Hearing Shutara Qianshoumaru's words, Kaido narrowed his golden pupils, and explained gently with a trace of disdain on his beautiful and unparalleled face.

In fact, if it wasn't for Kaido's deliberate connivance, how could Ichibei, the main soldier, take away Kiryu Hizune and the others from under Kaido's nose?

"Okay, since you were abandoned by them, you will be my maid by my side in the future!"

Standing up, Kaido looked down at Shutara Qianshoumaru condescendingly, his golden pupils stared at the unwilling pretty face, a playful smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, and teased: "Do you hear clearly? Qianshoumaru Sauce!"

"Damn, I will never give in!"

Shutara Qianshoumaru gritted his teeth and looked at Kaido with some resentment, with an unyielding look on his face.

"Then it's up to you!"

Kaido shrugged, completely ignoring Shutara Senjumar's tough mouth. Once it falls into Kaido's hands, no matter how determined he is, Kaido has the ability to make him surrender.

On this point, many people have proved it.


"The first team is going to be rebuilt!"

"It's just a disaster!"

"Didn't you see that the captain's face was completely bad!"

Looking at the destruction of the first team in front of them, many captains and vice-captains looked at each other and said helplessly to each other.

At this point in the battle, with the escape of Ichibei of the main division (bdcc), Kaido's victory has been declared, thus ending the battle.

Of course, although the battle was over, the ensuing problems caused headaches for many captains and vice-captains.

The earth with a radius of thousands of meters was completely destroyed by the previous collision. At this time, there were broken houses everywhere, and it was extremely desolate. It was difficult to imagine that this was the center of the [-]th Team of the Guardian and the location of the first team.

Especially seeing Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's gloomy face like a volcano about to erupt, everyone shuddered and shook their heads helplessly.

Immortals fight, mortals suffer!

Although they did not know this sentence, the thought still rose in the hearts of everyone.

"Hmph... Let all the ghosts be dispatched, and all the damage must be restored within ten days!"

With a heavy snort, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai smashed his cane and made a dull sound, then said coldly.

After finishing speaking, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai turned around and walked away in the company of the vice-captain, Minister Jiro, leaving behind everyone who looked at each other in dismay.

"Then... um, where is the commander-in-chief going?"

After being silent for a long time, looking at Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai who was far away, a vice-captain said hesitantly.

"who knows!"


On the other side, in the gorgeous courtyard, Kaido was carrying Shutara Senjumaru, followed by Toru Yuyin, Ise Nanao and other women.

"Welcome back, Kaido-kun!"

As soon as he entered the house, he was wearing a blue kimono covered with patterns, sitting on his knees at the entrance, with a gentle smile on his face, like his wife, Uzhihualie, the long black hair that had been loosened was no longer there. As before, it was tied into braids, but it was coiled behind, indicating that the other party was already a woman.

The gentle smile like a mother, and the languid temperament of a first-time woman, coupled with the tender appearance of complete surrender, and the exposed fair skin, such an amazing style made Kaido who just came in. Time was about to move a little bit, and I wished that I could hug Uzhihualie directly to bed.

"Team... Captain!!"

Toru Yuone, who was following Kaido, stared at the terribly transformed Uno Hana Lie in a stunned manner, and couldn't help stammering.

The others weren't much better, and they all looked stunned, completely shocked by the costume of Uzhihualie.

"Ah, it's Yong Yin!"

At this time, Mao Zhihualie saw the people behind Kaido, and immediately covered his mouth and chuckled, a blush appeared on his charming face, like a delicate flower, with a charming aura.

"Lie, I'm back!"

Seeing Uzhihualie like this, Kaido knew it in his heart and said softly.



Chapter [-] Team Zero, which cooperated with Aizen (first update)

At night, the full moon hangs in the sky, and the entire soul world is plunged into darkness. Only the soft moonlight illuminates the entire night, covering the boundless dark earth with a soft veil.

The brightly lit Jingling Court is the home of the fifth division.

The empty and vast captain's house was greeted by several figures at this time.

"It's really strange! I didn't expect that the zero team that escaped during the day... did not return to the Spirit King Palace, but came to my fifth team!"

In the [-]th division team building, Aizen knelt down in the room with a calm face. There were several figures in front of him. The leader was the leader of the [-]th division, the first division of the first division who fought with Kaido during the day. Hei, beside him are Hikifune Kiryu and Erikaya Otsuka who escaped during the day.

As for the Kirin Temple Tenshiro, he disappeared, apparently killed by Kaido.

"Aizen Suu Yusuke, the captain of the fifth division, Zanpakutō's real name is Kyoka Suizuki, and he has the ability to completely hypnotize and manipulate the five senses..."

Staring at the indifferent Aizen, Ichibei, the head of the army, said slowly with a sullen face.

"Your ability, your strength, I know all about it!"

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