"Because from today, this name will be your master!"

Bambi Aita had just finished speaking, and Kaido's face became strange. Before, he had also made a decision to bring the girls back to be maids, but he was threatened by the other party to accept them.

what is this?

Feng Shui turns?

Just when Kaido looked weird, Bambi Aita asked again:

"Where's your name? Death!"

She raised her white chin and looked at Kaido proudly, her expression full of curiosity, even Minina and Candice looked at Kaido curiously, wanting to know his identity.

"grim Reaper?"

Kaido evoked a strange smile, and there was a hint of playfulness in the golden pupils staring at the three girls.

"I never said I was the god of death!"


ps: [Myth]: **, this is the book's Junyang number, everyone is welcome to come in and irrigate, let the book Junyang become more active!It's like dying all day long! (T_T)/~~.

Chapter [-] The Power of Bombieta

"You're not a god of death?!!"

Hearing this, the three girls couldn't help widening their eyes, staring at Kaido in disbelief, with a look of astonishment.


Soon, Candice, who was extremely hot, shook her head, her bright light green eyes staring at Kaido, her expression full of disbelief.

"If you weren't the god of death, how could you easily block my thunder and enter the invisible empire!"

Hearing this, Bombieta and Minina nodded. In their imagination, the "Thunder" that can enter the invisible empire and easily resolve Candice is definitely a god of death, and at least it is a captain series. Mighty death.

Otherwise it can't be so powerful!

"Although it's incredible, I'm definitely not a god of death!"

Kaido shrugged indifferently, opened his white "six five seven" hands, and said somewhat innocently, "If you insist, you should call me the Void King!"

"Because I am the master of the virtual circle!"

virtual king...

Lord of the Void...

Hearing this, the three girls, Bombieta, Minina, and Candice, were all startled, and a hint of doubt flashed in their eyes, but soon they seemed to realize something, and a hint of disgust and surprise flashed in their eyes.

"You turned out to be those ugly and disgusting virtuals?!"

Bambi Aita couldn't help widening her eyes, glanced up and down at Kaido, and asked in disbelief.

It was really hard for Bombieta to imagine that this incomparably handsome man with a face even better than that of Yugren Hasward would be the ugliest, irrational idiot in their minds!

'Ugly disgusting? ! '

Kaido was slightly startled, and gave the three girls a strange look, and then suddenly realized.

Indeed, not to mention the fact that Xu is a race excluded by Quincy, just to say that the race of Xu, except for the highest-level Daxuwa Stodd, is an existence with an ugly face and a huge body, which is enough to make People are disgusted.

Not to mention that the virtual is an existence that evolves by devouring its own kind, and it is normal to be rejected and disgusted by others!

"If I really want to say it, I can barely count it!"

Having said that, Kaido nodded and directly admitted that there was no intention of denying it, and there was no need to deny it.


Even if it is gentle and calm, Minina can't help but wrinkle every day, her pretty face is incredible.


Candice also nodded, after all, in their impressions, the virtual is an ugly existence, and even the most senior Vastord Daxu is just a human form-still has an ugly appearance.

"Although you are not a god of death!"

Frowning, Bambi Aita regained her previous arrogant look, her bright eyes staring at Kaido's incomparably handsome face, her expression full of excitement.

"But I must also take you as a slave!"

boom! !

The terrifying Reiatsu suddenly burst out from Bambi Aita's body, forming a terrifying wave that instantly dissipated the surrounding snow and blasted out a big hole.

Flying sickle feet!

The tall figure flashed, and Bambi Aita disappeared in the blink of an eye. In the next instant, its figure appeared next to Kaido, and then a blade glowing like a silver moon lit up, and then a forked sword appeared. The sharp blade slashed out in an instant, slashing towards Kaido's chest.

Fast, accurate, hate!

Coupled with the terrifying Reiatsu, this is a killing blow!

"Do it if you don't agree?"

In the blink of an eye, he saw the girl who was friendly before appearing beside him in an instant, and slashed at him with such a fierce knife, Kaido raised his brows, and a playful look appeared on his face, "However, it's still bad. Far!"

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