It can be said that in the virtual circle now, the vicious names of Xuye Palace and Shiben make countless Da Xu tremble, and naturally no one dares to make trouble.

Moreover, it is precisely because of the battle of the Ten Blades that many Daxu were subdued and joined the Xuye Palace along the way, and even a large number of Xues joined the Xuye Palace, hoping (bdeg) to get the blessing of the Xuye Palace——

After all, not all virtuals like to fight and devour their own kind.

And at this moment, under the command of a Ming Pomian, a large number of powerful ghosts poured into the Void Night Palace town, making the originally empty Void Night Palace town gradually become lively.

"Looks like they did a good job!"

Rubbing his chin, Kaido looked at the orderly Void Palace with a hint of satisfaction on his face.

Originally, it was just a casual order, and he never thought that they would be able to achieve anything in more than a month, but unexpectedly gave him a big surprise.

"Very well, it's time to announce my return!"


As soon as the words fell, a terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly erupted from Kaido, sweeping across the sky and the ground in an instant, directly shaking the entire Void Night Palace.


"Could it be an intruder?!"

"What a powerful Reiatsu, could it be Vastorde!?"

There was no accident, Kaido's terrifying spiritual pressure instantly caused the entire Xuye Palace to vibrate. Countless Daxu raised their heads one after another, staring at Kaido in the sky with shocking eyes, and their expressions were full of awe.

In their opinion, with such a terrifying spiritual pressure, it is definitely a Vastodd-level Daxu. Coupled with the overbearing actions of the Xuye Palace for more than a month, many Daxu secretly guessed whether they would find Xuye. Palace of troubles.

Of course, no one would doubt that the opponent could fight against the Void Night Palace, even if the opponent was Vastord.

This is not surprising, even Grimmjow, the fifth-ranked existence of the ten blades, can directly defeat Vastord, not to mention that there are four more terrifying existences above it.

Naturally, it is not an existence that someone can provoke, even if the other party is Vastord!

"This spiritual pressure?!"

"Your Majesty is back!"


Compared with the other Daxu who were sneering and sneering, the broken faces located all over the Xuye Palace, when they felt this terrifying spiritual pressure, their faces suddenly froze, and then their faces became happy. Their power was given by Kaido. Yes, the power of Kaido can't be clearer, and naturally he knows who is coming.

What's more, in addition to the king of the virtual circle, there are people who have such a terrifying spiritual pressure?This is far beyond the level of Vastord, far less than the ordinary imaginary can imagine.

"Your Majesty has become stronger!"

The Ten Blades in the depths of the Void Night Palace also opened their eyes and stared in Kaido's direction, a strange color flashed in their eyes.

The most powerful of them can vaguely feel that Kaido's strength has improved a little compared to before he left, which undoubtedly makes everyone envious.

At the level of Ten Blades, it is not so easy to become stronger, let alone an existence of Kaido's level. If there is no such bug as Bengyu, to achieve Kaido's existence, if you want to. If you make a little progress, it will be difficult.

This is also why people who live for a long time are powerful, but they have not reached the level of incomparability, because the stronger it is, the more difficult it is to make progress.

This is of no use even for a long time.

In the void, Kaido stood with his hands behind his back, his figure was ethereal and sacred, like a god, exuding an unparalleled terrifying power, which made many great virtuals extremely awed.

"Brush brush..."

At this time, in the incomparably empty void, slender figures appeared quickly, each exuding a terrifying aura, it was the reconstituted ten blades.

"Ten Blades, I have seen Your Majesty!"

After the Ten Blades appeared in front of Kaido, they all knelt down on one knee and offered their loyalty to Kaido, even for women like Niluhribel.

"Welcome back!"

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of many Da Xu, and bursts of exclamations suddenly erupted, and the pupils were full of incredible.

His Majesty? !

Rao was also a little dizzy due to the arrogant character of the Daxu, which was an unprecedented event.

The existence that can be respected by all the ten blades and is respected as Your Majesty, only that one mysteriously appeared more than a month ago and entered the Void Night Palace with a strong force, and a terrible spiritual pressure erupted, shaking the entire Void Circle— —

King of the Void!


Chapter [-] Nilu's Attachment! (third more)

On the sky, under the gazes of countless dazed and awe-inspiring eyes, Kaido carried his hands on his back and stared at everyone with his golden pupils, with a hint of relief in his eyes, and said, "You have done a very good job, which is far beyond mine. Unexpected!"

Being able to subdue so many big emptiness in just over a month is enough to prove the ability of Ten Blades.

"It is my honor to be able to serve His Majesty!"

Hearing Kaido's praise, everyone's faces were filled with joy, and they said quickly.

"Very good, from now on, the expansion of Xuye Palace will be handed over to you~!"

Seeing everyone say this, Kaido became more and more satisfied, raised his hand and pressed it, - said.

"With Stark, Ulquiorra, Harribel, and Nilu as the mainstay, and the rest as supplements, we will divide the virtuals who have joined the Void Night Palace into ten units, ranked according to their strengths, each of you will lead a team. !"

Speaking of which, Kaido's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he said solemnly.

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