It sounded like the sound of a sharp blade piercing through the body, and the sound of the body being torn apart. The six arms behind Shutara Qianshoumaru, who was standing beside Kaido, were torn apart abruptly, and they were neatly broken from behind. Falling, blood poured out directly, dyeing the earth red, and then in the painful groan of Shutara Qianshoumaru, the whole person knelt directly on the ground, and there were bursts of pain all over the body. , completely lost the fighting power.

"so fast……"

Kneeling to the ground weakly, Shutara Qianshoumaru's face was extremely painful, and it was a little difficult.

Just when Kaido's figure came to Shutara Qianshoumaru in an instant, he also touched it in an instant. In less than a tenth of a second, he directly cut off six skeleton arms, and instantly repaired it. Dora Qianshoumaru attacked dozens of times on his body, directly seriously injuring him.


A fat figure with some embarrassment appeared, it was Kiryu Hizune. At this moment, she was widening her eyes and shouted anxiously, her expression full of anxiety.

"Is it just a moment's effort... What a real 3.5 monster!"

At the rear, the two Wang Yue walked step by step, holding the "sheath Fu" in his hand, staring at Kaido with a heavy face, with a strong color of fear.

"Did you see it? Shutara Qianshoumaru, this is my power!" Ignoring the two of them, Kaido bent down slightly, stretched out his white palm and raised Shutara Qianshoumaru's chin, staring playfully. facing each other.

"Stay by my side... For the sake of your face... I will make you my maid!"

Said, Kaido loosened her chin, did not seek her opinion, but straightened up, stared at Hibune Kiryu and Ermeiwu Wang Yue, and said plainly.

"As for the two of you... just run over to death!"


Chapter [-] Fighting with Team Zero! (Second more)

Hearing this, Hibune Kiryu and Ermei Yawangyue's expressions changed one after another, and they couldn't help but gloomy, their whole bodies tensed up, ready to be prepared for Kaido's surprise attack.

If Kaido had said this before, the two would not have been so nervous, but now Kaido has shown an overwhelming terrifying power, but it made them terrified.

"Captain Yamamoto, do you still want to stand by and watch?"

Holding the unremarkable "Sheath Fu" in her hand, Wang Yue of the two houses looked at Kaido vigilantly, and shouted at Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai loudly, her tone full of anxiety.

"He is the devil who will destroy the Three Realms... If we wait for him to behead us... Then the Soul Realm will not be able to stop him in the future..."

"Do you want to watch the corpse soul world be destroyed?!"


Every word was heartbreaking, and the words of Ermeiwu Wang Yue made Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai narrow his eyes, and clenched his hand on crutches tightly, and his heart was full of entanglements.

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai was naturally moved by the words of Ermeiwu Wangyue. As he said, if Team Zero was killed by Kaido, then in the future, if you want to prevent Kaido from destroying the Three Realms, you will only rely on the Soul Realm. Undoubtedly, it is the man's arm blocking the car, and it is impossible to stop it.

However, if you help the 17th team at this time, you will undoubtedly stand on the opposite side of Kaido. With the terrifying strength displayed by the opponent, I am afraid that Jingling Court will be destroyed today - not to mention his injury, so far It hasn't fully recovered yet, and there is no way to fully exert one's body, and even if it goes up, it is useless.

"Mr. Yuanliuzhai... think twice!"

Seeing that Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai seemed to be moved, Shiruro Ukitake's face changed slightly, he stepped forward quickly, and said to Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai in a low voice.

"The Jingling Court today... can't stop that monster!"

Shiruro Ukitake's words silenced Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, not only himself, but also the other captains were more or less injured after the battle more than a month ago.

If it is against an ordinary opponent, it is naturally not afraid, but if it is against a monster like Kaido, it is just a gift.

If the entire Jingling Court is compensated just for a possible future, even a stubborn person like Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai is reluctant to do so.

If it is possible to win, even if it is only a [-]-[-]% success rate, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai doesn't mind giving it a try, but there is a [-]% chance of dying - as long as it is not an idiot, it is impossible to do so.

So, under the despairing eyes of Ermeiwu Wangyue, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai was silent, not only did not move, but closed his eyes and turned a blind eye to all this.

At this moment, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai also understood, what if Kaido might destroy the Three Realms in the future?As long as Uzhihualie and others are there, even if the other party really wants to do this, they will be concerned about their feelings.

After all, from the observation of this period of time, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai is very sure that Kaido is the kind of person who loves beauty but not the country.

"Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai! You will regret it!"

Seeing the appearance of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, Ermeiwu Wangyue closed her eyes in despair and roared in a low voice.

"The old man never regrets it!"

With his eyes closed, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai said lightly.


"Two House Wangyue... The man who created the Zanpakutō... The man with the title of 'God of Swords'..."

Ignoring the decision of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai and others, Kaido quietly stared at the two Wu Wang Yue who looked extremely dreadful, stretched out his right hand with some solemnity, and said.

"I like your forging skills... How about being my subordinate? As long as you surrender, I can consider letting go of the members of Team Zero!"

"Knife God" Two House Wang Yue, who is the man who created the concept of Zanpakutō, it can be said that all Zanpakutō in the Soul World are made by him, from this aspect we can see his forging How powerful is technology.

Not to mention that the other party can also create a female Zanpakutō, and even form a female bodyguard, this ability is simply enviable and jealous.

Of course, Kaido values ​​the other's forging skills more. After all, Kaido is going to build a supreme empire that dominates the heavens and the world. Talents from all walks of life should not be missed. good.

"...Submit? I'm sorry! I have no idea of ​​leaving Lord Spirit King and becoming someone else's subordinate!"

Seeing Kaido say this, Ermeiwu Wangyue was obviously startled, obviously a little surprised at Kaido's invitation, but soon, he gave a wry smile and directly refused.

As a royal spy, how could he betray the King Spirit and surrender to the enemy?

"Really? That's really a pity!"

Hearing this, Kaido was not disappointed, but said indifferently, Kaido did not think that a member of the dignified zero team, a man with the title of "God of Swords", would betray the Spirit King because of his own invitation—— Even if there is a threat to life.

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