Jiao: Mei's voice was full of temptation: temptation, which shocked Kaido and couldn't help but directly press it down.

The "battle" started again, this time even more intense!


ps: This chapter is nothing, I hope I can pass it directly! .

Chapter [-] Invisible Empire (Third)

A thousand-year-old Jingling Court.

This ancient city that has existed for more than a thousand years is full of shadows, and in the depths of this unknown shadow, there is another strange and huge space.

It was a bizarre and huge space that was created by the use of spiritual child construction technology after the quenchers who were defeated thousands of years ago fled to the depths of the shadow of Jingling Court—

Invisible Empire!

In this huge and bizarre space that exists in the shadow of Jingling Court, there are icy and snowy, snowy scenes everywhere, just like being in the north and south poles.

And on a flat highland in the depths of this strange space, an ice and snow palace with a thousand-year history exists here, exuding an ancient aura, as if the eternity has existed for a long time, which is awe-inspiring.

The Palace of Ice - A large palace with the same name as the organization covered in ice on the outside, with two ivory-like cracked arched columns at the front door, a building with a cross at the back of the palace, and a building with a cross below the palace. Massive buildings and clock towers covered in ice.

As the stronghold of the invisible empire, it has been hidden in the shadow of the 13 Seireitei for a long time, so the gods of death are unaware of it, allowing the quenchers to develop rapidly, thus forming an invisible empire that is enough to smash the soul world.

And today, this world of ice and snow, which has not been set foot on for thousands of years, is the first time a living creature has set foot on it, and it is about to set off a shocking wave.


Thousands of meters away from the Ice Palace, the wind was howling, snowflakes filled the sky, and the whole world was shrouded in ice and snow. At this moment, the invisible void suddenly burst into ripples, forming a space portal directly. , and then a slender figure walked out of the portal and set foot in this strange world of ice and snow.

"What a wonderful world..."

The silver hair on his head was blown wildly by the raging wind around him, his slender body stood in the snow, and his golden pupils glanced at the world of ice and snow with interest, Kaido said in surprise.

"The power of the Quincy... It's really strange!"

Kaido glanced at the shadow world created by Quincy, and couldn't help sighing.

The power of the quencher is to absorb the spiritual sons between heaven and earth to attack, and the spiritual pressure of the god of death is completely different from the two systems, and the existence that is eliminated by the quencher will disappear completely, causing the imbalance of the soul, and it is even very possible. Threats to the existence of the Three Realms.

Therefore, the battle between the Quincy and the God of Death happened a thousand years ago. It was also in that war that the Quincy was defeated, and Youhabach was forced to fall into a deep sleep, and finally escaped to the depths of the shadow of Jingling Court. Invisible Empire.

Of course, it was the existence of such a powerful organization as the "Invisible Empire" that was able to crush the Soul Realm and the Void Circle, and even the aloof Spirit King Palace could not stop them.

If it weren't for the final protagonist's halo, I'm afraid that the entire Three Realms will be reduced to the rule of the "Omniscient and Almighty" Youhabach, the king of Quincy.


"The invisible empire... 'Omniscient and Almighty' Yohabach!"

Kaido took a leisurely pace and walked step by step towards the Palace of Ice, where the "Omniscient and Almighty" King of Quincy was sleeping.

"You are the fourth target...don't let me down!"

Said in a faint tone, Kaido's figure slowly walked towards the Ice Palace under the wind and snow.

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, Aizen Soyousuke, Ichibei, Kurosaki Ichigo, Yuhabach, these are the top five powerhouses in the world of "Death", and their peak period is without exception. Stepping into the peak of "natural disaster", or even the level of "doomsday", is also Kaido's mission goal.

Only by defeating the top five players can Kaido complete the first main quest and get [-]% of the progress of the strategy.

And now, the first main quest Kaido has only been able to complete one-fifth of it, and it still needs to defeat four people to do it, and Yohabach is one of them.



In a world covered with ice and snow, icy winds roared the world, and white snow covered the whole world. Looking around, the whole world was shrouded in vast snow and wind. In this extremely low temperature world, it is difficult for human beings to survive.

"Ta Tata..."

However, in the ice and snow world in the forbidden area of ​​life, a slender figure is slowly advancing, as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard, straddling a few meters in one step, and his expression is full of leisurely colors.

"It's time to come!"

Wandering around in this world of ice and snow, Kaido said abruptly to himself, his golden pupils shone with golden light - that is the ability of "God's Eye", showing the "future" scene in Kaido In front of him, what Kaido saw was the "future" a few seconds later.

"call out!"

As if to confirm Kaido's words, the atmosphere in front of Kaido was suddenly torn apart, and a fierce whistling sound pierced the sky, and then a heart-shaped arrow composed of spiritual sons suddenly slashed. Crossing the sky, carrying an unparalleled aura, he burst into Kaido's chest and 503.

This is a surefire shot!

"Holy Slayer!"

The corner of Kaido's mouth evoked a playful smile, his body turned slightly to one side, like an inadvertent movement, just right to pass the spirit arrow, and the incomparable wind blew Kaido's long body. He fired and shot towards the snow behind Kaido.

boom! ! !

The evaded arrow of the spiritual child directly bombarded the snow behind Kaido, and immediately a huge deep pit was bombed out, like a rocket launcher, and the snow was scattered all over the sky.

"Quixiere... the Star Cross Knights?!"

Dodging the arrow of the Spirit Son, Kaido looked up into the distance, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he spoke lightly.

"Which one will come over?"

"If it's a man... then just kill it!"

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