Aizen pushed the black-rimmed glasses, and there was a glint in his eyes, looking forward to the amazing collision between Kaido and Team Zero. Aizen didn't think that Team Zero, who guarded the Spirit King, would be inferior to the [-]th Team of the Guardian. , even if there are only five people, in Aizen's opinion, it will surpass the Gotei Thirteen Team.

In particular, the "real name called a monk", the head of the army, is a soldier, and the other party's danger to Aizen is even far greater than that of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, which makes Aizen extremely fearful.

"Master Kaido!"

Hu Cheyongyin's eyes widened, his hands covered his mouth all of a sudden, and he looked at the man standing in front of him like a god in the dust in surprise, and immediately recognized the identity of the other party.


"He is the devil who will destroy the Three Realms in the future?!"

"He looks so handsome!!"

"His strength is terrifying!"

Seeing Kaido's appearance and injuring Tianshirou of Kirin Temple with just his aura, the rest of the people standing on the Tianzhu chariot all looked at Kaido with great interest, and their expressions were full of dignified meaning. Dora Senjumaru's eyes flashed strangely, as if he was very interested in Kaido.

"Silly girl, are you trying so hard?"

Kaido turned around, his golden pupils stared at Hu Toru Yongyin, completely ignoring everyone in Team Zero, and a large warm hand pressed directly on the extremely tall Hu Toruyin's head, which was 186 centimeters wide. The height is only half a head shorter than Kaido, which can make Kaido look down on the opponent, but this does not prevent Kaido from killing the head and ravaging the opponent fiercely.

"I said you stupid girl... If I'm here a little bit late today, wouldn't it be miserable for you guys!"

A pair of big hands ravaged Toru Yuyin's small face like kneading dough, Kaido said a little angrily.

In fact, Kaido was not angry at the actions of the girls, but was rather relieved and moved.

After all, they have only been with each other for more than a month, and Kaido's identity is still an enemy, and the few of them were forced by Kaido to come over from Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, not of their own accord.

However, under such circumstances, they were still willing to stand up and defend themselves, which was enough to make Kaido moved, and was determined to carry them to bed.

"Woohoo ... right ... sorry ... Kaido ... adult ..."

With Kaido smashing his cheeks, Toru Yuyin said in a slurred voice, his delicate and lovely face was rubbed into a funny shape by Kaido.

"Xiao Kai, come here!"

Seeing Kaido's appearance, Baqianliu's eyes lit up, with a touch of joy on his tender and lovely face, and he immediately waved at Kaido.

"Eight thousand streams are good!"

Seeing Baqian-ryu greeting him, Kaido also smiled and said, and he fell in love with Baqian-ryu who spoke for him even more.

"You guys are good!"

Letting go of Toru Yuyin's ravaged flushed cheeks, Kaido looked at the girls with a playful look, and said solemnly.

Although the pleas of several women were of no use to Kaido, their love was remembered by Kaido.

"Hmph, I'm not begging for you!"

With a cold snort, Ise Nanao said a little arrogantly, her cold face pretended to be flat, and Jingle Chunshui, who was watching on the side, felt a little heartache.

This is completely contradictory!

"Ha ha……"

Kaido shook his head and smiled. He didn't tease the arrogant Nanao Ise, but turned to look at Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai who was standing in front of him with a cold expression, and greeted him with a smile.

"Old man Shan, why didn't I realize that you were a little cute before... At least not exactly a stinky and tough old man!"

He waved at Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, Kaido's tone was full of emotion, and the indifferent Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's mouth twitched slightly, his white eyebrows and beard trembled slightly, and he almost slashed Kaido without drawing a knife.

"Humph! I'm just protecting my subordinates... After all, they're the ones who will be harmed by you because of me!" Haoxuan restrained his anger, and Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai glanced at Kaido coldly. said.

"What's more, as the devil who destroys the Three Realms, you are the target of our crusade!"

After speaking, Yamamoto Motoyuzhai closed his eyes and ignored Kaido, as if he was lost in thought, and had no intention of accepting Kaido's gesture.

"This old man... his temper is still the same, stinky and hard!"

 637 Seeing Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's performance like this, Kaido smiled helplessly and said with a headache.


At this time, a voice full of anger came, which made Kaido look over in surprise, and saw Kirin Temple Tenshiro staring at him angrily, his expression full of anger and humiliation, just like the expressions of the other zero squads Also a little ugly.

"Are you being too arrogant? You ignored us!"

Standing on the chariot of Tianzhu, Tianshilang of Qilin Temple looked down at Kaido from a high position, his expression extremely ugly.

"Team Zero!"

Squinting his golden eyes slightly, Kaido quietly stared at Kylin Temple Tenshiro, a terrifying aura emanated, making Kylin Temple Tenshiro horrified, as if being stared at by a terrifying monster.

"What are you guys? Are you worthy of my attention?!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was like a group of ridicule, which instantly made several zero squads angry, and even the soldier's head guard looked bad.

"What did you just say about Uzhihualie?! Stupid woman?!"

Ignoring the frightened and angry members of Team Zero, Kaido stared at Tianshirou at Kirin Temple, obviously standing below, but his aura was so strong that he was above them in an all-round way.

"Who gave you the courage to say that?"

As soon as the voice fell, Kaido disappeared without a sound.


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