"Are you comfortable? Lie!"

The tall body pressed against the petite body of Uzhikalie, Kaido smiled with a full foot, looking at the fascinated and charming Uzhihualie on his face after the love was over.

"Well... it's never been so comfortable: I've taken it... it's like flying to heaven..." The slender jade hand circled around Kaido's chest. said with a sigh.

"Much more fun than fighting..."

As the first generation of Kenpachi, the desire to fight of Uno no Hana: Hope is no weaker than that of Zanaki Kenpachi. When he was still the captain of the eleventh division, he often went to Ryuhun Street in the name of crusade against rogues in Ryuhun Street. Looking for a fierce general who can please her, it is conceivable that she is eager to fight.

Even though she has been serving as the captain of the fourth division all these years, she has worn away some of her hostility and desire to fight, but she is still a person who is eager to fight 13.

At this time, Uzhihualie can say such words, which is enough to imagine the impact this night has brought to her.

"Yes, that's fine!"

Hearing the words of Uzhihualie, Kaido smiled contentedly, and then ruthlessly kissed Wuzhihualie on the lips, what man doesn't like to be praised by his own woman?This is the thing he is most proud of, even Kaido is no exception——

Even if he himself is an exaggerated monster!

"You, it's been one night and you're still not satisfied?"

Sensing Kaido's pride, Uzhihualie nodded his forehead angrily, and said helplessly.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Uno no Hana Lie was a powerful woman, he really couldn't hold up Kaido's madness.

"Hehe... Who called you too charming... It's not enough!"

Seeing Uzhihualie say this, Kaido smirked, but did not refute, his expression was full of fascination: the color of love.

Kaido doesn't know why he is so obsessed with Uno Hana: Love, maybe not only because he is one of the favorite female characters in his previous life, but also because of his motherhood——

After all, Kaido was an orphan in a previous life!

"Besides...I don't know who has been pestering me before...I still need to...don't stop and so on..."

Having said that, Kaido's golden eyes staring at Uzuru Hanaru were full of jokes.

To tell the truth, last night, the enthusiasm that burst out of Uzhihualie last night also shocked Kaido, not like a chick at all, but like a deep niece who wants to be dissatisfied.

This also made Kaido understand that under the gentle and holy appearance of Uno no Hana Lie, there is a sullen and sultry heart!

"You!? It's cheap and still good..."

Being teased by Kaido like this, Mao Zhihualie couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and angry. He couldn't help but slap him lightly, his mouth pouted slightly, like an angry little daughter-in-law, looking very cute.

"Yeah! I'm just complacent and good-natured... Do you want another morning exercise!?"

Looking at the attitude of the little girl, Kaido smiled lightly, and clasped the hands of Uzhihualie lightly with both hands, forming a gesture of intimacy and closeness with ten fingers intertwined, while staring at him with incomparably hot eyes. Wearing Mao's flowers.

Thinking of the various old driver poses that he had with Uno no Hana Lie last night, Kaido couldn't help but feel a little swayed and wanted to have a morning exercise.

"Ah! I can't do it...don't..."

Seeing Kaido's golden pupils emitting a scorching light again, kissing, intimate contact: the part that touched, the position and the state: hardened, Mao Zhihualie couldn't help but turn pale.

Even if she is as strong as her, after a night of expedition, he can no longer hold it, where can he come again?She is not a monster like Kaido.

"Just kidding... I'm not the kind of man who only cares about himself..." Kaido couldn't help laughing a little dumbly, looking at the pale face of the flower, and he was not a man who only cared about himself. For women, Especially a woman like Uzhihualie, who she likes, naturally has to hold it in the palm of her hand and protect it, and she can't be too rude.

"Okay, it's already dawn, I'm going to get up: go to bed... go to sleep!"

Reaching out and pinching Mao Zhi Hua Lie's nose, Kaido stared at her and said in a loving tone.


Uzhihualie didn't refute, but replied gently with a blushing face, with a sweet smile on her face, obviously she could feel Kaido's love and doting on her.

What's more, she is really tired now. Although the battle of the night made her extremely happy, it also made her tired.

"Okay, you continue to sleep... eh!?"

Just when Kaido appeased Uzhihualie, and was about to get up, he suddenly frowned and looked at the position of the first team, with a look of surprise on his face.

"This spiritual pressure... so unfamiliar..."

Even at a great distance from the [-]st team building, Kaido could still sense the appearance of a powerful and unfamiliar Reiatsu, and there was also a higher-dimensional aura coming from it, as if the other party——

It is not the existence of Jingling Court!

"Is it Team Zero?"

Wrinkling his brows slightly, Kaido said to himself with some doubts, you must know that the Zero Division at this time did not appear in the Soul Soul Realm!

"Team Zero?!"

Seeing Kaido's appearance like this, and hearing Kaido's muttering to himself, Uno Hanaritsu was slightly surprised, and then said to Kaido as if he had remembered something.

"570, that's right, today is the day when Team Zero arrives... I forgot!"

Speaking of this, Uzhihualie had a headache. When Team Zero came, she didn't even show up. Don't think about it, she was definitely hated by Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai.

"I'm going to make Captain Yamamoto angry now!"

Seeing Mao Zhihualie's headache like this, Kaida waved his hand and said incomparably overbearing:

"An Xin, you are my woman. If the old man from Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai dares to be angry, I will tear him down!"


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