"Not only Askin and the others, but even us..."

Yu Gelan's voice was extremely cold, like the cold wind in the extreme north, which almost made everyone freeze, but before he could finish speaking, an arrogant voice interrupted him directly.

"Yo, are you the intruder?!"

As everyone looked at him, a short, indifferent boy suddenly appeared in the hall, and looked at Kaido with interest.

"I heard that you killed Askin and the others!"

Facing the eyes of everyone, the young man said with a proud expression.

However, after seeing this young man, everyone present changed color, and looked at the young man with a bit of awe in their eyes.

"Why did he come out!"

"Isn't he locked up all the time!?"

Looking at the arrogant young man, everyone whispered in awe.

The boy's name is Gremie Tommy, the holy text is "V", and his ability is an extremely terrifying "visionary" - in short, what he wants to do.

Yes, it is the terrifying ability to turn "imagination" into "real".

A boy with this terrifying ability is also a feared and feared existence in the Star Cross Knights. Even an existence higher than him, he should be given three points.


Seeing the person coming, Yu Gelan fell silent. Even if he was interrupted by the other party, Yu Gelan had no intention of breaking out.

Although Yu Gelan was not afraid of Gremi, he didn't want to easily start a conflict with the opponent, after all, the opponent's ability was too buggy.

With the ability of "Visionary", Gremi's ability can almost be regarded as the strongest.


"I heard that you are very strong? Even Askin and the others died in your hands?"

Facing the awe-inspiring eyes of everyone, Gremi said with a proud expression as always, as if everyone's awe was a matter of course.

"Not bad!"

As if seeing an interesting toy, Kaido nodded slightly and looked at the boy with interest.

"Who are you?!"

Kaido naturally knew the identity of the other party, but still asked.

"Gremy Tomo, the strongest of the Star Cross Knights!"

With his hands in his pockets, Gremi raised his head and said arrogantly, as if it were a matter of course.

In fact, based on the opponent's ability, it can almost be regarded as the strongest of the Star Cross Knights.

The members of the Star Cross Knights on the side heard this, and a trace of anger flashed in their eyes, but they did not dare to say anything. After all, the other party can indeed be regarded as the strongest in a certain sense.

"Oh, then the strongest, what are you doing?"

Hearing this, Kaido was filled with an indescribable smile, and his eyes were meaningful.

"Kill you!"

With his hands in his pockets, Gremi said indifferently, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

"Use my ability, the most powerful ability in the world, to kill..."

Slowly opening his hands, Gremi said almost like a declaration, his expression full of fanaticism and arrogance, but before he could finish speaking, a loud slap instantly slapped him in the face.


The voice was extremely crisp and resounded directly through the entire 340 Ice Palace. Then, in the shocked eyes of everyone, Gremi's short body instantly turned into a meteor, directly smashing the city wall of the Ice Palace, penetrating all the way. With layers of atmosphere, it disappeared into the sky far away, and I don't know where it flew.


Under the shocked gazes of everyone, Kaido slowly put away his right hand, looked at Gremi who disappeared into the sky, and commented lightly.

"As expected of the villain, obviously there is a chance to do it, but I have to bb endlessly!"

too brutal...

so clean...

Seeing Kaido's actions, everyone present couldn't help but have this thought, and looked at Kaido with shock and admiration in their eyes.

Even if they were enemies with Kaido, they had to admire Kaido's decisiveness. Instead of chatting with Gremi, they slapped the other side with a slap while he was talking at length.

In this case, no matter how strong the ability is, there is no room for it.


ps: By the way, the death scroll is all boring to you?If it's boring, I plan to open an extravaganza that combines several fantasy books in the next two days, and then update it together with Death.

If you want to watch it, say it in the comment area, and if you don't want to, say it, and then I will open a vote. If you want or don't want to, you can vote. After three days, I will decide whether to open it or not. .

Chapter [-] Youhabach, come out and meet me! (first update)

"Where's Yohabach?"

He slapped Gremi away casually, Kaido stared at him and stunned everyone, his golden pupils shone with dazzling light, and he asked lightly.

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