

With a crisp sound, the outer shell of the static blood suit was directly smashed, a big foot stepped directly on Youhabach's face, and the terrifying force flew out directly.

Boom! !

The ground cracked, and Youhabach smashed the ground along the way at an astonishing speed, directly hitting a long "channel".

17 "Gollum!"

"Like a dream!"

"Your Majesty was actually..."

The people of the Star Cross Knights who watched all this from a distance, swallowed their saliva, their eyes were incomparably horrified, and watching Youhabach was brutally abused by one side, everyone had a dream-like illusory feeling.


Stepping on the atmosphere, Kaido's figure was like a thunderbolt, and he rushed towards Youhabach with a whistling.

"not good!"

Covering his face, Youhabach, who barely stood up, was horrified when he saw this scene, and instantly used his flying sickle to leave the place.


In the next instant, a big foot fell, and the terrifying force directly shattered the ground for dozens of meters, as if it was hit by a meteorite, and it sank directly.

"Too strong!"

The embarrassed figure appeared on the other side, Youhabach gasped, looked at Kaido in awe, and deeply understood the strength gap between the two sides.

At this time, only with the help of Yu Gelan's body, Yohabah was completely unilaterally beaten by Kaido, and he had no resistance at all.

"No, we can't go on!"

Youhabach gritted his teeth and said that since he already knew the strength gap between the two sides, Youhabach had no plans to fight to the death.

'Hmph, let you be arrogant first... When my strength recovers, you will definitely regret it! '

He said coldly in his heart that Youhabach was about to withdraw his will and return to the seal.

As for whether the Star Crusader Knights will be killed by the angry Kaido?

For Yohabach, it doesn't matter if they are all dead, as long as he himself can still be alive is enough.

"Hey, it's not a good habit to be distracted when fighting with others!"

Suddenly, an indifferent voice came, which made Youhabach, who was about to withdraw his will, feel a chill in his heart, and suddenly became horrified.

In almost one hundredth of a second, a white fist slammed into Youhabach's chin. The terrifying force directly shattered the still blood suit and shattered Youhabach's chin directly.


The atmosphere roared, and Yu Gelan, possessed by Youhabach, was blasted directly into the sky, making a huge roar.

"Heh... I'll take care of you now!"

With a chuckle, Kaido stomped the ground with his right foot, and the terrifying force directly shattered the ground. Under the terrifying impact, Kaido's body instantly rose from the ground, like a rocket soaring into the sky, directly chasing after him. On the yohabach.

"Feel the pain of broken eggs!"

There was a delightful smile on the corner of his mouth, Kaido's right foot instantly kicked down like lightning, and a terrifying force instantly crushed it between the legs of his friend Habach—


The sound like a broken egg sounded, and before the consciousness had withdrawn, Youhabach, who seemed a little confused, was suddenly shocked, a look of sadness appeared on his red and swollen face like a pig's head, and an unprecedented pain came from his legs. From time to time, he felt the sadness of what is called "Dandan".


In the next second, Youhabach, who was physically and mentally humiliated, fell into a coma, and Yu Gelan's body also fell to the ground like a meteor, and finally made a huge roar.

"His Majesty……"

"Your Majesty is defeated!"

Looking at Yohabach who smashed the ground into a deep pit, everyone's expressions were full of worry.

However, before they were worried for long, Kaido's figure silently appeared in front of them.

"Big... lord!"

When they saw Kaido appear, everyone was shocked, but the person standing at the front barely suppressed the horrified expression and said respectfully to Kaido.

"Tell him when your majesty wakes up... I'm waiting for him to return to his peak!"

The golden eyes looked down at the few people indifferently, Kaido said in a flat tone, and had no intention of killing everyone at all.

After all, it's just a mere group of captains. To Kaido, it's just an ant, and it can be destroyed by raising his hand. Naturally, he doesn't need to care.

"At that time, I will appear again to take his life!"

After speaking, in the awe-inspiring eyes of everyone, Kaido turned away, leaving only a stalwart back.

After a long time, after seeing Kaido disappear completely, everyone slowly came back to their senses, and some inconceivable said: "We were let go?"

 510's voice was full of illusory feeling like a dream. Obviously, he didn't expect that this mysterious man who killed seven members of the Star Cross Knights in a row, and even the mysterious man who slapped Youhabach, would let them go.

" is your majesty!"

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