
Seeing Kaido like this, Yohabach frowned, and an ominous premonition appeared in his heart, which made Yohabach a little uneasy.

"Compared to those boring purposes, I would like to see the power of the legendary Quincy King who can fight fiercely with Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai!"

As soon as the words fell, in the slightly changed expression of Yuhabach, Kaido rioted with the majestic golden spiritual pressure, and when he raised his hand, he blasted out the terrifying scarlet blade——

The Ninety-sixth: One-knife cremation!

The scarlet flaming long knife slashed down heavily in Youhabach's shocked eyes. The terrifying flame instantly melted the surrounding snow, and the entire Ice Palace also began to melt in the high temperature.

"Don't be too arrogant!"

Almost at the moment when the flaming sword fell, Youhabach roared angrily, and the spiritual pressure all over his body rioted. He raised his hand and pointed out that the terrifying spiritual child was condensed frantically——

Multiple Sacred Arrows!

Dozens or hundreds of small holy annihilation arrows, like raindrops, cut through the atmosphere, whistling and colliding with the flaming long knives frantically.

0 ......

bang bang bang...

The terrifying collision exploded, and thousands of small sacred arrows poured out like raindrops, constantly banging the flame sword, and the flame sword exploded in an instant, and the terrifying scarlet flame was like a meteor. , slammed into the surroundings, and a large swathe of snow was melted.

The Ninety-sixth of Destruction: One-knife cremation, this ghost road as high as No. [-] was broken for the first time.

The terrifying and incomparable strength of Yohabach was fully displayed—even if Yohabach only used Yu Gelan's body.


Seeing this, Kaido did not get angry, but a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his figure disappeared immediately after stepping on it, and the next moment he appeared in front of Youhabach.

"not good!"

Yuha Bach was startled, and when he was about to raise his hand to attack Kaido who suddenly appeared, there was a flower in front of him, and then he felt a sharp pain in his cheek, accompanied by a loud slap on the face - slap! !

The king of the dignified Quincy Exterminator, the super strong who could compete with Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, was slapped directly in the face under the watchful eyes of the public.


ps: Reader skirts - four, seven, five, one, six, six, six, nine, four - readers and friends are welcome to join the chat to discuss the plot and complain (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

There are too few people in the skirt, and there are also a few readers. Hurry up and add a skirt to the water to increase your popularity!

Today's first update has less than [-] subscriptions so far. This result is really bad for my grandmother's house. Is my writing that bad? (T_T)/~~.

Chapter [-] Hanging and beating friends Habach! (The first change, please complete the order)

The sound was so clear that even if the entire Ice Palace was surrounded by flames, the terrifying vibration shook the surrounding earth, and everyone around could still see the scene clearly.


"I... what did I see!!?"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty was... slapped?"

Everyone who witnessed this scene with their own eyes widened their eyes and cried out, their faces filled with shock.

Who is Yohabach?

That is the ancestor of all the quenchers. Thousands of years ago, he led the Quincy organization to fight against the soul world, and even forced Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai to open the swastika. In the hearts of the quenchers, Youhabach is supreme. "God", is their Emperor His Majesty.

However, just now, their Majesty, the "god" of all the Quincy Masters, was slapped in the face of the public, how could this not shock everyone.

"[-]" "Brush!"

Almost immediately after Kaido slapped Yohabach, Yohabach disappeared in a flash and appeared on the other side from a distance.

"Does it hurt! Yohabach!"

Staring at the fleeing Yohabach, Kaido did not pursue, but looked at him playfully, almost jokingly.


Youhabach didn't speak, he just had a gloomy face, his eyes flashed with a terrifying cold light, and his whole body exuded a chill that was about to freeze everything.

Obviously, Kaido's slap made Yohabah angry like never before.

Why was he treated like this?Being slapped directly, even Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai did not dare to do so.

This is blatant contempt.

Yuhabach didn't speak, but held Yugelan's weapon and drew a trajectory in the air——

In an instant, the atmosphere shook, a giant bow and arrow condensed in an instant, and then a huge long arrow shot out instantly, forming a huge lightsaber in the middle.

Large Holy Slayer!

The giant lightsaber, like the sword of God, pierced through the atmosphere at high speed, and blasted towards Kaido with a whistling blast. The extremely dense spiritual sons around him condensed, with extremely terrifying destructive power.

"I'm so embarrassed!"

Seeing Youhabach, he attacked without saying a word. Kaido jokingly joked, and without using any abilities or ghosts, he clenched his right fist and slammed it in an instant.

boom! !

The atmosphere shook, and a huge fist print that materialized instantly blasted out, like a punch from the gods, directly smashing the huge lightsaber that exploded, and smashed towards Youhabach without changing his momentum.

This is pure physical power.

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