"The third!"

Just like the method, in just a second, the Tianshou Lang of Qilin Temple appeared in front of the several captains, and at the moment when he could not react, he punched them, and then returned to the Tianzhu carriage. Swiftness, (bdde) can only be discovered by monsters with incredible strength such as Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai and Aizen, and the rest have not even reacted.

This is the speed of the Tianshou Lang of Kirin Temple, who has the title of "Oriental God General" of "Xunlei Tianshilang". His speed is so fast that even Broken Bee did not respond in the original work, far surpassing the "Shen Shen" night one.


"what happened?!"

"When did you get hit!"

Severe pain suddenly hit, causing Ukitake Shirou and others to cry out in pain.

Faced with the attack of the Kirin Temple Tenshoulang, they haven't even reacted.

'What an amazing speed, even I can only react! '

A look of shock flashed under the dark framed eyes, and Lan Ran stared at the members of Team Zero standing in the Tianzhu carriage, with intense fear in her heart.

Although the strength of the Kirin Temple Tianshoulang is very strong, in Aizen's view, it is not exaggerated enough to be able to defeat several captains in an instant, relying on amazing speed and unexpected situations.

But this is already amazing enough. Based on the strength of the Kirin Temple Tianshoulang alone, if there is no Kyoka Shuiyue, even Aizen will need to spend a lot of hands and feet to defeat.

And only one player has such strength, what about the others?What kind of terrifying strength does that great monk who has an amazing momentum and even surpasses Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai?

All this made Lan Ran feel jealous, after all, he is not an invincible existence.

"Kirin Temple Tenshou, what do you mean!! Demonstration?!"

Facing the sudden attack from the Kirin Temple Tenshou Lang, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's face suddenly turned cold, and a terrifying spiritual pressure that was as hot as the sun burst out instantly, crushing the Kirin Temple Tenshou Lang.

"Okay, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, that's not what he meant!"

A soldier of the main army stepped forward, and his tall and burly body suddenly exuded a terrible spiritual pressure that was not weaker than Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai. Buichibei had a seemingly simple and honest smile on his face.

"What's more... that Kaido was personally predicted by the Spirit King... A super dangerous person who will destroy the Three Realms, including the Spirit King's Palace in the future... Uzhihualie and him are really wrong!"

Spirit King's prophecy? !

Destroy the Three Realms? !

Hearing the words of the head of the army, Ichibei, everyone was startled, looked at each other in astonishment, and felt uncertain in their hearts.


ps: It seems that I took too much in one breath yesterday, and I feel a little burnt out all of a sudden. Today, two is even better! (lie).

Chapter [-] I am Lord Kaido's maid!

Spirit King——

It is the wedge and foundation of the Soul Soul Realm. The entire Soul Soul Realm, even the present world and the virtual world, exist on the basis of the Spirit King. Once the Spirit King falls, not only the Soul Soul World, but also the virtual world and the present world. Destroy it.

It can be said that the Spirit King is a veritable king of the Three Realms, and is the basis for the existence of the Three Realms. It is absolutely not allowed to make any mistakes.

Therefore, the status of the Spirit King is supreme in the Soul World, and it is also a symbol of the Soul Soul World. It is heavily protected by the Soul Soul World. Anything involving the Soul King will be highly valued by the Soul Soul World.

The blue dye of the original book wanted to kill the Spirit King and ascend to the throne of the sky, so as to control the Soul Realm and even the Three Realms.

But now, Team Zero has all appeared in front of everyone, and announced to everyone that in the future, Kaido will become the demon that destroys the Three Realms, and this prophecy was spoken by the Spirit King, which naturally shocked everyone.

"Ichibei, the head of the army, are you telling the truth!?"

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's anger also subsided at this time, his face was extremely serious, full of heavy colors.

Originally, he only reported the existence of Kaido to the zero team, and did not intend to do anything else, and even Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai did not think that the zero team would deal with Kaido in a big way.

After all, although Kaido's strength is extremely terrifying, and he is still the king of the virtual circle, he has no intention of destroying the Jingling Court, and he has no intention of being hostile to the Soul Society. , it's not worth the zero squad dispatched at all—

Originally Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai thought so.

But now that the Spirit King is involved, and the destruction of the Three Realms is involved, it is indeed enough for Team Zero to be dispatched.

What's more, Kaido once told him that he wanted to control the Three Realms and ascend to the position of the Lord of the Three Realms——

This is undoubtedly a shot at the Spirit King, and only when the Spirit King falls can Kaido become the Lord of the Three Realms. This is why the Spirit King predicts that Kaido will destroy the Three Realms.

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's face was sinking like water, and the more he thought about it, the more shocked he became. He wanted to kill Kaido directly to prevent all this from happening.

However, it is a pity that Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, who has seen Kaido's true strength, knows Kaido's horror. It is not a monster that the captains of the Soul Society, including his captain, can fight.

Even the mysterious and unpredictable Zero Division has a combat power that surpasses that of the Gotei Thirteenth Division, and even the more powerful 'Monk's real name', the head of the army, Ichibei, is not necessarily an opponent.

"I don't have to lie to you, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Chongguo!"

A soldier in the main division of the army held his hands together, his tall and burly body exuded a terrifying power, and his simple and honest face had a heavy look, and said slowly.

"Just a few days ago... The Spirit King sensed everything about me... That man will turn into a demon that destroys the world... Destroy the Three Realms!"

"Spirit King's eyes can see through the future... He is omniscient and omnipotent, and there is no way he can make mistakes!"

"That man is extremely dangerous... that's why we all go down!"

Spirit King prophecy? !

The devil that destroys the Three Realms? !

The astonishing news came from the mouth of a soldier in the main division of the army, and it shocked everyone to feel dizzy, and their hearts were extremely heavy.

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