"Then you go to die!"

Saying this, Kaido stepped on the ground lightly, and his figure rushed out in an instant, surpassing the speed of sound in an instant, like a supersonic combat power, whistling and gusty winds came directly in front of the two Wu Wang Yue, a Only the white fist slammed over.

boom! !

The gust of wind that surpassed the speed of sound blew the surrounding houses to the verge of collapse, and the loud sound even shook the ears of everyone present, almost dizzy.

'So fast! '

The pupils shrank, and the two Wu Wang Yue only had time to cut out the sword with the "sheath Fu", and the violent fists slammed directly.

boom! !

The violent force attacked, and the hands holding the "sheathed" directly burst open, and the two Wu Wangyues shot out like a cannonball, collapsing an unknown number of houses along the way.

"Produce 927 sticks!"

With a light drink, Kiryu Hizune, whose obese figure appeared on the other side, directly used his unique trick. For a time, countless vines grew out of thin air on Kaido's ground, and quickly formed a cage.


With a happy smile on his fat face, Kiryu Hizune said with some joy.


Staring at Hikari Kiryu indifferently, Kaido raised his hand and shook his hand, and an understated voice came out.

"The Ninety-Three: The Blade of Infinity!"

The terrifying spiritual pressure surged violently, and the surrounding spirits gathered crazily. In an instant, countless sharp blades were formed and slashed wildly around. Each blade had the power to easily cut steel and seriously injure the deputy captain.

Thousands of blades shot out in unison, and their power was enough to instantly kill a veteran captain.

puff puff...

In just an instant, the huge rattan cage shattered into countless pieces under the horrified eyes of Kiryu Hizune.

"Shine, Kinpiga!"

Suddenly, Kirinji Tenshiro, who was supposed to be seriously injured and dying, suddenly appeared behind Kaido, and the Zanpakutō in the form of a oar in his hand was directly released, and the blade emitted a dazzling light.


ps: Hizune Kiryu is indeed a big beauty after losing weight, so I am a little tangled! .

Chapter [-] Defeating Team Zero (Third)

Qilin Temple Tianshilang, known as the first officer of Team Zero, not only has the highest speed in the entire Soul Society and Team Zero, but also has the highest medical technology.

Although the injury caused by Kaido was really serious at the beginning, after so long, he had already recovered most of it. At this time, he suddenly released the Zanpakutō, just to give Kaido a lore.


However, in Kaido's "God's Eye" that sees into the future, everything has nothing to hide.


There was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth. Before Tianshirou of Kirin Temple appeared, Kaido had raised his right finger, scarlet rays of light shone, and the red sphere was full of destructive power, waiting for Tianshi of Kirin Temple. Lang himself.


The just-appeared Kirin Temple Tenshiro couldn't help widening his eyes, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. The Zanpakutō, which was about to beheaded, also paused for a moment, and then——

The scarlet phantom flash burst out, and the red light dyed the entire sky red, and led the Kirin Temple Tianshilang all the way through the layers of houses, smashed into pieces of buildings, and fell into the distant sky.

boom! !

In the distance, an earth-shattering explosion swept across all directions, a mushroom cloud rose up, and a fiery wave of fire roared out with a gust of wind, overturning pieces of rocks.

"You're dead now!"

Staring indifferently at the Kirin Temple Tenshiro who was blasted out, Kaido said lightly, his expression full of indifference.

Compared with the two Yawang Yue who can be invited by him, Tenshiro of Kirin Temple is not qualified enough, not to mention that the other party has already attacked Toru Yuyin and Uzhihualie before, which is enough for Kaido to be right. He was sentenced to death.

"Disappeared... Tenshiro's Reiatsu... disappeared...disappeared!"

Staring at Kaido in horror, Kiryu Hibune said in a dazed voice that the successive defeats of Team Zero had wiped out her confidence. Facing Kaido, who was as terrifying as a demon, she had already begun to despair.

'Team Zero is over! '

Looking at this scene, this thought appeared in the hearts of everyone present, and for a while, some rabbits died and foxes were sad.

In any case, some of the members of Team Zero are still their colleagues, especially Ichibei and others from the main army. Before the appearance of the [-]th Team of the Guardian, they were the ones who guarded the Soul Society.

But now, they were easily defeated or even killed in front of everyone, but they couldn't support them, they could only stand by and watch, and it was inevitable to feel a little sad.

'Team Zero...but that's it! '

Hidden among the crowd, Aizen pushed the black-rimmed glasses and stared at the team Zero who was easily defeated, a look of contempt flashing in his eyes.

Team Zero was easily defeated. Although there is a reason why Kaido's strength is extremely terrifying, it can also be seen that, except for the 'Real Name Called Monk', the main soldier, Ichibei, the rest are vulnerable.

Even without relying on Kyoka Suizuki, Aizen is sure to fight against the members of the Zero Division except for the main army Ichibei at the same time.

"However, Kaido's strength... is really exaggerated..."

Looking at Kaido with a dignified expression, Aizen's heart is full of jealousy. Rao is Aizen with Bengyu, and he vaguely knows in his heart that even if he has Bengyu, he may not be the opponent's opponent.

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