This is godlike power!


Kaido doesn't know about everyone's thoughts. Even if he does, Kaido won't care. How can Shenlong care about the thoughts of ants?

"Hikun Kiryu...々ˇ..."

Kaido stared at each other calmly, his golden pupils flashed a hint of regret, and said.

"I hate the way you look... If you can restore your previous appearance... You are still very beautiful..."

The regretful tone made Kiryu Hizune's eyes widen, and he looked at Kaido in amazement, not understanding why the other party would say such a thing.

However, when he thought of what the other party said to Shutara Senjumaru and his previous actions, Kiryu Hizune had a faint realization in his heart, and a hint of shame and anger flashed on his fat face - this was not mocking her for being fat in disguise. And is it ugly?

However, when he saw Kaido's warm and jade-like appearance, and his handsome appearance like a god, Hizune Kiryu felt a little discouraged in his heart.

Maybe it shouldn't be like this all the time?

Hibune Kiryu suddenly had this thought in her heart. She was also a hot and beautiful beauty a long time ago, but she usually accumulated a lot of calories for cooking food, which led to her obesity.

If it was normal, Hikune Kiryu would naturally not care about this, but at this time Hikune Kiryu suddenly raised the idea, in order not to let Kaido look down on it.

"But... it's time... eh?"

With a sigh, Kaido raised his right hand, and a destructive light shone up. When he was about to kill Hikune Kiryu, he suddenly exclaimed in surprise, ".々God's Eye" suddenly saw "the future".


A vigorous and powerful shout came, followed by a majestic suppression force, which directly shook Kaido's body, as if being pressed by a big mountain.

"Ichibei of the main finally appeared..."

The pressure on his shoulders was comparable to that of a mountain, but Kaido didn't care, but stared at the sudden appearance of Ichibei, the head of the army, and said indifferently.

"It's just... you think this pressure can trouble me?"

The tall and straight body shook, and the terrifying pressure was directly shattered, and then Kaido's pupils flashed golden light, and he stared at the head of the army, Ibei, with some playfulness, waiting for the opponent's action.

"Thousand-mile palm!"

With a look of embarrassment all over his body, a soldier in the main army did not speak, but Shen (Nuo Nuo Zhao) shouted angrily, his tall and burly body suddenly stepped on, and a terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly burst out. , swept the entire Jingling Court, and then a palm was shot directly, the surrounding sky spirits quickly condensed, and then a monstrous palm slapped directly at Kaido.


Said lightly, Kaido stepped forward, and the same palm was shot directly, and a huge palm that was no worse than the former came out, colliding heavily.

boom! !

The devastating force swept out, and in the horrified eyes of everyone, it shattered the entire team building of the first team, and the surrounding area of ​​thousands of meters was razed to the ground in an instant.


Suddenly, Kaido let out a sigh, and his golden pupils seemed to see something, and a flash of surprise flashed.


ps: I actually recommended ⊙▽⊙, although it is the worst recommendation, but still very happy! .

Chapter [-] The Escaped Team Zero, the Flower of the Hair (fourth more)


The terrifying hurricane swept all directions, and the destructive force easily sent the entire first team flying out, and countless affected Death Gods were swept into the sky with screams.

"What a terrible collision..."

Everyone present radiated spiritual pressure to resist the terrifying hurricane. At the same time, they opened their eyes wide and looked at the zero squad that was directly destroyed.


A dull voice sounded, Kaido opened his right hand and pressed down gently, a terrifying pressure radiated out, suppressing the world, and instantly suppressing and dissipating the raging aftermath.

If this is not the case, I am afraid that not only the first team, but at least half of the Jingling Court will be destroyed by the aftermath of this collision.

"What a soldier, the head of the army, a soldier... what a 'monk whose real name is called', he escaped!"

Raising his hand to suppress the terrifying aftermath, Kaido's silver hair fluttered, and a pair of golden pupils stared into the distance, and said with some humor.

In their original positions, the figures of Hibune Kiryu and Ichibei, the main soldier, had disappeared, and apparently they had escaped directly. Even the seriously injured and comatose two Wang Yue were also taken away 290.

Apparently realizing that he was no match for Kaido, or that he was concerned about the lives of the other team members, the soldier's main unit, a soldier, decisively shot a thousand shots.

Li Tongtian Palm, after attracting Kaido's attention, took the other two away without any intention of stopping.

From this, we can see the decisiveness of the leader of the army, Ichibei. When he found out that he lost to Kaido, he fled the battlefield in an instant. He was not afraid of being embarrassed.

Of course, there was also one person who was not taken away, that is Shutara Qianshoumaru, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground. Because it was very close to Kaido, even a soldier from the main army could not take her away under Kaido's eyes. Naturally can only reluctantly give up.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Shutara Qianshoumaru, you seem to have been abandoned!"

Staring playfully at Shutara Senjumaru, who was seriously injured on the ground, Kaido said jokingly, and there was no trace of anger on his face that he was escaped by the enemy.

"Oh... you are not the same, but the enemy escaped..."

There was a sneer on the face of the sign, Shutara Qianshoumaru said with a sneer, even if she was seriously injured and weak, she still maintained her pride

"Hmmmm...that's really cute and stupid...Senjumaru, if I hadn't let him go on really think oh oh oh ii oh the main soldier, Ichibei, can escape from me!?"

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