If what Ichibei said was true, then the Three Realms would be really dangerous, not to mention whether Kaido's identity as the king of the virtual circle was true, but he easily overturned many captains single-handedly, and even easily defeated the use of swastikas. The solution, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, even showed the terrifying destructive power that can destroy the corpse and soul world, which is enough to make everyone despair.

The thought of confronting that kind of monster made everyone feel a little bitter. A monster that destroys the world, how do you fight it?

Even with the appearance of Team Zero, everyone didn't think they could fight against Kaido, and even if Tenshiro of Kirin Temple showed his incomparable strength, everyone didn't have much confidence.

After all, the strength shown by Kaido at that time was too terrifying, far from being comparable to Team Zero.

"Then...that, I think Kai... Lord Kaido should not do such a thing..."

Just when everyone's faces were distressed, standing next to many captains, the deputy captain of the fourth division - extremely tall and tall, more than [-] meters tall, with short silver hair like a boy's Hu Toru Yongyin, suddenly said, She is timid and timid, and her tone stammered under the gazes of everyone.

"elder sister!"

· · · Flowers 0

Standing not far away, Hu Toru Qingyin, who came with Shirou Shirou, looked anxious and hurriedly shouted in a low voice.

"Who are you!"

Qilin Temple Tianshilang's eyes suddenly sharpened, and he asked in a deep voice, and the terrible spiritual pressure suddenly rolled away like a tidal wave towards Tiger Toru Yongyin.

As a member of the Zero Division, the strength of Kylin Temple Tianshilang is naturally far from that of an ordinary captain, and his spiritual pressure is far stronger than that of an ordinary captain. How can a vice captain of the medical unit who is not good at fighting be able to fight against him? ?


I saw Hu Cheyongyin groaned, and the overwhelming terrifying spiritual pressure rolled over, and he couldn't help but black out before his eyes, and he was almost not crushed directly.

"elder sister!!"


"Yongyin! How are you!"

"Yongyin... are you alright!"

Seeing Toru Yuyin like this, Ise Nanao, Kuchiki Rukia and other women all changed their expressions and asked anxiously.After serving Kaido for more than a month, the relationship between them has also deepened. Although it is not exaggerated to the extent that life can be handed over to each other, it is more than enough to become best friends.

"I'm fine!"

Toru Yuyin bit his pale lips, shook his head with difficulty, and released Reiki all over his body to resist the terrifying Reiki of Kirin Temple Tenshiro.

"Who are you...why do you call that demon a lord!?"

Kirin Temple Tenshiro asked incomparably coldly, with a strong sense of chill on his face.

It's not his intention to bully the small, but if it involves Kaido, don't ask.

"Vice Captain Toru Yuyin of the Fourth Division... is the maid of Lord Kaido!"

Facing the question from Tianshilang of Kirin Temple, Toru Yuyin bit his lip, enduring the pressure that almost crushed her, and said word by word.

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked!


ps: It is the Kylin Temple Tianshilang, not the Kylin Shitianshoulang. This name is correct. In other words, this person is also a sad reminder. I wrote the wrong name twice, and I will be hanged and beaten later. Tragedy to bear! (covers face)

Change the recommendation list on Friday, I don't know if I can make it! (sorrowful face).

Chapter [-] I appreciate you a little bit (the first)

Does she know what she's talking about...

Hearing Hu Cheyongyin's words, everyone stared at her blankly, their eyes flashing with disbelief.

"Sister!! What are you talking about!"

At this time, Hu Che Qingyin couldn't help but growled anxiously, her tone was extremely anxious, she never thought that her sister would openly admit her relationship with Kaido.

You must know that Kaido was predicted by Reiya to be the demon that destroys the Three Realms. It is still unclear what his fate will be, but at this time, those who are related to him will definitely not have a good fate.

Without him, the Spirit King is really too important. Any danger involving the Spirit King, even if there is only a [-]% possibility, Team Zero will do its best to rule it out.

This is the common thought of all the gods of death in the entire Soul Society, including the central forty-six rooms.

At this time, Toru Yuyin, who stood up "One Five Zero" to admit his relationship with Kaido, will definitely be the first to be excluded.


Ise Nanao on the side bit her lip, and her indifferent face had a strong complex color. She admired Toru Yuyin's courage to stand up and speak for Kaido in this situation, even if that person might not be will appreciate.

'That heart-stealing bastard! '

Thinking of a certain romantic guy, Ise Nanao couldn't help but cursed, his heart was full of resentment.

For Kaido, Ise Nanao's senses are very complicated, and he can't tell whether it is hate or love!

After all, the other party is not only the king of the virtual circle, but also the mortal enemy of the god of death. In addition, he defeated almost all the captains when he came to the Soul Realm, and even almost destroyed the entire Jingling Court.

But on the other hand, the other party saved Jing Lingting again. If the other party hadn't blocked Captain Yamamoto's swastika, I was afraid that all the gods of death present at that time, including Jing Lingting, would be destroyed. From this point of view, the presence of All should thank him.

In addition, Kaido himself is a very attractive man. Not only is his strength extremely powerful, but his appearance is also very handsome and masculine. This is still very attractive to Ise Nanao, who has been staying by an uncle's side. , not to mention that in this more than a month of getting along, Ise Nanao himself has been eaten up tofu, and he has a little affection for him. It may not be called love, but he still has a great affection. .

After all, a strong and attractive man is still very attractive—

Even if the other party is nice.

But even so, Ise Nanao did not dare to stand up and speak for Kaido in this situation. Although the opponent was strong and did not need her to speak, there were also reasons for fear.

For the members of the thirteenth division, it is still not dare to resist the zero division, which is exclusive to the royal family. After all, the feelings for Kaido are not enough to make Ise Nanao even risk his life.

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