Seeing Kaido's domineering appearance, Uzhihualie chuckled, but he felt a little warm in his heart, knowing that Kaido was protecting himself.

"You, don't think that if you are strong, you can do whatever you want. Squad Zero is not easy to mess with...especially that soldier's head, Ibei!"

Speaking of this, Uzhihualie couldn't help but wrinkle her beauty and became slightly worried.

"Oh, if you have the strength, you can do whatever you want!"

Seeing the worried look of Uno no Hana, Kaido's mouth curled into a disdainful smile.

"Let me go to the mysterious zero squad!"

"I hope they don't let themselves down!"


ps: I’m so tired. I’m exhausted after coding all day. I couldn’t help lying down for a while, but I didn’t expect to sleep until after nine o’clock! (covers face)

The eighth is estimated to be after 12 o'clock! .

Chapter [-] Team Zero (Eighth)

Jingling Court, the first team.

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai looked at the Tianzhu chariot falling from the sky with a serious face, his eyes twinkled, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"That's Team Zero?!"

"The legendary royal special agent!"

"I don't know what kind of terrifying existence it will be... There are rumors that a captain has joined the zero team before... I don't know if it's true or not..."

The many captains standing behind Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai stared at the falling Tianzhu chariot. Except for a few veteran captains, the rest of the faces were a little curious, and the rest of the deputy captains even discussed directly, even if As the vice-captain, he was not qualified to know about Team Zero. Naturally, he was extremely curious about this mysterious and unpredictable team.


Under the gazes of everyone, the huge Tianzhu chariot fell down at an extreme speed, setting off a violent gust of wind, hitting the ground heavily, and the sky filled with smoke and dust, and the earth trembled for it.

"Soul Soul Realm..."

"It's been a long time since I came!"

Just when everyone looked at this Pillar of Optimus with curious eyes, a strong and nostalgic voice came, which shocked everyone and stared at the past.

I saw a bald monk standing on the huge Tianzhu chariot. He had thick eyebrows and beards, a wide nose and a tall and sturdy body. He was wearing a wide-sleeved coat of feather knitting, and a ring of huge particles hung around his neck. The red beads look extremely rough.

"It's really lively...Is this the thirteenth team of the Guardian?" Standing on the Tianzhu carriage, the rough-looking monk glanced at everyone present, with a kind smile on his thick face. , staring at Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, and said, "You don't need to be so grand..."

"Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Heavy Country!"

The burly and tall monk stood there with his arms wrapped around his arms, staring at Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai with a pair of red eyes that seemed to condense mysterious wisdom, with a familiar expression.

'So strong! '

Looking at the sudden appearance of the great monk, all the gods of death present suddenly became solemn, and their expressions were extremely shocking.

From the great monk in front of them, they felt a terrifying aura that was no worse than Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, or even stronger.

"'The real name is called the monk', the head of the army, a soldier...ˇ..."

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai calmly looked at the head of the army, the soldier, and asked plainly.

"Are you the only one here!?"

As soon as the voice fell, there were several other figures walking out from behind a soldier in the main army, two men and two women!

"Yo! Long time no see, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai!"

"Ha, I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, and you are still so old and strong!"

"Haha... I heard that you have a headache recently... You were defeated by a guy who suddenly appeared!"

As soon as several figures appeared, they teased to Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, as if they had friendship.

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai stared at everyone with a calm face, and did not respond, but said their names one by one:

"Kirin Shitian Shoulang!"

A middle-aged man with an airplane nose and a small wooden stick in his mouth shrugged his shoulders and glanced at everyone with a little interest.

"Hikun Kiryu!"

A fat-looking aunt waved at everyone enthusiastically, with a bright smile on her face, just like a wet market aunt, but the momentum exuded from her body made people stunned and dare not underestimate.

"Two Wang Yue!"

The middle-aged man with a weird explosive head and a sloppy appearance is the second house Wang Yue, who is the creator of Zanpakutō. It is enviable that he also created many women's materialized Zanpakutō and kept them in his palace.

Really envious and hateful!

"Shutara Thousand Hand Pills!"

The last woman, with mid-length black hair that is parted to the side, wears intricate golden hair accessories, and a white shawl with clasps. The elegant woman with a beautiful face and pale complexion is Shutara. Qianjumaru, nicknamed "Da Zhishou", is the creator of the death tyrant costume.

"Yo, Mayori, long time no see!"

An elegant woman with a pale face, Shutara Senjumaru looked at Nie Mayuri who was standing behind Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, raised his hand and said hello.


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