"By the way, go and see Your Majesty!"

"Yes, go and save His Majesty!"

Just when everyone was a little confused, someone seemed to wake up and exclaimed in shock, and then everyone suddenly woke up, rushed to the pothole, and carried out the seriously injured and comatose Youhabach.


"Too...too miserable!"

"Gulu, that man is a devil!"

When they really saw Yuhabach's injury, everyone took a deep breath, and their eyes were full of horror.

Especially when they saw Yohabach's bloody lower body, everyone clamped their legs involuntarily, and their faces were a little scared.

Once again, everyone deeply understood how terrifying Kaido was——

This is absolutely the devil!


ps: Today is 520, no young lady came to confess to me, no Fu Luoli Meiyu came to take care of me, everyone else took the girls to open the house, only I worked hard to code, and what was even more irritating was that Not many people have seen the code! ! !

Anyway, I will remember this hatred first! (take notes).

Chapter [-] The sad Yu Gelan, leave! (first update)

I don't know how long after Kaido left, under the protection of everyone

Then, Yohabach, who was seriously injured and comatose, finally woke up.

"Your Majesty...are you awake?"

Seeing Youhabach wake up, everyone swallowed and asked anxiously.

After all, they saw Youhabach in such a miserable state with their own eyes, so they were naturally very nervous, for fear of being beheaded by the enraged Youhabach.

"Where's that person!"

The awakened Youhabach did not speak, but closed his eyes as if he had fallen into a deep sleep. After a long time, he opened his eyes in front of the nervous crowd and asked indifferently. ...but he didn't show any signs of the trauma to his body, as if he didn't care, he seemed very indifferent.

Of course, if you look closely, you can also see Yohabach's feet trembling slightly, and his swollen face is also a little bit painful.

"Your Majesty, he has left!"

Seeing Yohabach asking about Kaido, a member of the Star Cross Knights bravely walked up and said respectfully.


Hearing this, Youhabach's expression was startled, and he seemed a little inexplicable.

Even Yohabach couldn't understand Kaido's thoughts.

Originally, Youhabach thought that Kaido's purpose was him, and he attacked the Star Cross Knights and used the invisible empire as a threat, all just to force him out.

However, the report from the subordinates at this time obviously denied this idea. If the other party really wanted to deal with him, the time when he was in a coma was the best time, not to mention the terrifying strength displayed by the other party, which even he could not match at his peak a thousand years ago.

"So... as the other party said, he just wants to see me?"

Youhabach pondered and said with a gloomy expression on his face. Kaido's existence is definitely an obstacle that cannot be ignored for his revenge and ambition to rule the Three Realms. The biggest obstacle for Team Zero.

"What else did he say?"

Youhabach asked in a low tone, and the fear of Kaido became stronger in his heart.


Seeing Yohabach ask like this, the member of the Star Cross Knights suddenly hesitated, not daring to speak Kaido's words at all.


Seeing the general appearance of his subordinates, Youhabach's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he said coldly, with a cold look on his swollen face like a pig, it looked so funny!

"Ah! Yes... yes!"

Startled by Yohabach's cold tone, the member hurriedly told Kaido's original words to Yohabach!

"Peak time? Take my life?"

With these two words murmured in his mouth, Youhabach's eyes flashed with a strong cold light, and he said with a strong killing intent.

"It's really interesting... I hope you can still be so confident when you see me in the strongest period!"

Youhabach's tone was extremely low, with strong killing intent and terror, like the sound of life-threatening sounds from hell, which made people tremble.

Such a terrifying tone made everyone on the side shiver.

"Next, I will continue to sleep to regain my power... Everything in the invisible empire is still presided over by Yu Gelan!"

Afterwards, Yuhabach, who had recovered his senses, said indifferently in the face of the nervous and restless Star Cross Knights, and then the terrifying will that descended on Yu Gelan's body receded like a tide, and it was replaced by rain. Glenn's own will revived.


When Yu Gelan regained control of his body, a terrifying pain quickly came from all over his body, especially his lower body. Being together makes those who hear it sad and those who see it cry.

Even the surrounding members of the Star Cross Knights had expressions of sympathy and sympathy. Although they had never felt the pain of broken eggs, they understood Yu Gelan's pain just by imagining it.


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