A Reiatsu several times that of a captain may be amazing to others, but to Kaido, it's just not bad.

If it weren't for knowing that Aizen would combine the power of Bengyu and break through the dimension of the god of death in the future, Aizen at this moment would not be in Kaido's eyes at all.

After all, even Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, who was sworn, was defeated by Kaido, and Aizen in the state of death was not as good as Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai of Shijie, let alone compared with Kaido.

"Since the lord has expressed his attitude before, naturally he will not take action against Aizen now!" With the release of a terrifying spiritual pressure, Aizen's expression returned to its original state, with an indifferent smile on his face, as if everything was in the palm of his hand. Absolutely confident.

"What if I go back on it!"

There was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, Kaido stared at Aizen maliciously, his golden pupils flashed a dangerous light, making the confident Aizen feel a little cold, and regretted a little in his heart.

"If I suddenly go back and regret it, it is absolutely impossible for you to escape, not to mention that you dare to use Jinghuashuiyue on me now, you are just courting death!" The golden eyes flashed with chilling murderous intent, Kaido raised his hand As soon as he grabbed it, the power of all things galloped, and he was directly caught in a piece of nothingness, and then he ripped it directly, shredding the false illusion directly, revealing Aizen's original embarrassed figure——

The whole body is covered with scorch marks, the hair is messy like the head of a chicken coop, and the handsome cheeks are all burnt marks, directly from a strong villain to a beggar, obviously because of the injuries affected by the battle before. , Before I could sort it out, I hurried over to meet Kaido.

This scene made Matsumoto Ranju and Hinamori Peach on the side exclaimed in surprise, especially Hinamori who was severely hit and had an unacceptable expression on his face.

When had she ever seen a male god in such an embarrassing moment?

Especially the beggar-like Aizen and his indifferent expression, who sat on the stone chair like a king and looked down on Aizen's Kaido. Compared with the two, it was simply the gap between heaven and earth.

This gave Hinamori Tao a feeling of disillusionment.

"As expected of an adult, you can easily crack the Kyoka Suizuki below" ~!" Seeing Kaido raising his hand and tearing up his Kyoka Suizuki, Aizen was shocked, but he quickly adjusted and said with an expression of admiration. , "You must know that even all the gods of death in Jingling Court, including Captain Yamamoto, couldn't notice that Kyoka Suizuki, who was below, was easily toyed by below!"

Aizen did not care about Matsumoto Ranju and Matsumoto Ranju on the side, and directly spoke about her own affairs. Although it was very rude, there was no doubt that Matsumoto Ranju and Matsumoto Ranju were not released by Aizen. in the eyes.

Just like Kaido's power is enough to despise all the captains including Aizen, Aizen also doesn't take the Shinigami's gods of death in his eyes, and only Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, who has shown unprecedented terrifying power, can make Aizen become of fear.

'how come! '

Hina Sentao covered her mouth in horror and looked at the incomparably cold, disdainful and mocking Aizen at the corners of her mouth. She couldn't imagine that the man in front of her would be the fifth team who had always been very gentle and good-natured before. team leader.

Hina Sen Tao is not an idiot. At this time, after Aizen's own admission, combined with the previous Kaido's words, she understood all at once. The previous Aizen was a deliberate disguise and deceived the entire Jingling Court, just for herself. achieve your goals.

This gave Hinamori a sense of betrayal of being deceived.


"Stop talking nonsense, why did you come to find me?"

Xing glanced at the disbelieving young Sen Tao, Kaido waved his hand at Aizen impatiently, and said coldly.

"I'm here for the virtual circle!"

Seeing Kaido's impatient look, Aizen was not angry, but maintained a humble attitude and asked Kaido indifferently—

Maintaining a humble attitude under Kaido's power is not a big deal for Aizen, who has been hiding for hundreds of years.

"The virtual circle? That place is already my territory, so you don't need to delusion!" Looking at Aizen, Kaido chuckled, his eyes full of playfulness.

"Your ten blades have all surrendered to me, don't you feel surprised?! Is it unexpected!?"

After finishing speaking, Kaido looked at Aizen with a smile, trying to see his extremely angry gaffe expression, but Kaido was still disappointed, in the end he was the villain, even if there was a hint of anger on his face, he quickly restrained, His face was calm and unconcerned.

".々 Under the power of the adults, it is only natural for them to surrender!"

Aizen smiled indifferently and said indifferently.

Although the virtual circle is very important to Aizen, even Aizen's back path, but since it is occupied by Kaido, Aizen doesn't care. Jinghua Shuiyue took Bengyu calmly, and easily retreated under the siege of the captain, even Yamamoto Yuanliuzhai could not stop Aizen.

This is the confidence of Aizen!

"Then, there's nothing else to do here, don't disturb the adults!" Said, Aizen bowed slightly towards Kaido, and when he was about to turn and leave, Kaido's indifferent words came over.

"Hina Morita is your vice-captain, right? I want her!"

The tone was laziness and flatness, which shocked the dejected young Sen Tao, whose big watery eyes stared at Lan Ran, for fear that he would say something sad.

"If your lord wants it, take it with you. It's just a (Li Li's) vice-captain anyway."

With an indifferent smile, Aizen said indifferently, as if the Hinamori peach was just a trivial item, extremely cold.

In fact, Aizen really didn't care about Young Mori Tao. In the original book, Young Morita was after Aizen finished using it, and then cut her to the ground without hesitation, and didn't take her to heart at all.


Aizen's words were like a bolt from the blue, completely shattering Hinamori Tao's last hope. The originally bright eyes were directly darkened, and the bright and pretty face was extremely pale, as if dead, and Matsumoto Ranju, who was watching, was worried.

"Okay, you can go!"

Waving his hand, Kaido said with a look of disgust, and then he ignored Aizen, who was gradually moving away, and looked at Hina Mori Tao, who was jokingly, and said maliciously.

"Xiao Tao, now you belong to me!"


Chapter [-] Lolita Riding on the Face (Fourth)


After receiving severe blows one after another, Kaido teased him again at this time. Finally, Hina Mori Tao, who couldn't bear it anymore, let out a wow, and started to cry. Tears streamed down. Eye-catching.

After all, she is a little girl. Although she is at least a hundred years old, compared with the old people of ordinary people, Hina Sentao is still a pink and tender little girl. How can she withstand this kind of blow? !

"Little...Xiao Tao!"

Looking at Hina Mori Tao, who was crying loudly and extremely sad, Matsumoto Ranju on the side was in a hurry, not knowing what to do.

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