Staring at the bright moon outside the window, Lan "Zero Zero Seven" drank the cold tea in his hand with a sip. A confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes looked extremely deep under the moonlight.

On the other side, they had already left the captain's room and came to Team Zero in another place. At this time, they were sitting together in groups.

"Ichibei, isn't it good to work with that guy!"

As soon as he sat down, Ermeiwu Wangyue asked directly to the soldier's main department, Ibei, with a puzzled look on his face.

"I can feel that the other party's ambition is very big. If we cooperate with the other party, there will be a big disaster if we are not careful!"

From the first sight of Aizen, Ermeiwu Wangyue can feel the huge ambition hidden in the bottom of his heart, plus the other party obviously has very powerful strength and terrible ability, but hides himself, just just To be an ordinary captain, it all shows that the other party's plot is very large.

"I also feel that the guy's mind is very gloomy, and he knows it's not a good thing at a glance!"

Hikifune Kiryu, who was on the side, also said that his sense of Aizen was also bad, and his fat face was wrinkled, looking a bit funny.

"I know all this!"

Facing the doubts of the two colleagues, the head of the army, Ibei, said calmly, his simple and honest face was full of seriousness, his big eyes were shining brightly, and his body exuded a trembling aura.

"But if you want to deal with Kaido, you must get the opponent's power!"

Thinking of the terrifying power Kaido showed during the day, Ichibei of the main army gritted his teeth a little, and even felt a little fear in his heart.

He could feel that under Kaido's thin body, there was an earth-shattering terrifying power hidden, so strong that even the soldiers, the main army, and the soldiers, who had not yet fully exerted their strength, shuddered.

Therefore, Ichibei of the main army resolutely retreated with the two of them, because Ichibei of the main army was not sure to deal with Kaido.

"I admit that the opponent's strength is very strong, even much stronger than me and Kiryu, but it is far from qualified to fight against Kaido!"

Hearing the words of the soldier's main department, Ibei, Ermeiwu Wangyue frowned and asked in confusion.

"Humph, that's not right, Wu Wangyue, you underestimate him too much!" With a light snort, there was an unfathomable smile on the simple and honest face of a soldier in the military headquarters, and a wise light flashed in his eyes. .

"That Aizen has a mysterious thing, that thing has terrifying power, and can even break the boundaries of the god of death and reach a higher dimension!"

As soon as the voice of the head of the army, Ichibei, fell, the two men Wangyue and Hibune Kiryu widened their eyes, looking at the head of the army, Ibei, in disbelief.

"Break the boundaries of the god of death? Reach a higher dimension?"

What are the boundaries of the Grim Reaper?What is the higher dimension?

In a sense, Team Zero whose body was reconstructed by the power of the Spirit King is equivalent to breaking the boundaries of the God of Death and reaching a higher dimension.

The strength of the ordinary god of death and the god of death of a higher dimension is completely incomparable.

As far as Team Zero is concerned, in terms of spiritual pressure alone, although they are stronger than the captain, they are not overwhelming, but in terms of combat power, they can easily hang one or two captains.

This is the power that is reconstructed by the power of the Spirit King to reach a higher dimension.

However, at this time, it was learned from the mouth of the soldier's main body, the soldier, that the other party actually possessed the same power as the Spirit King, directly breaking the boundary of the god of death and reaching a higher dimension. How could this not shock the two of them.

"Of course, the other party's thing has not yet been completed, and it is still in the semi-finished state!" Ichibei of the main army returned to his normal appearance, his eyes flashed with meaningful light, and said lightly.

"Wait until the opponent is finished, as long as you take it over and get that power, even Kaido can be dealt with by me, even beheaded!"

Seeing the confident appearance of Ichibei, the head of the army, Ermeiwu Wangyue asked with a hint of anxiety: "Can it be successful?"

"Of course!"

The head of the army, a soldier, said decisively, his expression full of confidence...  


On the other side, in the dimly lit room, a fierce "war" was going on.


Charming: incomparably charming, the whole body is crisp: soft panting: breathing in the room echoing: swaying, two figures are exhausting: love: entanglement, violent: violent movements: ringing, the whole room is full of ambiguous: ambiguity Spring: Light.

After a long time, the "battle" was over, Mao Zhihua lied lazily: on Kaido, a pair of slender jade hands embraced Kaido, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.


Breathing in the strong fragrance of Maozhihua, Kaido embraced Jiao:haojiao:body, and said lightly.


Mao Zhihua Lielang: replied lazily, Jade Hand stretched out a finger, and gently drew circles on Kaido's chest.

"I'm leaving for a while now!"

After pondering for a while, Kaido spoke slowly.


Mao Zhihualie raised his head at once, under the crystal clear moonlight, with a hint of stunned and anxious expression on his face, a pair of jade hands hugged Kaido even tighter. .

"I have something to do next. After I'm done, I have to go to the present world for a few years!" Kaido said calmly, pinching the Qiong nose of Uzhihualie lightly.

"Don't worry, I will visit you often during this period!"

Saying that, Kaido hugged Uno no Hana Lie comfortably, and let her lean against him.

"it is good!"

Uno Hana was tight: hug Kaido tightly, as if to squeeze: into his arms, and said slowly.

"Want me!"

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