Between the lightning and flint, Kaido raised his finger and blocked it on his chest, and in Bambi Aita's astonished eyes, he collided with the sharp blade that came from beheading.


It was clearly flesh and blood, but it made a sound like Jin Ge fighting, making Minina and Candice onlookers widen their eyes.


Eyes widened, Bombieta looked at Kaido, who was blocking his own sharp blade with only slender fingers, in disbelief.

"That's surprising?"

Golden eyes stared playfully at the pretty face in front of him, Kaido lowered his head, breathed in the fragrance of the girl, and exhaled softly.

"You're still too young, little girl!"

little girl! !

Hearing this, Bambi Aita's eyes widened instantly, a surge of anger surged into her heart, and she burst into laughter in anger, and then shouted angrily...  


The next moment, I saw Bombieta burst out with a terrifying spiritual pressure. His left hand was lifted in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of spiritual bullets that glowed with white light were blasted out, heading towards Kaido's face at close range. Smash it up.

Bombieta's "Holy Word" is "E", and its ability is "Critical Strike". It can turn things that hit its Reiatsu into explosive bombs to attack. It is unable to defend and has amazing destructive power.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Bambi Aita can only turn things that hit her Reiatsu into explosive bombs. If she wants to, she can also easily blast explosive bombs with amazing destructive power.

Just like now, at such a close distance, the angered Bambi Aita raised his hand and blasted out an extremely powerful bomb, making it impossible to guard against.

Of course, if it exploded at such a close distance, Bombieta himself would be affected.

It can be said that it hurts a thousand enemies, and it hurts five hundred!


Seeing this scene, Minina and Candice widened their eyes at the same time and couldn't help exclaiming.

Although they don't like Bambi Aita's character, it doesn't mean they want to see their partner get hurt or even fail.

In the Star Cross Knights, if they fail, they will be sentenced to death. In the original book, many members were executed because of failure, including Bombieta himself.

"Hey, what a proud kitten who can't stand molesting!"

Even at such a close distance, Kaido still didn't change his face, and he still teased Bambi Aita leisurely, without the slightest 4.6 evasion.

Seeing Kaido's appearance like this, Bombieta's eyes widened in disbelief, and he regretted it slightly for a while, but it was too late.

boom! ! !

The power of dozens of bombs is astonishing. It was only an instant, and the terrifying explosion appeared in an instant. It was like thousands of bombs exploded at the same time, and the surrounding dozens of meters were instantly spread in.

A group of unfortunate holy soldiers were immediately involved and torn apart by the terrifying aftermath of the explosion.

The terrifying explosion engulfed dozens of meters of snow, and only Minina and Candice escaped.


ps: In the works related, I have released the first chapter of the new book, you can take a look at it.

If nothing else, it should be my new book. .

Chapter [-] Bombie Tower with a Collar

At the same time, stay away from the Ice Palace thousands of meters away from the battlefield.

In the main hall, more than a dozen figures are standing in the hall in batches. Without exception, they are all dressed in the service of the Quincy, with the military caps of the invisible empire on their heads, and any one of them exudes a terrifying aura-they are stars. Crusader Knights.

"Huh? This Reiatsu!? And this explosion, it's that guy Bombieta!"

At this moment, a arrogant man with purple Pombeek hair frowned, his eyes sharply looking towards the direction of the battlefield, full of surprise.

"Who is fighting her?"

Not only the man with the purple Pompeii head, but also everyone present became curious and looked towards the direction of the battlefield with different expressions.

"That idiot Bumby had a fight with Minnie and the others!"

A girl with short yellow hair and bangs, a petite stature, wearing a military cap with an invisible imperial symbol on her head, a heart-shaped box on her waist, a button-up dress and over-the-knee boots, smiled coquettishly.

"It should be impossible for 17!"

"The Star Cross Knights forbid infighting, Bumby and the others shouldn't do it!"

"Could it be that an enemy invaded?!"

"Impossible, the invisible empire has existed for thousands of years, and no enemy has ever invaded!"

"Yes, it is impossible for those gods of death to find this place!"

In the spacious hall, the Star Cross Knights looked at each other in dismay, and expressed their opinions one after another. For a time, the entire silent hall became noisy, full of noisy sounds.

"All right!"

At this time, a calm and calm voice suddenly came out, and all the voices were suppressed at once, and everyone suddenly looked at the past——

Then I saw a man with long soft golden hair, blue eyes, elegant appearance, a shoulder pad on his left shoulder, and indifferent eyes, looking at them with a flat face.

Yuglan Husward - No. [-] of the Invisible Empire, he is calm and calm, extremely loyal to Yohabach, even Yohabach and most of the Star Cross Knights trust him very much, and he is a worthy leader. level exists.

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