A member of the Star Cross Knights on the side looked extremely ugly, stared at the unconscious Buzzby, and said in a cold tone.

Around them, the originally magnificent Ice Palace collapsed directly, and a large piece of debris penetrated the hall, turning the originally spacious and luxurious hall into ruins, and even wind and snow blew in from the hole, making the crowd even more annoyed.

The destruction of the Ice Palace, which symbolized the invisible empire, undoubtedly made everyone present extremely annoyed. It must be known that their supreme king, Youhabach, was sleeping in this palace, trying to restore his own strength and let himself back again. To the pinnacle, and even further to the pinnacle of all time...  

However, just today, the invisible empire was invaded by mysterious people, and the spiritual pressure of the three Bambi Aita disappeared, so Bazby, one of the few sent out, was also thrown back to the Ice Palace, and even the ice The destruction of the palace was undoubtedly a heavy slap in the face of the Star Cross Knights.

If Yohabach wasn't disturbed and woke up from his slumber, otherwise they would really have to die.

"Most likely it's an intruder!"

Yu Gelan's face was extremely cold, staring at Buzzby, who was seriously injured and unconscious, and the coldness exuding from his body became even colder.

Buzzby and he have been good friends since childhood, and the relationship between the two can be said to be very good. Even if Buzzby is very jealous of Yu Gelan and often challenges Yu Gelan, it does not affect the relationship between the two parties.

"Hmph... This mysterious intruder is really arrogant! First, Bombieta and the others, and now Buzzby, is this going to declare war on the invisible empire?"

Hearing Yu Gelan's words, the members of the Star Cross Knights couldn't help but said, their tone was full of chills.

"Wait, what's with this creepy aura?!"

"Askin and the others..."

"Their Reiatsu disappeared?!"

At this moment, the indignant Star Cross Knights suddenly felt a chill in their hearts, and then they felt a terrifying wave suddenly erupted from a distance, and then they felt the Reiatsu of Askin and others. Disappeared, just like the previous Bombie Tower 0.5 and others.

This made everyone angry again.

"what happened?!"

"Could it be that intruder again?"

"Damn, how many members of the Star Cross Knights did he kill!"

Feeling the disappearance of the Reiatsu of the four Askins, everyone finally couldn't help roaring, their voices full of anger and a hint of fear.

One after another, the Reiatsu of seven members of the Star Cross Knights disappeared, and they were most likely to be beheaded by the enemy. How could this not make everyone fear?

"Who is the enemy!!"

One of the Star Cross Knights couldn't help roaring.

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, an indifferent voice came, which made the bodies of the angry people froze.


Chapter three hundred and forty seventh wish come true?Slap and fly! (third more)

The indifferent voice came, and everyone couldn't help but froze, then turned around quickly, looked at the owner of the voice, and saw the broken entrance, a slender figure came out.


The dazzling silver hair, the sacred and dazzling golden eyes, the handsome and warm face, the slender and tall figure, wearing the robe that imprints everything in the mountains, like a high god - noble, sacred, majestic .

"Who are you!"

Seeing the person coming, Yu Gelan's eyes suddenly became solemn, his eyes were fixed on Kaido, and his body subconsciously tensed up, as if he had encountered an unmatched natural enemy.

From Kaido's body, Yu Gelan could feel an almost creepy danger, as if the other party could crush everyone into pieces with just his hands, full of deadly danger.

"Isn't it me you're looking for?"

Kaido stood with his hands behind his back, his golden eyes looked at the crowd indifferently, and he said with no expression of joy and anger, like a god on the high.

"You are that mysterious intruder!"

Yu Gelan's face suddenly turned cold, and 13's eyes looking at Kaido were full of coldness.

"Askin and the others!"

Although he knew that they could not be alive, Yu Gelan still asked with a one in ten thousand possibility.


Seeing Yu Gelan like this, Kaido was slightly dumbfounded, then smiled indifferently, and said calmly.

"Killed by me!"

At the end, Kaido added another sentence.


Hearing Kaido's succinct admission, everyone took a deep breath and looked at Kaido's eyes more and more badly.

'died! '

The corners of Yu Gelan's eyes twitched slightly, and her calm face collapsed a little. Counting the three of Bombieta, a full seven members of the Star Cross Knights fell.

This is nearly half of the Star Cross Knights' combat power, and all of them have fallen like this, even Yu Gelan will sigh with heartache.

Especially now that Yohabach has not awakened, any member of the Star Cross Knights is a great fighting force.

"It seems that you have a great appetite!"

Taking a deep breath, Yu Gelan's eyes suddenly became sharp, and his eyes looking at Kaido were full of cold light.

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