For a time, the battle was fierce in the room, and the soul-stirring roars continued, showing the tragic situation of the battle.


Chapter [-] Break the dimension and evolve to a higher level! (first update)

Void Night Palace.

Kaido sat upright on the throne, his golden eyes rose, his silver hair was draped over his shoulders, and the Bengyu exuding brilliant light floated in front of him, and the rich purple light continued to pour out from the Bengyu, and was inhaled by Kaido into the body. With the inhalation of purple light, the power of the Quincy in the body is rapidly increasing, gradually becoming equal to the power of Xu and Death.


The light sound surging in the body came from the three completely different forces of Quincy, Void, and Death. At this time, Kaido was colliding, fighting, and merging in Kaido's body, and every little bit of fusion made Kaido's power slightly increased. At one point, it seems to be evolving to a higher level.

This is an existence that is about to break the boundaries of dimensions, surpass the limits of Death God, Void, and Quincy, reach a higher dimension, and completely integrate the three.

If it reaches that step, there is no doubt that "Seven Two Three", Kaido's power will skyrocket, and it will truly be on par with the flesh.

In fact, although Kaido's spiritual power is powerful, and supplemented by the omnipresent mode, its combat power is not inferior to Kaido's real body, and the means are more diversified.

But in fact, Kaido's spiritual power is far less powerful than the physical power. If we want to make an analogy, it is the gap between "natural disaster" and "doomsday", which is a big difference.

And if the powers of the three are fused together and the Bengyu is swallowed, then Kaido will be able to accommodate the power of the three in one fell swoop, break the limit at one time, raise his own spiritual power to a higher dimension, and push the spiritual power in one fell swoop. to the "Doomsday" level.

At that time, supplemented by the real body that also reached the "Doomsday" level, Kaido's power will undoubtedly skyrocket further and become the top powerhouse at the "Doomsday" level.

"Boom boom boom..."

The rich rays of light shone, the collapsing jade was spinning at a high speed, and mysterious and powerful forces were pouring out continuously, frantically accelerating the growth of the power of the Quincy, and the power of the three began to merge, and the terrifying fluctuations were like the ocean. Usually, it reverberates in Kaido's body, and it's heart-pounding.

There is no doubt that this is a very rough evolution method. Compared with Aizen's softness and only evolves the power of the god of death, Kaido has combined the power of the three roughly and evolved directly towards a higher level. Undoubtedly quite violent means.

It is also thanks to Kaido's body that is extremely terrifying. If it is replaced by an ordinary powerhouse, just the collision of three forces will be enough to tear the opponent's body.


The light emitted by Bengyu became more and more intense, and the light became more and more dazzling, suppressing the light of the entire palace, and the brilliant light became the light source of the palace, so gorgeous that people could not open their eyes.

At a certain moment, the Bengyu exuding a strong light actually moved slowly, gradually moving towards Kaido's chest, and finally, the small Bengyu submerged into Kaido's chest, as if it was one with him.


In the next second, Kaido's power rioted wildly. With the submergence of Bengyu, the three forces began to boil, became violent, and even collided with each other.


Sounds like thunder continued to emanate from Kaido's body, and the slender body was filled with gorgeous light, which looked extremely eye-catching, like a colorful light source, which made people extremely surprised.

Of course, compared to this trivial thing, what makes people more concerned is Kaido's momentum. At this time, it is gradually soaring. The three forces have merged and gradually evolved into a higher-level power. The power of the three, and the new power that is above it.

It seems that the quantity is not as good as before, but the quality is far superior.

For example, it is equivalent to the gap between hair and iron wire. Even if this new power is only one, it is far beyond the ten of the three. At the same time, it has the characteristics of the three and is superior.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

At this time, the scene changed again. The brilliant rays of light formed beams of light, which quickly entangled Kaido, like a silk cocoon, directly forming a large purple cocoon that shone brilliantly. Across the throne, it is shocking.

If someone breaks into this hall at this time, I am afraid that they will be shocked by this strange scene. Of course, it is more likely that they will be directly crushed by the surrounding terror.

Yes, at this time, the entire hall is filled with unparalleled terror and pressure, which is far beyond the god of death, even if it is Aizen who has evolved many times, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, who is fully sworn, is far behind. Terrible pressure.

If it initially breaks the limit of the god of death and barely steps into the "natural disaster" level of Aizen, its spiritual pressure can shatter "Kutu" and crush ordinary people.  …

Then Kaido, who is heading towards the "Doomsday" level at this time, has enough coercion to directly suppress Aizen at the death stage. Once ordinary captains step into this hall, the terrifying coercion that is everywhere can instantly crush them. broken.

This is the power of Kaido who has evolved to the "doomsday", and this coercion will gradually become stronger with the passage of time, until it becomes a "doomsday" state that makes the gods tremble.

"Doomsday" is the enemy of the planet!

It is a world destroyer who walks in the world. He can change the world with a single thought, shake the continent with a stomping of his feet, change the surface of the planet with a raised hand, and even smash the planet with a stronger one.

It can be said that the existence of this step has no difference in the essence of life from that of the gods, and its power makes even the gods tremble.

At this time, Kaido is moving towards this level in terms of strength. This purple cocoon is like a shackle trapped in Kaido, just like a silkworm chrysalis breaking out of the cocoon and turning into a butterfly. Once Kaido breaks this cocoon , which means that Kaido has truly stepped into the "doomsday" level.

Become an existence that even the gods tremble, a world destroyer who walks in the world.

Time passed slowly, and every time a certain amount of time passed, the coercion emitted by the purple cocoon became more and more terrifying, and it almost shattered the entire hall.

3.4 If it wasn't for Kaido's enchantment beforehand, I'm afraid this coercion would have swept through the entire virtual circle, causing countless virtuals to tremble.

In the end, a month later, the coercion of the purple cocoon has reached its peak, and the entire hall can be seen with the naked eye, and ripples like tides can be seen, which is the real coercion.

This has gathered for a whole month, and even condensed into a substantive coercion. Its power is absolutely earth-shattering. It is conceivable that if this coercion erupts, I am afraid that the small half of the virtual circle will be directly collapsed, and countless large virtual meetings will occur. was instantly crushed to smithereens—

The real power is like a prison!


At this moment, a crisp sound emanated from the purple cocoon that had been bred for a month. It was visible to the naked eye, and a tiny crack spread out.


Chapter [-] was born, changing the characteristics of the virtual! (Second more)


The cracking sound became louder and louder, and the cracks were dense throughout the cocoon, and a faint purple light emerged from the cocoon, illuminating the palace, and illuminating the entire palace faintly.


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