As soon as the words fell, Litoto was shocked for a moment, and her petite body subconsciously took a step back, looking at Kaido with some horror.

Kaido's words just now are definitely an end for a woman, making Litoto, who was already afraid of Kaido, directly fearful.

"How dare you do this!"

Askin's face instantly became angry. As the only women in the Star Cross Knights, even though Askin didn't love them, but when he heard that they were done by the enemy, he still had a strong anger.

"That's what I do..."

Facing Askin's anger, Kaido had a playful smile on his face, his hands spread open, and the terrifying Reiatsu rioted instantly.

"How can you?"

The Ninety-sixth: One-knife cremation!


Chapter [-] The blooming lotus of extinction! (first update)

boom! ! !

Scarlet flames rose into the sky, instantly dyeing the entire world scarlet, and a long knife burning with terrifying flames slashed at everyone like a world-annihilating knife.

Fast, too fast!

As soon as Yaskin and the others did not react, the flaming long knife was already slashing heavily.

The earth cracked open in an instant, and large swathes of snow melted and evaporated instantly, forming a thick mist of water, which was then evaporated by the terrifying flames of thousands of degrees.

"not good!!"

The terrifying flames rushed towards their faces, and everyone's faces changed greatly. After they only had time to use the "quiet blood suit" to greatly improve the body's defense, the flame sword had already drowned them.


The earth cracked, and a huge crack that spread hundreds of meters tore open the earth, and the terrifying flame was burning, almost dyeing the whole world into a scarlet color.

The sky and the earth were dimmed at this time, and only a flaming long knife was burning.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

The flames were flying, and several charred figures fled from the range of the flaming sword in embarrassment. They stepped on the flying sickle and landed on the surrounding snow.

"It's time to praise your vitality!"

Staring at the few people who escaped in embarrassment, Kaido stared at them and said jokingly.

"To be able to survive under the attack of a knife and cremation, you are no weaker than the captain-level death god."

The Ninety-sixth: One-knife cremation.

As a sacrificial ghost road of No. [-], its power is even embarrassing for Aizen, who has begun to merge with Collapsing Jade, and the ordinary captain is enough to kill him in an instant.

The fact that several people were able to escape from the attack of one-shot cremation was enough to prove that the opponent's strength was not weaker than that of the captain-level Death God, and even higher than the captain.

Of course, Kaido said this does not mean that several people will think so, and the Askin people at this time are extremely horrified at this time.

too strong……

Strong to the point of exaggeration...

The whole body was full of charred black, and several people gasped for breath, staring at Kaido with a calm expression in horror, and his expression was full of fear.

As soon as he raised his hand, he blasted out a terrifying attack, which severely injured a few of them almost instantly.

"Use the Holy Communion, or we will all die!"

Yaskin roared in a low voice, his expression full of horror, the originally black short curly hair had been burnt to nothing, the gorgeous military uniform was also shattered, and the exposed body was also full of charred black.

It can be said that he suffered serious injuries.

"it is good!"

Yaskin's proposal was quickly approved by several people, and then everyone unfolded the Holy Body one after another, and the terrifying spiritual pressure skyrocketed wildly, and the surrounding spiritual sons quickly condensed, forming an amazing light.

Boom, boom, boom...

One after another terrifying spiritual pressure rose up, and the dazzling light shook the Quartet with terrifying power, and its power even spread to the Palace of Ice.

See you at the end of the Eucharist · Poison of God!

After entering the Eucharist, Yaskin is no longer in a state of embarrassment. A large number of complex molecular structures appear on his body. On the top of his head is a star cross halo with molecular structure. On his shoulders, there are overlapping molecular-connected halo-wing structures. , there are miniature poisonous spirits floating in a regular arrangement on both arms, different numbers of knot-shaped wrist rings are set on the limbs, T-triangle-arranged shimmering molecules appear on the abdomen, and the waist is a molecular-shaped halo ring formed by folding short bows. The crotch pants and boots on the lower body were covered with spirits, and the whole person looked very strange.

And as Yaskin's Holy Body unfolded, the other three also showed their own Holy Body shape one after another, and four powerful coercions enveloped the whole world, almost crushing everything.

"The field of poison!"

Almost as soon as the Holy Body was unfolded, Askin roared loudly, and a terrifying field of poison quickly expanded, shrouding the surrounding hundreds of meters in the field in an instant.

This is a complete fortress of poison. The atmosphere is full of deadly "lethal doses". Just breathing will cause hypoxia. Even walking a step will consume a large amount of "lethal doses". It can be said to be very terrifying. field.


Seeing the opening of his own domain, Askin breathed a sigh of relief, and the eyes that stared at Kaido also relaxed, without the previous fear.

"In my field of poison, no matter how powerful you are, you will be poisoned to death!"

Staring at Kaido, a smug smile appeared on Askin's face. Although his ability "lethal amount" was not as terrifying as other people's abilities, it was absolutely terrifying in terms of "poison". The field of poison is enough to easily poison a captain-level reaper.

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