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Chapter [-] 'The King of Quincy' Youha Bach! (Second more)

Invisible Empire - For thousands of years, it has been in an environment of ice and snow. Except for the Ice Palace and the Quincy at the center, there is no stranger to set foot in this world.

However, at this moment, this huge space that has existed for thousands of years is facing a fatal danger that has never been encountered since it was opened.

The entire huge space was trembling, and the terrifying spiritual pressure formed a golden beam of light soaring into the sky, dyeing the sky of the entire space into a dazzling golden color. The world that has been flooded with white all the year round is now dyed with a layer of sacredness. Dazzling golden light.

The majestic coercion shakes the entire huge space. The space created by the spiritual child is not as good as the real world. At this time, under Kaido's spiritual pressure, it gradually shakes. If there is no accident, In another half an hour, the entire space will begin to collapse.

Just like the swastika of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, the existence of the corpse and soul can lead to destruction.

This is Reiatsu that can shake the world!


The wind was howling, and above the Ice Palace, Kaido stepped on the void, and in his open hands, a "flaming ball" emitting a terrifying temperature floated in 797.

Factor Simulation · Ball of Heat! ! !

This is Kaido imitating the ability of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's first solution of "flowing blades like fire", condensing the power of the hot hell into a sphere, and if it explodes in an instant, it is enough to wipe out several large cities in one blow.

If it were placed in the Japanese archipelago, just this "ball of heat" would be enough to destroy half of Japan, and the subsequent volcanic eruption and the cracking of the crust could sink the entire Japan in an instant.

This is a blow that can destroy a country!

Fear, despair, humility...

Looking at Kaido in the sky, the eyes of all the Quincy masters were full of horror, feeling the power in Kaido's hands that was enough to destroy the entire huge space and wipe out the invisible empire directly. Despair.

This is the unstoppable, unmatched power of God!

"Yuhabach... won't you come out?"

Stepping on the void, Kaido was expressionless, and the terrifying "ball of heat" in his hands turned like a sun, which contained destructive power, enough to make anyone terrified.

"If you don't come out...I don't mind erasing the entire invisible empire!"

The dull voice echoed between heaven and earth, full of indifference, like an aloof god announcing everything majestically.

No one will doubt the authenticity of this sentence, everyone can clearly realize that the other party is really able and will definitely do it, and wipe out the invisible empire - if Youhabach doesn't appear!


There was silence between heaven and earth, and everyone stood quietly in place, like humble ants, waiting for the development of things.

In fact, except for Yu Gelan who was still a little confident, the rest of the Quincy members present could only expect the appearance of Youhabach, otherwise what awaits them is the arrival of destruction—this is the sorrow of the weak !

In the face of the strong, they don't even have the ability to resist.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, time passed slowly, one second at a time, making everyone present seem to feel that the time was extended by a thousand times, just a few seconds, but it was almost so long They go crazy.


Suddenly, Kaido, who was stepping on the void, raised his brows slightly, his golden pupils flashed a gleam of light, and looked at the depths of the Ice Palace with interest—

In Kaido's perception, a vast and terrifying will slowly awakened, and a wave symbolizing 'omnipotence and omnipotence' slowly radiated out, obviously without any terrible power, but Kaido could feel a higher level fluctuations.



At this time, Yu Gelan, who was standing at the front, struggling to resist Kaido's pressure, changed his face slightly, a look of shock flashed through his calm pupils, and then turned into a thick (bgff) frenzy.

"His Majesty!"

Yu Gelan murmured in a low voice, seemingly unintentionally whispering, but it shocked everyone present, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.


Soon, Yu Gelan's pupils shrank heavily, a dazed color flashed, and a vast and terrifying will descended on Yu Gelan's body and took over his body.

The king of the Quincy, 'Omniscient and Almighty' Youhabach, once again set foot in this world after nearly a thousand years, and let out a faint whisper.

"990 years!"

The words full of vicissitudes slowly came out, the eyes that were originally cold as water brought a strong meaning of vicissitudes, and the whole body exuded the temperament of an aloof king, like a great king who existed for thousands of years.


"What's wrong with you?!"

"Could it be that His Majesty has come?"

"Great... If it's Your Majesty, I can definitely fight against that monster!"

Looking at Yu Gelan, whose temperament has changed greatly, the faces of everyone who knew the identity of the other party had a strong expression of ecstasy, and couldn't help saying excitedly.

Yugland Hasward!

It is second only to Youhabach among the invisible empires. The holy text is "B", and the symbolic ability is "World Harmony" - the ability is to manipulate "unfortunate", which is a rather terrifying ability.

Of course, he also has another ability - the ability to distribute, the ability to give other Quincy's power, and it is precisely because of this ability that Yohabach called Yugelan "half body".

Even in the night when Yohabach is asleep, the power will be exchanged with Yu Gelan, it can be said that the relationship between the two is very close. ... It is precisely because of this that Yohabach was able to descend into Yu Gelan's body with his will when he was still asleep, his strength had not recovered, and he could not even open his "eyes".

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