Looking at the astonishing thunderstorm, Kaido nodded slightly, praised, then raised his right hand and said indifferently.

"Broken Dao No. [-]: Breaking the Space!"

As soon as the voice fell, in front of Kaido, an invisible barrier rose from the ground, like a sky, blocking Kaido.


Chapter [-] Kaido's interest! (first update)

boom! ! !

The collision of the sky and the earth cracked, the terrifying thunderstorm hit the huge barrier like a tide, and the destructive thunder couldn't stop impacting, and a large piece of snow collapsed in an instant, and the surrounding snow was affected, cracking open ravines. .

However, no matter how terrifying and powerful the thunderstorm is, the huge invisible barrier is like a real sky, like an eternal and immortal, blocking the terrifying attack.

After a long time, as the roar faded, the huge thunderstorm gradually dissipated and stopped, leaving a terrifying gully on the ground.

"how is this possible!"

A little frightened, her eyes widened, staring at the standing invisible barrier, Candice said in disbelief, and the graceful body flying in the sky trembled a little.

The electric annihilation type just now was her strongest attack, but she still couldn't help Kaido, and she was even blocked by him. Such a huge gap in strength had made her a little desperate.

"No, we can't continue, we must retreat!"

With a bite of silver teeth, Candice made a decisive decision and wanted to escape back to the Palace of Ice.

After using the Holy Body and showing her true strength, 13 is still far from the opponent's opponent. Such a huge gap finally made Candice realize the truth and no longer intend to continue fighting.


The invisible barrier dissipated, Kaido held the two girls Minina and Bombiata, and his golden eyes were like two lightning bolts, instantly capturing Candice's figure, but after seeing each other, Kaido was stunned. It's a frown.

"Are you going to run away?!"

Kaido whispered, with Kaido's eyesight he could easily capture Candice's figure, and he also sensed the other party's intention to escape.

This is not surprising, such a huge gap in strength, if the other party does not escape, that is a strange thing.

What's more, it is only a few kilometers away from the Ice Palace, such a huge action must have attracted the attention of the Star Cross Knights.

As long as the opponent escapes a certain distance in the direction back, he will definitely be able to meet the Star Cross Knights. At that time, as long as he joins forces with the members of the Star Cross Knights, no matter how powerful Kaido is, he will have nothing to fear.

"Just, can you escape?"

With a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, Kaido loosened the chains in his hands, and his figure disappeared instantly, like a ghost.


In the distance, Candice, who was about to turn around and run away, saw Kaido suddenly disappear. She was shocked and panicked. After several collisions, she had already understood Kaido's horror, and now she suddenly saw Kaido disappear. , naturally panicked.

"Little Candice, where do you want to escape to!"

Just when Candice was in a panic, a playful voice came from behind, which made her feel chilled and panicked, and then she only felt that she was quite fat: her butt stepped on a foot, Then a terrifying force struck, and she stepped down from the air, like an angel with broken wings, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

boom! !

Snowflakes splashed, a pothole appeared on the broken snow, Candice knelt down all over, lying on the ground like a bitch, with a big foot on her straight hips, condescending Looking down at her.

"You bastard!"

The pain caused by falling from a height was far less than the humiliation in her heart, being put into such a humble, lowly, bitch-like posture that Candice's anger rose wildly, and she wanted to go crazy.

However, the terrifying power from the buttocks firmly pinned her body in this humiliating posture, making Candice unable to change her posture, let alone stand up, no matter how hard she struggled.

And as Candice struggled more, her figure became more embarrassed, and the incomparably hot body became more eye-catching, and the fleshy feeling from her feet made Kaido more comfortable, making Kaido's feet endure. Can't stop moving.


The strange feeling from her buttocks made Candice cry out in surprise, her graceful body lay on the ground all of a sudden, and her angry pretty face flushed, making her look even more charming: seductive: human.

So tempting: Kaido's eyes lit up with his human posture, and flames could not help but burn in his heart.

"By the way, after coming to this world, I seem to have changed a bit!"

Recalling his actions after coming to the world of "Death", Kaido whispered to himself, his face gradually filled with a tyrannical smile, his eyes fixed on Candice, and he became more and more dangerous.

It's not easy to do too much with his own woman, Kaido. Every time Kaido keeps his hands subconsciously, in order to avoid hurting them, Kaido can't really enjoy it every time.

But now kneeling: Candice lying on the ground has nothing to do with Kaido, even if there is, it is Kaido's captive, Kaido's pet, Kaido's little bitch, whatever you want to do with Kaido.


Thinking of this, Kaido snapped his fingers gently, and the invisible ripples spread out, and the surrounding [-] meters of earth suddenly enveloped a layer of enchantment, forming a small dimensional world, blocking everything as much as possible, making people unable to snooping.


Candice, who was lying on the ground like a bitch, suddenly panicked, and an ominous premonition surged up in her heart. Soon, her premonition came true.


With the sound of a torn fabric, Candice only felt her buttocks get cold, and before she could scream in surprise, a tall body pressed up.


Violent screams sounded, and another tragic war broke out.


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