"King of the Quincy—Youhabach!"

Looking at Yuha Bach who descended on Yugelan's body, Kaido smiled slightly, and his golden pupils shone with a hint of curiosity.

"Meeting for the first time!"

The king of the virtual circle - Kaido, the king of the Quincy - Youhabach!

The two most peak giants met for the first time in the invisible empire.

"First meeting, powerful outsider!"

Controlling Yu Gelan's body, Yohabach also stared at Kaido and said indifferently.

"You killed a lot of my subordinates!"

The voice was incomparably flat, as quiet as a calm sea, but anyone could hear it, like the will of a tsunami about to erupt.

The dull atmosphere suddenly became solemn.


ps: Reader skirts - four, seven, five, one, six, six, six, nine, four - readers and friends are welcome to join the chat to discuss the plot and complain (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

There are too few people in the skirt, and there are also a few readers. Hurry up and add a skirt to the water to increase your popularity! .

Chapter [-] Slap your friend Habach! (third more)

Invisible Empire, Palace of Ice.

As Youhabach's voice fell, the atmosphere between heaven and earth suddenly became solemn, and a heavy breath like the sea poured over the sky, making everyone suffocated, and their hearts could not help but tense.

Even though they had great confidence in His Majesty the Supreme Emperor in their hearts, Youhabach, the King of Quincy, everyone was still worried.

After all, Youhabach has not regained his strength, and can only appear with the help of Yu Gelan's body. His strength is far inferior to his peak period. His strength is terrifying. He can crush the Star Cross Knights. Kaido of the terrifying Ball of Exploding Flames, everyone really doesn't have much self-confidence.

"Heh... Could it be that the ruthless Youhabach, the dignified king of Quincy... still cares about a few subordinates?"

Just when the atmosphere was extremely solemn, Kaido, who was aloof, suddenly sneered, his voice full of disdain.

In the original work, Yohabach personally executed Lloyd, who was defeated by Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai. His character was so ruthless and cruel that even Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai spurned him. ...It's no wonder that Kaido will laugh at each other, how could he care about the mere subordinates because of the ruthlessness of the friend Habach?

If necessary, Yohabach can even launch "Sanctification" to devour the entire Star Cross Knight Order and even the entire Invisible Empire of all the Quincy's power without hesitation.

It can be said that Yohabach is the kind of extremely ruthless and cruel person.

"What's more, what about killing a few of your subordinates?"

After dispersing the "Ball of Heat" in his hand, Kaido wrapped his arms around him, stared at Youhabach with a sneer, and said mockingly.

"What can you do now?"

Without recovery power, even the power of 'Omniscient and Almighty' could not be used, and Yuhabach, who only appeared with the help of Yu Gelan, was not taken seriously by Kaido at all.

Even if Youhabach regained his peak power, possessed the power of 'Omniscient and Almighty', and even obtained the power of the Spirit King, he used the "Holy" to devour the power of the Quincy, reaching the peak of Yuhabach in history, Kaido also Don't take it seriously.

Of course, Yohabach didn't know this, so he sneered immediately, staring at Kaido with an unkind look in his eyes.

"From the power you used before, I sensed a disgusting aura." Youhabach didn't talk about his subordinates, but changed his tone and said in a disgusting tone.

"What's your relationship with Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai!"

Even if it has been sealed for nearly a thousand years, Yohabach will never forget the appearance and power of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai. From the explosive flame ball just used by Kaido, Youhabach felt the breath of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai.

The strongest and oldest Zanpakutō of the flame-type that once defeated him, ravaged him mercilessly, exuding light and heat—Flow Blade Ruo Huo.

"Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai?"

The white palm rubbed his chin with interest, Kaido looked at Yuhabach with some playfulness, and said indifferently.

"It's just a loser!"


As soon as the words fell, Yuhabach's eyes shrank heavily, and instantly became solemn, and the eyes looking at Kaido also became more cautious.

As Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's old enemy, even if Youhabach didn't want to admit it, he had to endure the opponent's terror, which was enough to evaporate the solution of the entire Soul Society. It was the strongest attack that Youhabach had ever seen.

Even he was completely ravaged and sealed for nearly a thousand years, and the mysterious figure who appeared in front of him was able to defeat Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, which had to make Youhabach put him on the same level.

Yohabach does not doubt that Kaido will lie, and the existence of his level is disdainful of lying, not to mention that Yohabach can feel that Kaido is not lying.


"Then, why did you come to the Invisible Empire!"

Knowing Kaido's horror, Yohabach's attitude also became more cautious, not as scornful as before.

"I came to the Invisible Empire for two purposes, but I have already achieved it!"

Hearing this, Kaido stretched out two fingers and said lightly.Come to the destination of the Invisible Empire - whether it is the power of the Quincy, or seeing Youhabach.

Kaido has achieved both of these goals, and Kaido can now leave the invisible empire if he wants to.

However, Kaido didn't plan to leave like this.

After all, when I came to the Invisible Empire and saw the legendary King of Quincy, Youhabach, wouldn't it be a pity if we didn't fight?

Thinking of this, Kaido's eyes staring at Youhabach became eager to try, even if Youhabach's strength was far from recovered, and he couldn't kill him, Kaido didn't mind hanging him first.

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