As for Gremi?Just an ant.

Even with a very powerful ability, in Kaido's view, it's just an ant that can be easily dealt with.

The purpose of Kaido's trip is to gain the power of the Quincy and to meet the legendary King of the Quincy, Youhabach, who is known as 'Omniscient and Almighty'.

As for the Star Cross Knights?

I'm sorry, they are just ants standing in front of giants, and they are useless except for Kaido's ridiculous performance and being played badly by Kaido.

But now, after 'playing' with Bombieta and Askin before, and gaining the power of the Quincy, Kaido is no longer interested in compensating for them.

After all, bullying children is really pointless!

"You want to see Your Majesty?!"

Hearing this, Yu Gelan's originally calm pupils shrank suddenly, her face turned gloomy, and her eyes looking at Kaido were full of fear and killing intent.

He never thought that Kaido's destination would be Yohabach, the leader of the invisible empire, their majesty!

But how could they let the dangerous Kaido meet Yohabah?

You must know that the current Yohabah has not awakened from the thousand-year-old seal, and is still in "sleeping". Although no one can harm Yohabah in this state, it does not mean that the mysterious Kaido in front of him will not be ability.

"Your Majesty is sleeping, I'm afraid I won't have time to see Your Excellency!"

Taking a deep breath, Yu Gelan faced Kaido with a calm face and said in a calm tone, but his right hand quietly held his weapon, and the strength of his body was also faintly mobilized.

"No time to?"

Kaido looked at Yu Gelan in surprise, and said in a mocking tone.

"I'm afraid it's still sealed" ¨!"

In the original book, Youhabach was defeated and sealed by Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, who used the swastika in the battle between Quincy and Death a thousand years ago.

After the defeat, the quenchers took Youhabach to the shadow of Jingling Court, and established an invisible empire, beginning a thousand-year lurking.

During the seal period, in order to break the seal, Yohabach spent 999 years using the power of "sanctification" to gradually regain his heart, mind, and strength.

In the end, it took him 9 days to capture the entire world and establish an invisible empire.

And now, if there is no accident, it should still be in the seal, but according to Kaido's estimation, Youhabach has regained his heartbeat and consciousness, and the next step is to regain his power.

In other words, the current Youhabach's consciousness has awakened, but he has not yet begun to regain his power, and it still takes a certain amount of time to prepare.

"Your Excellency came to the Invisible Empire, and made such a big move, you must not come to laugh at Your Majesty!"

Hearing Kaido's ridicule, Yu Gelan's expression did not change in any way, and he still looked indifferent, as if he did not take Kaido's words to heart.

"'re calm!"

Looking at the calm Yugrand with some approval, Kaido said in admiration.

"The purpose of my coming here has been achieved, and now there is only one left to meet Youhabach!"

Said, staring at the Star Cross Knights present, Kaido's golden pupils shrank heavily, and a burst of terror to the extreme suddenly burst out, forming a strong golden light that rose into the sky, and it was just an instant golden light all over the place. Over the entire invisible empire, endless golden raindrops fell to the surrounding earth like real raindrops.

At this moment, a golden sun appeared in the entire invisible empire, exuding unparalleled light and coercion, and its terrifying coercion made the Ice Palace and the surrounding earth tremble crazily.

As if the sky was falling apart, the surrounding thousands of meters of land were trembling crazily, and a terrifying coercion was pressing on everyone. The members of the Star Cross Knights, who were extremely powerful and aloof in the past, were like fragile ants. In front of the incomparable spiritual pressure, he can barely support his body, his face is extremely pale, like a boat before a storm, and it may be directly overturned by the huge waves at any time.

"This, what kind of power this is!"

"Is this God?"

"It's so terrifying, it's like a real god."

Looking at Kaido, who exudes an unparalleled terrifying spiritual pressure, like a sun, the pale-faced people almost want to kneel on the ground and worship that great existence.

In fact, if they didn't believe in Youhabach, they would have an extraordinary worship of Youhabach, and I'm afraid they would kneel directly.

Even if they have a strength comparable to the captain level, it is useless. The gap between them and Kaido is really too big.

"."Damn... Such power is too foul!"

Yu Gelan's face was extremely pale, and he couldn't help releasing the spiritual pressure of his whole body to resist Kaido's terrifying pressure. Even so, Yu Gelan felt that his whole body was pressed against a mountain, and he felt breathless.


The atmosphere was trembling, and ripples began to appear in the space. Kaido's spiritual pressure burst out in an all-round way. The spiritual pressure was so huge that it far surpassed the concept of death. The entire space of the invisible empire trembled.

If you don't stop it, it won't take an hour, the shadow space of the Jingling Court constructed with the spiritual child - the invisible empire, will collapse directly.

And the entire Quincy organization will also be exposed in the Jingling Court. At that time, Kaido will not need to do anything. Before Youhabach has awakened, and the Star Cross Knights have lost nearly half of their combat power, the invisible empire has nine The possibility of achieving the above was directly defeated by the Gotei Thirteen Team.

"Yuha Bach, I know your consciousness has awakened!" Yi (the one who got it) stood in the air, exuding a terrifying spiritual pressure, Kaido said indifferently, like a high god, solemn Announcing his oracle.

"Come out and meet me!"

After speaking, in the terrified eyes of everyone, Kaido opened his hands, and the mysterious and supreme power of all things began to rush and flow——

The fourth movement of all kinds of things, factor simulation!

In the end, a terrifying explosion was created out of thin air and began to condense crazily, eventually forming a small "sun" - which was filled with a terrifying explosion of up to [-] degrees, which was enough to vaporize an entire large city with one blow. Blazing Ball.

Factor Simulation · Ball of Heat!


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