"Aizen, you have nothing to hide in front of me!"

One of the five special combat powers personally designated by Youhabach, the king of the Quincy, as the lord of the invisible empire and the master of the army, the 'Real Name Calling Monk'.

Kurosaki Ichigo's "potential ability", Zaraki Kenpachi's "combat power", the soldier's main department Ichibei's "intelligence", Aizen Soyousuke's "Reiatsu", Urahara Kisuke's "means".

As one of these five special combat powers, the military force of the main army may not be the strongest. Compared with the strongest god of death, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, who reigns in the entire corpse and soul world, the main force of the army is the most powerful. The pure combat power of the soldiers is much lower.

But as one of the five special-record combat powers, the really scary thing about Ichibei, the main soldier, is that he was the one who knew everything about Zanpakutō's 'real name' at first.

As we all know, the "Sword God" two house Wang Yue created the "shallow hit" of all Zanpakutō prototypes, and after receiving the "shallow hit", Shinigami communicated with him during decades of practice, and when he learned his real name Only after that can I release the Zanpakutō and complete the "first solution", which means that I can truly create my own Zanpakutō.

However, Ichibei, the main soldier, learned the real name and ability of the Zanpakutō the moment Shinigami got the "shallow hit".

This means that the other party has the real names of all Zanpakutō, and even knows more about Zanpakutō's abilities and real names than Shinigami himself.

What's more, its Zanpakutō's "one-word" ability - slashing the name but not the flesh, and something that can be touched by the blade loses its name, and once it loses its name, its power cannot be exerted.

Even if it is as pure as Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's flowing blade, once its blade touches, it will be taken away from the "name" and lose its power.

In the face of Ichibei, the main army, any Zanpakutō is useless. It can be said that Ichibei is the nemesis of all death gods.


Hearing the words of the head of the army, Ichibei, Aizen's expression froze, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes. He never thought that it was exaggerated enough that a mysterious Kaido knew about him. Unexpectedly, another 'real name called a monk' appeared, which made Aizen become unprecedentedly jealous of Team Zero.

The original contempt and indifference disappeared without a trace. Facing a person who knew all his details and even his strength was far above him, even Aizen did not dare to act rashly.


"Aizen doesn't know what the lord said... If you want to ask for help, you can go to the captain of Yamamoto. He is visiting the thirteenth division at this time..."

Although Aizen was extremely shocked in his heart, there was not much expression on his face, and he still looked indifferent. He saw the eyes of Ichibei, the head of the army, and became slightly unkind.

The bull's-eye-sized eyes stared at Aizen, and the original simple and honest face of Ichibei, the head of the army, also turned fierce. Obviously, thinking of the daytime, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai stood by, his eyes suddenly turned unkind, a terrible Reiatsu. It also radiated faintly, and said with a threatening tone:

"Aizen...I came here to seek cooperation with you...If you don't want to...don't blame me for publishing your abilities, then..."


As soon as the voice fell, two invisible and terrifying spiritual pressure burst out suddenly, but they did not spread to the Jingling Court, covering the entire room, the viscous pressure like the ocean enveloped the whole room, if it was replaced with the ordinary three seats The god of death, who was probably out of breath for a long time, was the sudden outbreak of Kiryu Hikifune and Wang Yue of Ermeiya.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

In the face of these two terrifying spiritual pressures, Aizen still did not change his face, quietly stared at the head of the army, Ibei, and after a long time, he smiled softly and said, "I don't know what Mr. Ichibei is... For what!"

There was no indifference and humility in the words before, but full of sharpness and conceit, and his eyes became extremely sharp.

"it is good!"

A soldier of the main army suddenly slapped his palm and laughed, not knowing whether he was admiring Aizen's courage and conceit, or Aizen's surrender, and then a soldier of the army head stared at Aizen sharply, word by word. road:


"Cooperation, against Kaido!"

As soon as the words fell, Lan Ran's eyes shrank heavily, and his face couldn't help but a look of surprise, and after a while of silence, he asked, "What do you mean?"

Kaido, this powerful being who appeared mysteriously, is also an existence that Aizen fears and excites.

At this time, he suddenly heard the news of the alliance from the head of the army, and naturally Aizen was moved slightly. If it was possible, he didn't want to lose to Kaido, so if he cooperated with the head of the army, it would be a good idea. Is it impossible?

"Your ambitions are very big... It can be seen from the fact that you have such a powerful strength and ability, but you are willing to float in the Jingling Court as a captain!"

Looking at Aizen calmly, Ichibei, the head of the army, explained indifferently.

"No matter what your ambitions and goals are, there is definitely Kaido in the mountain blocking you!"

"And this mountain is so huge that even if you try your best, you may not be able to cross it!"

"So, how about working with us to kill Kaido together?!"

Reaching out a big hand, a soldier from the main army looked at Aizen and asked softly with a deep voice.

"it is good!"

After being silent for a long time, Aizen looked at the soldier behind the head of the army, and said plainly.

Immediately, a satisfied smile appeared on the face of Ichibei, the head of the army.

"Royal Secret Service" Team Zero and Aizen Sou Yusuke have reached a cooperation.


Chapter [-]: The Calculation of the Head of the Army, a soldier (Second)

At night, the silent moonlight shines through the window, illuminating the empty room.

"Team Zero... the head of the army is a soldier!"

Kneeling beside the table, Aizen held a teacup, her deep pupils stared at the bright moon outside the window through her glasses, her expression tinged with thought.

There is no doubt that cooperating with Team Zero, or more strictly speaking, with the army's main department, Ibei, is undoubtedly a matter of scheming with tigers.

As the biggest trump card, Jinghua Shuiyue was known by the other party that her own strength was not as good as the other party's.

"Hmph, that's interesting too, isn't it?"

Aizen smiled lightly, and a confident smile flashed on the gentle Jun's face, as if everything was under control.

"One soldier of the main army, Kaido, let the final result see who is the winner!"

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