arms, the bumps had "" "" The body is extremely hot, and it is extremely comfortable to hold.

"I treated Ichimaru Gin like that before, so worry about it!"

Playing with Matsumoto Ranju's golden hair with both hands, Kaido said in a flat tone, directly making Matsumoto Ranju's tender body tremble, and went silent. Kaido didn't care, but held Matsumoto Ranju fiber "" thin The waist "" limbs, did not take the opportunity to do anything, but quietly accompanied her.

"It's impossible to say not to worry... It's just fine... I will never have anything to do with him in the future..." After a long silence, Matsumoto Ranju said quietly, with a slightly lonely expression on his face, but more Much but firm.

Although Matsumoto Ranju is not a decisive person, she will not make a swaying appearance. Since she has become a woman of Kaido, she will not continue to entangle with Ichimaru Gin.

Not only to protect Ichimaru Gin, but also to follow Kaido wholeheartedly.

"Very good, since you chose to follow me, then I won't treat you badly!" Raising Matsumoto's white chin, looking at those water-like eyes, Kaido said seriously, and then kissed "" directly. Those full "" full of gorgeous lips.

After a long time, Kaido let go of Matsumoto Ranju, who was panting and his face was full of red, under the peeps of Hinamori Tao's blushing face, and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction. Kaido could feel that Matsumoto Ranju had begun to respond to him sincerely, Instead of being as hypocritical as before.

This undoubtedly makes Kaido very satisfied. Just the harvest of Matsumoto Ranju is worth Kaido's trip to the Soul World, not to mention the fact that he has also teased Uzhihua before, and the effect is not bad.

It is conceivable that as long as you put in a certain amount of effort, it will be a matter of time before you can take down Uno no Hana—

Although Kaido has always liked "Japanese" for a long time, it is also good to talk about feelings occasionally.

As for the young Sen Tao on the side, Kaido looked at the shy young Sen Tao with a smile, and said jokingly, "How about you, little girl? When will you give yourself to me!"

As soon as the words fell, the originally coquettish "" Hina Sen Tao, who was shy and uneasy, directly frowned, covered her chest with both hands, and stammered, "Kai... Lord Kaido...I...I..."

Obviously, he didn't expect Kaido to be so direct, and Hinamori Momo was so ashamed that he couldn't speak.

In all fairness, Kaido itself is extremely handsome, and coupled with his terrifying strength, for the young girl in the flowering season, the lethality is indeed great, if not for the existence of Aizen and Kaido who once slaughtered the virtual circle to conquer the troops. In one scene, maybe Hinamori Peach has been captured by Kaido.

"Hehe... Still thinking about your Captain Aizen? Very well, let's show you his true colors!"

Looking at Hinatao's panicked appearance, Kaido smiled lightly, didn't mind anything, but said something meaningful, and then looked in the other direction indifferently in the stunned eyes of Hsintao, and said plainly. :

"Aren't you coming out yet? Aizen!"

The calm voice came from a distance, almost unbelievable for Hinamori. You must know that she had seen Aizen being severely injured by Kaido before, how could it be here at this time——

If Kaido knew what Hina Sen Tao was thinking, he would look at her jokingly, and then joked, girl, you are so young, don't you know that there is a power called Jinghua Shuiyue?

Obviously, the previous Aizen has been in a state of looking back, watching Kaido's battle with many captains the whole time.

"As expected of Lord Kaido, he found out at once!"

Soon, in the stunned and surprised eyes of Hina Sentao, the whole body regained the dashing blue dye before, and walked out slowly, came to Kaido's side, and said with a slightly compliment, of course, in Kaido It seems to be extremely hypocritical.

"Blue... Captain Aizen!"

Seeing Aizen approaching slowly, Hinamori stammered, with a look of surprise on her face.

"It's you, Vice-Captain Hinamori Tao!"

However, what surprised Hinamori was Aizen's gentle but unfamiliar greeting, which seemed to be polite, causing Hinamori to stand still.

Staring deeply at this "Grim Reaper" who was the biggest, most successful, and most compelling boss in the early stage, Kaido sighed slightly, and said in a cold tone:

"Aizen, put away your fake smile, I hate it very much!"

Looking at Kaido's indifferent expression and rude words, Aizen's face froze slightly, and then she restrained a gentle but hypocritical smile, and took off her black-rimmed glasses, her eyes suddenly became sharp and ambitious, and her whole body became full of ambition. His temperament also changed suddenly, from a good old man with a gentle smile on his face, to a ruthless and forceful villain.

Such an astonishing change was not only stunned by Hina Mori Tao and Matsumoto Ranju, but even Kaido, who had expected it, was slightly stunned, and then sighed in his heart. The most compelling villain, just this one is not covered.

Of course, although he was a little surprised in his heart, Kaido was still very cold on the surface, and he said indifferently:

"What are you doing here with me? Aizen!"

"Aren't you afraid I'll kill you?!"

Said, Kaido looked at Aizen with some playfulness, and the terrifying murderous aura was crushed by a terrifying spiritual force, almost suffocating.


Rao Yi Lanran's amazing strength was also caught off guard, and he groaned directly, and his face flushed directly.


Chapter [-]: The ruthless blue dye (third more)


The incomparably powerful Reiatsu suddenly burst out from Aizen's body, turning into a white halo and wrapping around his body, resisting the Reiatsu from Kaido.

"Spiritual pressure is good!"

Seeing this, Kaido raised his eyebrows slightly, and commented lightly, his expression extremely dull.

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