Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-fifth Thousands of Miles Tongtian Palm (first more)

Disappeared! !

Kirin Temple Tenshiro's face froze, and there was a flash of shock in his eyes, and even he did not see the trajectory of Kaido's movement.

not good!

Suddenly, Qilin Temple Tianshilang felt a chill in his heart, as if some danger was coming, and when he was about to use Shunbu to leave the place, an earth-shattering force came from his right face, as if he was being driven by a fast-moving train. When he collided with him, a big foot landed on his right face, instantly kicking Kylin Temple Tenshiro out of the Tianzhu chariot, and blood was scattered in the air along with a few teeth.

Boom boom boom! !

The air banged wildly, and the body of Tianshilang of Kirin Temple was like a cannonball, hitting layers of sonic booms in the air at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, and shooting towards the distance at extreme speed. If there is no accident, it will fly away. to the distant horizon, yet—

In less than one hundredth of a second, Kaido's figure appeared strangely in the sky above Tenshiro of Kirin Temple, and a big foot fell like a giant god, and stepped on his face, terrifying. The strength of his face directly dented his face. If it weren't for the resistance of the spiritual pressure, I'm afraid that the entire head would be directly smashed. Rao's body also slammed down at an alarming speed.

boom! !

The violent vibration came, the hard ground shattered in an instant, and the sand rose into the sky like a sea wave.

All this happened in less than a second!

"It's rubbish!"

Long silver hair fluttering, golden eyes condescendingly looked down at Kirin Temple Tenshiro, who was lying in a pothole like a dead dog, Kaido said contemptuously, his expression full of disdain.

"But the bones are very hard!"

As a member of Team Zero, their body bones will be remodeled by the power of the Spirit King when they are selected, and become the 'king key' that enters and exits the Spirit King Palace.

That's why it was enough to withstand Kaido's head-on kick, but his head was not crushed.

At this time, the people of Team Zero, including all the captains, were able to react. They looked at Tianshilang of Qilin Temple lying down at Kaido's feet in horror. Strength, the members of Team Zero who injured several captains in an instant, were killed just like that?

It's too strong, like a monster, no, it's a power like a god——

This is the thought of everyone present in the thirteenth team of the Guardian. Even if Kaido showed his god-like strength more than a month ago, it could not hide the shock of everyone.

'What an amazing speed, completely unable to react! '

Aizen lowered his eyes, covering up the shock in his eyes. If it was the Kylin Temple Tianshilang, Aizen could still react. Even if Shunbu couldn't match his shoulders, his neural response could still keep up with the speed of the other party, so he wouldn't be left alone. Hanging on the side.

But if it is replaced by Kaido, even if it is only based on speed, it will be able to hang Aizen at this time and fight, and there is no resistance at all.

"Tenshiro! 〃`!"

"I was easily defeated...and I was killed in an instant..."

"This speed... is too exaggerated!"

Shutara Senjumaru, Ermei Yawang Yue, and Hibune Kiryu all widened their eyes, and some couldn't believe they looked at Kirin Temple Tenshiro, who was like a dead dog, and Kaido, who stood proudly like a god. .

You must know that the two strongest aspects of Qilin Temple Tianshilang are speed and medical skills. The speed of the former far exceeds that of "Shen Shen" Ye Yi and has reached another level. The medical skills of the latter are even taught by Mao Zhi Hua Lie. Yes, nature is far more powerful than Mao Zhihua.

However, at this moment, in front of everyone in Team Zero, Tianshilang of Kirin Temple was easily killed at an absolute speed, and he couldn't even react, which was really amazing.


"Young are too much!"

At this time, standing in front of the Tianzhu chariot, a soldier of the soldier's main department with a sullen face said, and the thick voice spread far away, with a hint of dissatisfaction.

This made Kaido involuntarily raise his eyebrows, and his golden eyes stared at the soldier's head guard, and asked in surprise, "So what?!"

Yes, so what?

Not to mention the mere members of Team Zero, even if the Spirit King is here, Kaido doesn't mind killing the opponent directly, even if the Three Realms are destroyed because of this, Kaido won't care.

As the two looked at each other, the atmosphere suddenly became heavy, like a sticky ocean, and like a nuclear bomb about to explode, a shocking war would break out at any time.

Everyone looked nervously at the two sides, wary of the next war that was very likely to break out, and at the same time they were a little worried about which side to help.

One is mysterious and unpredictable, and directly belongs to the Spirit King's Zero Team, whose status is far higher than that of the Guardian Thirteenth Team; the other is extremely powerful, who single-handedly overturns the entire Jingling Court, and can destroy even the Soul Realm.

Neither party can easily offend, and this is where everyone has a headache.

".々 Team Zero is the Spirit King's escort, a special force directly under the royal family... You are provoking the Spirit King!!"

The tall and burly body exudes an astonishing aura, the originally simple and honest face is full of chills, the black eyes are red, staring at Kaido fiercely, the voice rumbles like thunder, making people extremely shocked.


Shutara Qianshoumaru and the others looked at the head of the army, Ichibei, with some joy, knowing that the strongest man in the King's Palace was finally angry.

"so what?"

Kaido asked again, his right foot stomped heavily on the face of Kirin Temple Tenshiro, his golden eyes stared at the other side, his tone was flat but with a contempt, he said:

"It's the Spirit King, anyone who dares to provoke me will die!"

His voice was sonorous and powerful, with an unquestionable meaning, causing the girls behind him to suddenly turn red, looking at Kaido with some joy, their hearts filled with joy.

Who (Li Wangzhao) can directly offend the Spirit King for a few women who are not particularly close like Kaido?almost non-existent.


Not only Shutara Qianshoumaru and the others were extremely frightened, but the soldier’s main body, a soldier, shouted violently, and his tall body suddenly stepped out, majestic, as if a higher-dimensional spiritual pressure rioted out——

Thousands of miles to the sky! !

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