"Good come!"

As soon as he stood firm, he saw the terrifying sword pressure coming from the sky and covering the earth. Kaido's eyes skyrocketed, and he fell directly into a mysterious realm.

Sen Luo Kendo·Meteor Sword!

Even though he has never practiced kendo, he has experienced many battles, fought against many powerful enemies, and fought against many top swordsmen. He has already learned all kinds of terrifying swordsmanship.

And with Kaido's strength, it can be said that it has reached a peak. For Kaido, any swordsmanship can be learned just by looking at it, and it can be integrated in an instant, and it has reached a higher peak.

The so-called one law is all ways, which refers to the current Kaido.

Today's Kaido has stepped into the mysterious realm, integrated the kendo of the major swordsmen, and the Senluo kendo created by the power of all things. Terrible swordsmanship!

As if a dazzling meteor streaked across the starry sky, this swordsmanship that did not belong to the human world showed the dazzling dazzlingness of a meteor flashing by, with the will of a meteor—

Although the meteor is short-lived, the light shines.

This is a sword like a shooting star, which instantly annihilated all the heavy swords that came from beheading. In front of the brilliance of this meteor, all the swords were completely suppressed and destroyed like the dim starlight.

".々What a strong swordsmanship, no, this is no longer swordsmanship!"

Looking at the terrifying swordsmanship that Kaido used, almost destroying his own swordsmanship, Uzhihua Baqianliu's black eyes like abyss skyrocketed, with a strong surprise, and deeply felt the horror of it.

"Going beyond swordsmanship and giving the will to swordsmanship, this is already a higher level of swordsmanship, enough to be called swordsmanship!"

Give swordsmanship the will, and elevate the swordsmanship that was originally a dead thing to a higher level, and a sword at hand is far superior to swordsmanship, but—

Sword Intent!

This is the higher realm of kendo pursued by Yaqianliu Uzhihua.

"It's amazing, it's really worthy of you!"

Uzhihua Baqianliu's eyes were filled with a strong sense of amazement. Such a profound realm of kendo was the realm she dreamed of (Qian Zhao), but now it was easily used by Kaido, which made her both shocked and proud. .

He was shocked that the realm he dreamed of was easily achieved by Kaido, and he was proud that the man who used such swordsmanship was his lover.

"Even so, it's far from over!"

Soon, Uzhihua Yaqianliu restrained his shocked expression, even if Kaido used the technique of sword intent, it was impossible for Uzhihua Yaqianliu to directly admit defeat.


The little feet wearing clogs cracked the ground, and the figure of Uzhihua Yaqianli disappeared in an instant, and then in Kaido's intuition, a strange appearance appeared beside Kaido, and the sword edge poured down like a torrential rain, slashing. Countless sword lights came out.

clang clang...

In a short instant, the entire void was filled with endless terrifying sword qi, and the vast ground collapsed in an instant, and was instantly cut into countless pieces by the terrifying sword qi.


ps: The third update, please subscribe! ! .

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixteenth Chapter Swastika · All (fourth more)

Boom boom boom! ! !

The incomparably terrifying sword energy smashed into countless pieces, and was crushed into powder by the sword and dissipated in the boundless air.

"Clang clang..."

Incomparably violent sharp strikes resounded frantically, and every collision erupted with monstrous sword energy, directly slicing large areas of the ground.

I saw Uzhihua Yaqianliu's white body like a ghost, flashing in the space constantly, and a head of ink-colored hair constantly fluttering in the air, like a beautiful butterfly.

The slender jade hand held the Zanpakutō and kept slashing in the void, slashing out a terrifying sword pressure intertwined vertically and horizontally, smashing the boundless earth, and tearing it towards Kaido.

bang bang bang...

The incomparably sharp swords collided in the air, turning into countless sword qi and scattering out, slicing large areas of the earth.

I saw Uzhihua Yaqianliu and Kaido turned into two extremely fast afterimages and collided in the air. Every time the Sword of Senluo Vientiane and Meat Shizuku in their hands collided and slashed, a large number of explosions would erupt. Sword Qi, shattering large areas of the earth.

The two people collided violently, and the large tract of land they passed was directly smashed. Countless stones were crushed into powder by the terrifying sword, and scattered in the air, forming a gray fog that covered the sky and the sun, and would soon be crushed by the sword. The storm blew straight away.

In just a short period of 977 kung fu, the earth with a radius of [-] meters was directly torn into pieces by the sword energy, and the earth was full of terrifying traces intertwined vertically and horizontally.

This is a pure kendo collision, the battle between swordsmanship and swordsmanship, but it still caused extremely terrifying traces.

One is to master all the kendo schools in the world, and reach the peak of the tenth stage of kendo, and even peep into a higher-level kendo master.

Although the swordsmanship is not comparable, it is unmatched in the two worlds, and the power of all things is almost omnipotent, and he has mastered a higher level of swordsmanship.

The kendo battle between the two was like a needle-point against Maimang. The terrifying sword energy flew upside down, and the powerful swordsmanship ripped apart the atmosphere, smashed into pieces of the earth, and chopped thousands of meters of land into pieces.

"Completely at a disadvantage... and also directly learned my swordsmanship...let my swordsmanship become stronger and stronger..."

After the violent collision, Unohana Yachiryu felt more and more shocked. Looking at Kaido, whose swordsmanship gradually became stronger and stronger, Unohwa Yachiryu was shocked.

At the very beginning, Kaido's kendo level was high, and he mastered the incomparable swordsmanship, but in swordsmanship, he was far inferior to the [-] of the flowers, let alone the [-] of the flowers. Ryu also mastered countless swordsmanship.

But with the collisions again and again, Uzhihua Yaqianliu suddenly found out that Kaido was stealthily learning his own swordsmanship, and integrated it into his own swordsmanship, making it more and more Scared up.

"It's getting stronger and stronger..."

As the battle continued, the pressure on Uzhihua Yaqianliu became more and more intense, and the terrifying swordsmanship that continued like a surging Yellow River had already made Uzhihua Yaqianliu unbearable.


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