Being able to fight against the three of Candice at the same time, the created barrier can block the attacks of several members of the Star Crusader Knights at the same time, such a terrifying strength cannot tolerate the carelessness of a few people.

Not to mention, as a peep into the secrets of the invisible empire, it is absolutely impossible for the Star Cross Knights to let people return to the Soul Realm.

Because once they are allowed to escape, it is very likely that the army waiting for them will be the army of the Soul Society.

This is absolutely not allowed by the Star Cross Knights when the King of Quincy has not regained his strength.


With a sound, the enchantment covering the heavens and the earth completely dissipated, revealing the broken kilometer earth, and standing with their hands behind their backs, staring at 953 their Kaido with playful eyes.

"Someone I've never seen before!"

"Most likely it's an intruder!"

"Cantis and the others are gone!"

"Looks like he was killed!"

With the appearance of Kaido, the expressions of Askin and others changed slightly, and they glanced at the entire battlefield solemnly. In a short period of time, they sorted out everything and stared at Kaido with all their concentration.

"Looks like you are..."

After revoking the barrier, Kaido stared at a few people and said, but only halfway through, Kaido frowned, and his golden eyes saw the "future".

Bloody outfit!

Almost at the same time, after waiting for three hours, Buzzby, who was extremely impatient in his heart, instantly used the blood-blood outfit. The strength and destructive power of his physical body instantly increased greatly, and then his body disappeared in place in an instant.

In the next second, Buzzby himself appeared in front of Kaido, a pair of big hands condensed a large number of spirits, and then a terrifying and incomparable flame burned.


This is even Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's "flowing blade like fire" that can resist the restrained flames, and has quite powerful strength.

(bfbb) "Buzzby!"

"He's so impulsive!"

Seeing Buzzby himself taking the lead, the expressions of the other four changed slightly, and they were all a little unhappy, but at this time they didn't say anything, but stared at Kaido with all their attention, trying to see the opponent's means and strength, and at the same time Ready to go.


The corner of his mouth raised a sinister smile, and his hands burning with terrifying flames slammed towards Kaido, which was a distance away from the attack of the "Blood Suit" and "Scorching" general forces, coupled with the sudden attack at this moment, Buzzby was confident. Even if the other party is not seriously injured, he will be in a hurry for a while.

"It's so boring!"

Staring at the blazing flames, Kaido said indifferently, and then the five fingers of his right hand spread out, pressing them on his face in an instant like lightning, and then the five fingers clenched slightly - as if five mountains were squeezing Ba at the same time. Zibi's face was the same, and the terrifying force almost crushed his head.


Before the flame in his hand hit Kaido, the terrifying pain that his head was almost crushed made Buzzby scream subconsciously, and the movement in his hand stagnated for a moment, and the next second he was like a cannonball. was thrown out.

boom! ! !

The atmosphere roared continuously, like a real cannonball. Buzzby penetrated the layers of the atmosphere at an astonishing speed and slammed into the extreme distance. If there was no accident, it would hit the Ice Palace.



"how is this possible!"

"Just for a moment, Buzzby was..."

When Buzz disappeared into the sky like the same shooting star, Askin took a deep breath, and suddenly recovered from the shock, staring at Kaido with a look of horror.

Famous is worse than meeting, no matter how much everyone guessed Kaido's strength before, it is not as shocking as witnessing it.

One of the members of the Dignified Star Cross Knights, as a powerful being, was thrown away like a cannonball in just an instant. Such terrifying strength undoubtedly caused a great shock to everyone present.

"For those who are not polite, they should be crushed to death!"

Staring at the shocked group of people with golden eyes, Kaido spread his hands as if explaining.

"Are you right!?"

The plain tone was like crushing an ant casually, full of indifference, causing Askin and the others to take a step back subconsciously, their eyes full of fear.

"Who are you? Death?!"

Soon, the calm Askin stood up, stared at Kaido with dread, and asked in a deep voice.

At the same time, the hands are tightly clasped, ready to open the Eucharist at any time, ready to fight with all their strength.

No way, Kaido's shock to them was too great, a member of the same level was instantly killed, and he didn't even show his true strength, which made a few people feel jealous all of a sudden.

"Well... a few people in the past asked the same thing, and you asked the same thing!" Facing Askin's question, Kaido rubbed his forehead and said helplessly, which immediately caused a few people's discoloration.

"Bombieta and the others... are they really dead!"

Hearing what Kaido said, and seeing Bambi Aita and the others who had disappeared, Litoto squeezed into her white palm and said in a low voice.

"Dead? No no no..."

Seeing Litoto say this, Kaido immediately waved his hand and directly denied her words, and then in the suspicious eyes of several people, he said jokingly, "They are the one-of-a-kind bitches. In terms of 'hot weapons', it is quite a perfect existence!"

"How could I possibly kill them!"

"By the way, with such a yellow-haired lady, you are also my target next time!"

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