After the barrier cut the surrounding 637 meters of the earth, two figures appeared in the distant sky [-], and they came at a very fast speed. After a while, they showed their bodies. It was Yas who came. Kim and Buzzby.

It's just that the two of them were a little embarrassed at this time, their clothes were shattered, and half of their bodies were full of charred black, and it looked like they had suffered serious injuries.

"right here!"

"Reiatsu just disappears here!"

As soon as the two landed, their eyes looked around, trying to find the silhouettes of Candice and others. In their perception, the spiritual pressure of Candice and others appeared here.

"This is? Enchantment?"

Soon, the sharp-eyed Askin saw a looming barrier not far away, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"It's very likely that Candice and the others are here!"

Flying sickle feet!

Before the enchantment appeared in a flash, Askin reached out and stroked the enchantment, and the fact was confirmed in an instant.

"What? Break it?"

Buzzby appeared next to Askin and asked.

"Yes, break it!"

A cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Askin said coldly.

"I can't wait to kill that guy!"


ps: Drink the strongest wine, the wildest bitch! (funny)

I have published the second chapter of a new book related to my works, if you are interested, you can take a look. .

Chapter [-] Annoyed Star Cross Knights (Second)

Boom boom boom! ! !

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and the sky-high flames swept the entire earth. Pieces of snow were melted into swamps, hundreds of meters of earth were constantly cracked, and the earth was shaking slightly.

boom! !

There was another violent explosion, and the thick smoke that lifted up covered the entire open space, and was then blown away by the howling wind, revealing a motionless enchantment.

"Damn it, it doesn't work!"

Looking at the barrier that was still without waves in front of him, Buzzby's face was black, and his whole person was extremely angry.

"It can't be broken!"

Yaskin also said angrily, since just now, the two of them have been bombarding the barrier for a few minutes, but they still can't shake it, not even a ripple.


Yaskin stomped the ground heavily with his right foot, made a dull voice, and said a little annoyed, "Bastard, don't you have to wait for the other party to come out!"

The members of the two Star Cross Knights can't shake each other's enchantment together, why can they fight against me?

Even if the opponent is good at enchantment, it is still a bit too exaggerated.

"Askin, what should I do!"

Buzzby suppressed his anger, his face was full of heavy colors, and asked Askin who was beside him.

Buzzby, who was faintly aware of the opponent's strength, was no longer as calm as before. The strength of the opponent was not clear for the time being, but just judging from the enchantment in front of him, it was enough to show that the opponent's strength was absolutely strong.


Askin clasped his hands, stared at the barrier in front of him, and said calmly.


"Yes, if you don't even see the enemy's face, you go back in a daze, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud!"

Seeing Buzzby's somewhat puzzled look, Askin explained, his face filled with coldness.

"I don't believe that the other party will never come out!"

Saying so, Askin closed his eyes and stood silently aside, quietly waiting for the barrier to disappear.


But soon Askin opened his eyes again and looked in the direction he came from, with a hint of surprise on his face.

"Someone is here again, it's them. ˇ!"

Buzzby also looked over, and in the distance, three figures were rushing towards them at high speed, and their figures were already looming.

Soon, under the watchful eyes of Buzzby and Yaskin, three figures came to them, one woman and two men, and the woman was the yellow bangs that made fun of Bambi Aita before. Girl with short hair.

"Litoto, Cangdu, Kirujie, why did the three of you come here!" Seeing the three, Askin frowned and asked lightly.

"Well, it was Yu Gelan who asked us to come, to prevent the two of you from being killed by the other party because of your lack of strength!"

Hearing Askin's question, the girl with yellow bangs named Litoto said with a cold face and a bit mean.

This sentence directly made the two of them look cold, and they suddenly became a little ugly.

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