Multiple Sacred Arrows! !

Seeing that his attack was easily smashed, Youhabach's pupils shrank slightly, but he didn't care much, but raised his right hand in an instant, and hundreds of small arrows were blasted frantically, constantly bombarding the fist marks, and at the same time his body. The form kept retreating, guarding against Kaido, who was very likely to attack.


In just a short time, the huge fist burst into pieces, turning into a terrifying hurricane and rushing around.


Seeing that the fist was smashed by himself, Youhabach took a heavy breath, his eyes were extremely sharp, and after many failures, Youhabach didn't want to continue, and then the huge spiritual power belonging to Yu Gelan suddenly rushed up. , released without reservation.


The atmosphere roared, and in the shocked eyes of everyone, a giant spiritual bow appeared in the air. There were several giant bows and arrows on the bow, each of which was like a pillar, extremely thick, and the sharp arrows were enough to penetrate anything in an instant.

Each of these bows and arrows has a terrifying power, and it is a real mountain, which can be easily shattered.

This is the strongest attack that Yohabach can use at present - after all, this is Yu Gelan's body, which is far less powerful than Yohabach itself, and even the strongest 'all-knowing and omnipotent' power cannot be used.

"Interesting, this is your strongest attack?"

Looking at the attack condensed by Youhabach, Kaido didn't look nervous at all, but rather said contemptuously.

"It doesn't look so good!"

After speaking, Kaido moved his body, his white hands clenched into fists, and it seemed that he was fully using his abilities and ghosts.

"'ll know if you try it!"

Hearing Kaido's words, Yohabach, who had been gloomy for a while, suddenly spoke up, with a mocking look on his face.

"If you have one, try it next!"

After speaking, Yohabach didn't wait for Kaido to reply, and with a big move, the giant bow and arrow instantly pulled the bowstring, and with the sound of several "booms", several giant bows and arrows suddenly whistled out, like shooting stars towards Kaido. Blast away...  

huh, huh, huh...

The atmosphere made a sharp friction sound, and several giant arrows penetrated the atmosphere and shot at Kaido with a roar. The hurricane formed by the huge momentum seemed to be able to tear everything apart.


Kaido clenched his fists, his golden eyes twinkled coldly, sneered and stared at Yohabach, grinning.

"I beat you to call me daddy!"

The moment he finished speaking, Kaido raised his hand and slammed it out. In an instant, the atmosphere shook, and an unparalleled terrifying force swept out. The terrifying air wave instantly smashed the incoming giant arrow, and the remaining momentum did not change into a terrifying aura. The waves tore everything in front of them.

"not good!"

Youhabach's complexion changed greatly, sensing the horror of this blow, and instantly disappeared in place, avoiding the edge directly.

Boom boom boom! !

The ground was torn apart, the snow was smashed, and everything for thousands of meters in front was smashed to pieces by this punch.

"I am really strong, but my body!"

Just when Youhabach appeared on the other side, a flat voice made Youhabach's face change greatly, and then he couldn't help being horrified.


A big foot was reflected in Youhabach's eyes, and before he changed color, he stepped directly on his face, and instantly blasted him out.


The atmosphere roared, that was Kaido stepping on the atmosphere, 2.5 did not use any ability, broke through the atmosphere with the power of the flesh, and caught up in an instant.

bang bang bang...

The sound of fist-flesh handover kept ringing. In the dull eyes of the Star Cross Knights, their emperor, the king of the Quincy, Youhabach, was being beaten, and Yu Gelan's handsome face originally belonged to him. Instantly became fat and swollen, and in just one second, the whole person was beaten into a pig's head.

'what! ! '

Youhabach was extremely sad and angry. He wanted to let out a roar to express his anger, but the fists coming from all directions made him not even able to shout, if he hadn't used the "quiet blood suit" to improve his physical body for the first time Power, I am afraid that it will be exploded in the first time.

Even so, he was beaten by Kaido without any resistance, and he couldn't even shout.

This is a one-sided sling!


Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty-Second Egg Broken Youhabach! (Second more)

This is a one-sided sling!

Under Kaido's unparalleled body, Yohabah didn't even have the strength to resist, and his body flew in the air like a sandbag.


Another punch slammed into Youhabach's abdomen, and the powerful force almost didn't spit out Youhabach's blood.


Youhabach roared, and the majestic spiritual power surged wildly, condensing a shell covered with lines around it.

Shell static blood outfit!

This is an enhanced version of the still-blood suit, capable of resisting enemy attacks and even having the power to erode everything.

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