A soldier of the main army raised his right hand, and the spiritual child with a radius of thousands of meters was drained in an instant, and then a huge palm was condensed out of thin air.

The density of spirits in this palm is extremely astonishing, exuding an incomparably thick and terrifying coercion, carrying an incomparably terrifying destructive power, crushing the atmosphere ahead, and slaps Kaido heavily.

This palm is like the palm of a Buddha!



ps: The author can't post comments now, and some questions in the book review area can't be answered at all, I'm sorry! .

Chapter [-] Dye it black!A word! (Second more)

The huge palm was in the air, and the terrifying momentum shook the entire first team, causing an amazing movement in the entire Jingling Court almost instantly.

The sudden shock of the head of the army, Ibei, shocked everyone present. No one thought that the leader of the zero division, the head of the head of the army, looked simple and honest. How could he raise his hand to shoot such a terrifying attack.

Boom boom boom! !

The giant palm pressed into the air, and the terrifying breath rushed towards the face, crushing the layers of atmosphere, as if it could destroy the world with one palm, which was extremely terrifying.

The members of Team Zero, especially the leader of the main army, Ibei, have all the bones of the whole body are the brand-new skeleton 'Wang Jian' constructed by the power of the Spirit King, not only the physical strength is far beyond the ordinary Death God, but also because he lives in the spirit child all the year round. The Lingwang Palace with a density several times that of the Soul World——

The density of spirits there is so high that even the vice-captain-level Death God will be directly overwhelmed when he enters the Spirit King Palace, curled up on the ground and unable to move.

Therefore, the members of Team Zero attack at will, and the density of spirits is far higher than that of ordinary captain-level death gods, and the power is amazing. The density is far beyond everyone's imagination.

 753 The power of this palm is so earth-shattering that even the "all-knowing and all-powerful" king of the Quincy, Youhabach, can shoot out of the Palace of the Spirit King with one palm.

"Do it if you don't agree with one word? Great monk, your character suits my appetite..."

"But... I hate someone looking down at me condescendingly..."

Facing this sudden attack, which was enough to crush the top captain with a single blow, Kaido raised his eyebrows, his face was calm, his silver hair was flying freely under the strong wind pressure, and his golden pupils were shining brightly. Shenghui, like a god in the dust.

"The Fourth Movement of All Things - Factor Imitation!"

Kaido's golden pupils shone with dazzling light, his hands spread out, and the terrifying power of all things galloped out, and in an instant, he copied all the mysteries of the palm of the head of the army.

The fourth movement of all kinds of things - factor imitation, the ability of this movement can imitate any power and move, as long as you take a look at Kaido, you can imitate it accurately, its power is not weaker than the original version, or even stronger.

"Thousand Miles of Heavenly Palms!!"

The mysterious and incomparable power of all things was replicated in the palm of Qianlitongtian (bdfi), and then Kaido took a step forward, and when he raised his hand, he shot it with a palm, and the terrifying spiritual pressure rioted out, drawing tens of thousands of meters in an instant. The spiritual son of the sky instantly condensed a huge palm that was no smaller than the former, and the density of spiritual sons was even denser.

The giant palm came out from the sky, and like a god, a palm protruded out of the gods, which could destroy the Eight Desolate Worlds.

This palm is like a prison!

what! !

The pupils of the soldier's head guard shrank heavily, and a look of horror came up, covering his rough face. He never thought that Kaido would be able to raise his hand and blast out the same move as himself.

boom! ! !

The astonishing collision that shocked the many gods of death resounded, a terrifying sound that was dozens of times louder than thunder, and instantly shook the entire Jingling Court, and then——

The violent collision erupted in the sky, like the explosion of a nuclear bomb, and the terrifying aftermath swept the entire team in an instant. Countless houses were torn apart by the terrifying storm at this time, and countless boulders shot out all around, smashing all the way. Passed through many houses and walls.

"What a terrible collision!"

"The aftermath alone is so powerful!"


The people in the center of the storm were almost blinded by the terrifying aftermath, and if they hadn't released their spiritual pressure defenses in time, they would have been blown away by the violent wind. It can be seen that this collision terrifying.

boom! !

A crisp sound of shattering sounded, and in the stunned eyes of everyone present, the Qianli Tongtian Palm from the soldier's main body was directly smashed by Kaido's same palm, and the gust of wind that turned into a pure spiritual child whistled in the air!

Boom boom boom! !

The giant palm crossed the sky, crushing the layers of atmosphere, like the palm of a god, carrying an almost suffocating terrifying power, and slapped heavily on the head of the army, Ibei and others on the Tianzhu chariot, and the violent wind Even blowing their clothes loudly.

"not good!!"

Unprecedented danger struck, as if it was about to be smashed directly by this palm, even the unfathomable strength of the military leader, Ibei, his face suddenly became solemn, and he took out a huge brush like a brush in an instant. Zanpakutō, then read out Zanpakutō's liberation language.

"Dye it black! One word!"

Like a solemn Buddhist language, a soldier in the main division of the army spoke like thunder, and instantly released the Zanpakutō, and saw that the front section of the original huge brush directly turned into a sharp blade——

The soldier's head guard, a soldier, wielded a mysterious Zanpakutō called "Cut the name but not the meat", and quickly wrote a huge word "Defense" in front of him. In an instant, an invisible defensive barrier was created in front of him. It seems to be able to defend against everything, with an indestructible and terrifying power.

boom! !

The giant palm shot across the sky, like the palm of a god, directly shooting out cracks in the invisible defensive barrier in front, and the terrifying power was vented wildly, and the dense cracks spread throughout the barrier, as if the next second To explode directly.

clack clack...

The cracking sound continued to sound, and within half a second, the entire barrier almost exploded. The terrifying power brought by the giant palm shocked the faces of several people in Team Zero, almost suffocating.

'Can't defend! '

A thought flashed in his heart, and the face of the soldier's main department, Ibei, became ugly, and his heart was full of depression. , and now even the defenses laid down will be directly smashed.

"seal up!"

Although I was extremely depressed in my heart, the movements in the hands of the soldier's main body, a soldier, kept moving, and he quickly wrote a huge "seal" in front of him. Suddenly, the invisible atmosphere quickly condensed, and in an instant, Form another huge defensive enchantment.

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