
The cold wind whistled and the snowflakes fluttered. Kaido walked leisurely in this ice and snow world. His silver figure was as ethereal as a fairy. Even in this icy world, his presence was still overwhelming enough.

"How...how are you feeling?!"

Walking leisurely, Kaido raised his right hand, and a small dimensional ball was in the palm of his hand, as if a small world was held in his hand, and Kaido was the character in the dimensional ball again. dialogue.


After a long time, the dimensional ball in Kaido's hand let out a faint sigh, which was the voice of Bambi Aita.

At this time, they had recovered from the previous ravages, and they watched how Kaido easily hanged the "god" in their hearts, the supreme emperor.

The reason why Bombieta and the other three girls were able to see Kaido's battle was naturally Kaido deliberately did it, in order to shatter the existence of Yuhabah in their hearts and firmly imprint their own shadow in it.

Obviously, the previous scene, just as Kaido thought, completely shattered their beliefs, and swept the shadow of Youhabach directly with absolute domineering means, making them a little dazed for a while, but in their hearts He also became more and more in awe of Kaido.

"Then... what are your thoughts in the future!"

With a chuckle, Kaido naturally knew that the three girls were at a loss for you at this time, so he said directly, the purpose was naturally to completely subdue the three girls, make them surrender sincerely, and become the perfect "hot weapon".

"Minina... I would like to follow Lord Kaido forever, I just hope that Lord can pity you!"

Not long after Kaido's words were spoken, a calm and weak voice came out, it was Minina who had the most calm and gentle personality.

"Oh, how clever!"

Raising his brows, Kaido instantly understood Minina's plan, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

Feeling unable to escape from Kaido, and seeing that even their king, Yohabah, is not Kaido's opponent, Minina naturally has to think about her future.

Since there is no way to escape, it is better to take the initiative to please, and then seek a chance to be favored.

Anyway, being committed to such a powerful existence as Kaido is not a humiliation for them, but their glory, not to mention that if they can be favored by Kaido, they may even break away from the status of female slaves and truly become Kaido's women.

This is also Minina's idea.


(What? Li Zhao) Bombieta and Candice shouted in disbelief, obviously not understanding why she gave in.

"Bomby, Candice, think about it for the two of you!"

Seeing the two of them in disbelief, Minina sighed and said lightly.


The two women were not idiots either. They frowned for a while, and then understood Minina's thoughts. They were shocked for a moment. After a slight hesitation, the two women decisively abandoned the morality and surrendered directly.

"very good!"

There was a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth, and Kaido's expression became a little happy.

The purpose of this invisible empire journey has been completed perfectly, and the next step is to return to the virtual circle.

"It's time to go back!"

Saying this, Kaido's eyes instantly shone with incomparable light, and he found the existence of the virtual circle from the endless torrent of space. He then raised his hand and directly opened a space door, and then stepped forward and disappeared in this space. among.


Chapter [-] The Greatly Changed Void Night Palace, the returning Kaido! (Second more)

virtual circle --

The everlasting barren land, desolation and desert are eternal scenes.


Like the sound of water droplets falling into the water, waves of ripples appeared in the invisible space, and a door of space suddenly appeared, opened from the void, and then a slender figure stepped out from it. The world looks a little brighter.

"The virtual circle... is back!"

Stepping on the void, Kaido's eyes scanned this barren world, and a look of nostalgia flashed on Junxiu's face.

Although it's only been over a month, Kaido still misses seeing this barren world again.

Of course, it is definitely not to miss this barren land.

"Go back to the Void Night Palace!"

Golden pupils glanced at the barren world, Kaido lost interest in an instant, then raised his hand to open a door, then stepped in, and went directly to the Void Night Palace.

"This is?!"

When Kaido stepped out of the gate of space and appeared above the Xuye Palace, he couldn't help but slightly widened his eyes and said in surprise.

I saw that the imposing night palace, which had a huge space but was extremely empty, suddenly appeared a lot of emptiness, and it was not the emptiness that was full of killing desire and irrational, but had obvious emptiness. Wisdom does not appear violent and vain. 267

There are strong and weak ones. The strong ones are the Achucas-level Great Voids, and the weak ones are also powerful Voids. The number is huge. It is estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of them, and there are hundreds of Achukas mixed among them. .

Of course, even with such a huge number of Achucas, they did not mean to resist at all, but looked respectful.

It's not that they have been modified, but that all the troublemakers have been beheaded, setting a good example.

And the reason for such a situation is entirely an expansion order of Kaido's order before he left.

After receiving the order from Kaido, the ten-blade-headed Bromian began to conquer the virtual circle. In just over a month, his footprints set foot in half the virtual circle, suppressing thousands of big virtuals along the way. Among them, there are thousands of Achukas class alone, and even one of Vastord was defeated by Grimmjow.

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