"I only have one request, and that is to bring the entire virtual circle into the rule of the Xuye Palace!"

"do you understand!"

Rule the virtual circle!

This huge ambition suddenly made many Ten Blades a little excited, even if they were lazy and went to Stark, they were a little excited.

This is an unprecedented big thing, and there has never been anything that Daxu can do.

The former Balegang just occupied the center of the virtual circle, and after ruling a group of great virtual circles, he became the self-proclaimed king of the virtual circle, and Kaido wanted to rule the entire virtual circle at all.

"Yes! Your Majesty! I will definitely fulfill His Majesty's request!"

Everyone responded excitedly, and their voices were full of excitement. If they ruled the virtual circle, then they would be one of the masters of the virtual circle.

"Very well, since that's the case, except for Nilu and Harribel, everyone else should step down!"

Seeing the excited expressions of everyone, Kaido nodded in satisfaction and waved his hand.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

He glanced ambiguously at the shy girls Halibel and Nilu, everyone responded respectfully, and then disappeared.

"Let's go back too!"

Looking at the two girls, Kaido said softly, even though he still misses the two girls and wants to get close to them, but at the moment he is still in the sky of Xuye Palace, and there are countless others waiting to see below, and Kaido has not put it in the sky. Kiss in full view: the point of heat.

"it is good!"

Whether it is the innocent and cute Nilu or the cool and glamorous Halibel, her face is blushing at this time, with a little coquettish: shy color, the originally gorgeous: beautiful face, but also with a charming: human style ( )Affection.

"Okay, let's go!"

Saying that, Kaido swung his hand, and the invisible power spread out, covering Halibel and Nilu, then dodged and disappeared into the air, leaving behind a group of staring emptiness.

Void Night Palace.

In the luxurious room, Kaido, who had just appeared here, had not yet seen everything in the room, Nilu let out a coquettish cry and rushed forward.

"Kaido, I miss you so much!"

The tall body threw directly into Kaido's arms, the pair of soft:soft in front of her chest slammed into Kaido's chest, with a fascinated smile on her innocent and lovely face, Nilu's whole face was buried in Kaido's arms, Breathing in the smell of Kaido frantically, he murmured in his mouth.

"It's been a long time since I hugged you!"

As he said that, a slutty expression appeared on his cute face, making Kaido speechless for a while.

"Really, I haven't seen you for more than a month!"

Holding Nilu in his arms, Kaido said helplessly.Nilu's crazy behavior really startled him.

"Hey hey hey..."

In response, Nilu smirked, did not speak, but squeezed into Kaido's arms crazily, the soft touch made Kaido breathe a little faster, and her eyes involuntarily looked at Nilu's body.

A white, slim-fitting Xuye Palace clothes wraps around Nilu's body. Looking from Kaido's direction, you can clearly see Nilu's pair of full hips, stretching her white trousers to tempt : The curvature of a person, the softness in front of him: Soft and squeeze tightly: pressing against Kaido's chest: chest, Yan: Li's face has a moving blush, which looks indescribably beautiful.


Seeing Nilu's attractive appearance, Kaido couldn't help swallowing, and his big hands were about to move.


Immediately, in the low voice of Nilu, a pair of big hands stretched out silently...

A pair of big white hands seemed to be playing the best piano in the world, and every time they pressed it, there was a beautiful low voice.

· · · Flowers 0

Soon, the moving music reverberated in the room, causing Halibel, who was standing beside him with a grim expression, to be infected. A blush suddenly appeared on Leng Yan's face, and a mist of water appeared in his golden eyes. Moved by the moving music.

"Harribel, come here!"

Holding Nilu in his arms, Kaido commanded in a low voice, his eyes burning with fiery flames.

"Yes...Yes, Lord Kaido!"

Hearing Kaido's words, Halibel's hands subconsciously clenched: they clenched tightly, and responded with some nervousness, the tall body approached, and was immediately pulled by Kaido.



Before he could exclaim, his mouth was directly blocked by Kaido: Shut up, and directly gave Kaido a hot (ha) kiss.

Harribel, who had not experienced this kind of thing for a long time, fell into it at once, and kissed Kaido with blurred eyes.

At this time, seeing the hot looks of the two of them, even Kaido's big hand left and came to Halibel, making Nilu pouted slightly, with a somewhat dissatisfied expression. ... But soon, she seemed to think of something, and a malicious smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, a pair of slender jade hands slowly moved down, and her head leaned down.

'hiss! '

Kaido, who was kissing Halibel,'s eyes widened instantly, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath, and was instantly caught off guard by Nilu.

You must know that after many times of guidance from Kaido, Nilu's skills have reached the pinnacle, and it can be called a master. In just a few minutes, Kaido was killed and defeated, and he could only stick to the city gate, almost Big defeat.

'Hmph, I can't cure you! '

Kaido, who was a little embarrassed by Nilu's terrible kung fu, snorted coldly, let go of Halibel, and then roared, fighting with Nilu with all her strength.

Soon, Kaido, who went all out, was like an ancient god of war. In just a short time, Nilu was completely killed, and he could only drag Harribel to fight together.

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