"823 better beat me first!"

Uozhihualie gently raised his abyss-like evil eyes and stared at Kaido lightly, exuding a fierce and terrifying murderous aura.

At this moment, she is no longer the gentle and black-bellied medical team leader of the Fourth Division, but the one who masters all the kendo schools in the world.

The first generation of Kenpachi, known as the unparalleled villain in the history of the corpse soul world - Unohana Yachiryu!

The two changes before and after are amazing and amazing.

Unparalleled elegance, nothing more than this!

"It's really beautiful. It's completely two styles from you before, but it's still not inferior!"

Looking at the long black hair scattered with black hair, with an incomparably evil smile on his face, and the incomparably enchanting Maozhihua Baqianliu, Kaido said in amazement.

Maybe Mao Zhihualie's appearance is not the best among the women Kaido has seen, but such a peerless style is unique, and Kaido is fascinated by it.

"This kind of you, only I am qualified to have!"

There was a domineering smile on the corner of his mouth, Kaido opened his hands, showed the sword of all things, and said it indifferently.

"For this, I will do my best to defeat you!"



ps: The second update, please subscribe! ! ! .

Chapter [-]: Battle with Sister Hua, the Technique of Sword Intent (Chapter Three)

"That's good, come and beat me!"

Filled with an incomparably evil smile, Uzhihua Yaqianliu slowly pulled out the meat shizuku in his hand, and the snow-white blade flashed a terrifying cold light, which made people horrified at a glance.

"I'm going!"

His deep eyes seemed to engulf all black holes, Uzhihua Yaqianliu was staring at Kaido, her delicate mouth said slowly.

"no problem!"

With an indifferent smile, Kaido's eyes twinkled, staring at Unohana Hachiryu, his mind began to concentrate, this time Kaido will not use other powers, and will only use kendo to defeat Unohana Hachiryu.

Therefore, in the face of a tenth-dan kendo master like Unohana Yachiryu, Kaido couldn't be more serious.

"very good!"

There was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, and a strong fighting intent flashed in the eyes of Uzhihua Baqianliu.

Scimitar swordsmanship!

Almost before the voice of Unohana Yachiryu could fully reach Kaido's ears, the petite body of Unohwa Yachiryu disappeared silently from Kaido's eyes.

high speed!

Kaido's eyes narrowed, and his mind was fully released. Without any extraordinary power, he searched for the whereabouts of Uzhihua Yaqianyu with pure intuition.

found it!

In an instant, Kaido's golden eyes skyrocketed, and the sword of all things in his hand was instantly connected, without any terrifying ability, only pure swordsmanship.

The time between the disappearance of Unohana Hachiryu and Kaido's reaction seems to be a long time, but in fact it is only about half a second. In this short-lived time, Unohwa Hachiryu advances and retreats at will. The petite body has already appeared silently beside Kaido, and the meat Shizuku, which is more curved than the ordinary Zanpakutō in his hand, quickly beheaded——

A bright, snow-like sword light shone, with a biting chill, like a deadly death blade, making people unable to react.

Clang! !

The incomparably crisp sound of sword clashes resounded violently and was extremely harsh.

I saw Kaido holding the sword of all things, blocking the beheaded meat Shizuku, and Kaido took over the terrifying swordsmanship.

"The strength is good, Lie!"

Squinting his golden pupils, Kaido stared at Unohana Yachiryu, who had a bloodthirsty smile in front of him, and had an earth-shattering change compared to before, and couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

In fact, with Kaido's current strength and strength, if he can say that his strength is good, it means that the opponent's strength is quite strong.

And there are only two or three people who can make Kaido admire his strength, including Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai.

Of course, compared to strength, the swordsmanship of Unohwa Baqian-ryu is more powerful, reaching the tenth stage of the peak of kendo, and even peeping into the higher realm of Uno-hana Baqian-ryu, surpassing everything Kaido has ever seen. Strong Swordsman.

"As expected of the first generation of Kenpachi!"

Staring at Unohana Hachiryu, Kaido said with admiration, as a woman, Unohwa Hachiryu is well-deserved power and beauty, which makes people heart-warming.

"Thanks for the compliment!"

The blade is holding Kaido's sword of all things, and after being praised by his beloved, Uzhihua Yaqianliu's mouth evoked a charming smile, obviously extremely happy.

"However, let's beat me first!"

Immediately, Uzhihua Baqian's rhetoric turned, and the blade instantly slashed out a terrifying sword pressure, slashed directly on Kaido's sword, and slashed Kaido heavily.

"Eight Thousand Streams Bailie Slash!"

Before Kaido could stand firm, Uzhihua Yaqianryu's eyes flashed, and the "Baqianryu" swordsmanship created after combining all the schools of kendo in the world was used by Uzhihua Yaqianryu.

In the void, the incomparably sharp blades violently slashed out, and the dense violent swords cut through the atmosphere, madly slashing towards too many explosions, and the earth was directly torn apart by terrifying sword qi into terrifying cracks.

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