The terrifying coercion that spread throughout the entire temple also fluctuated at this time, just like the calm sea setting off huge waves, the coercion visible to the naked eye rolled in the space, and the surrounding walls were extremely solid and enchanted by Kaido, At this time, the cracks quickly cracked, as if they were about to collapse directly.

It is conceivable that if there is no Kaido's enchantment, let alone the mere palace, the entire Void Night Palace will be directly collapsed, and it cannot exist.


The purple cocoon trembled wildly, and the rich beam of light gradually burst out from the cocoon, and the coercion with the terrifying will poured out from the cocoon, as if a supreme being was about to break out of the cocoon, roaring proudly. .


At a certain moment, when the cracks covered the entire cocoon, the 16 cocoons that were shaking violently also stopped, and then, with a crisp sound, the cocoon shattered, and a flickering figure slowly stood up.


When the figure appeared, a terrifying threat burst out instantly, rushing in all directions like a tide, instantly drowning the coercion covering the palace, and then breaking through Kaido's enchantment to the entire virtual circle. spread away.

At this moment, all the existences in the entire virtual circle can be seen. An amazing purple light beam rises into the sky and illuminates the entire virtual circle. Its light is so powerful that it even covers the moon, dyeing the entire sky in purple .

The whole world seems to have turned into a purple, the sky and the ground, all turned into a purple.

Boom! !

The mighty coercion pushes all directions, and all the existences in the entire virtual circle can clearly feel the terror of that coercion. It is an existence above a higher dimension, like a supreme emperor, and like creating a world The god, looking down at the whole world coldly.


Endless howling sounds spread throughout the entire virtual circle, from the extremely rare Vastord to the extremely weak and small virtual ones. At this moment, they all surrendered to this coercion and issued bursts of fanatical howls—

It's like worshipping the supreme gods, like worshipping their king!

"What a great power this is!"

"I can't think of any resistance at all!"

"Your Majesty has succeeded!"

In the Xuye Palace, countless broken faces and Daxu raised their heads, including the ten blades above, all of them looked at Kaido's direction in shock at this time, and their expressions were full of fanaticism and reverence.

"I, Kaido, as the King of Void, now change the fate of Void and give you a new life!"

At this time, a magnificent voice sounded from the hearts of everyone, and all the beings in the entire virtual circle, no matter how small they were, could hear this sentence clearly, as if a god was talking to them.


Countless phantoms knelt on the ground, even the irrational Kylian, the murderous and violent Achukas, and the rebellious Vastord, all knelt on the ground without any resistance at this time. , bow down to that voice.

No humiliation, no coercion, as if it were a matter of course.


Immediately, an invisible force spread out and spread to the entire virtual circle. In a short period of time, the effort spread throughout the entire virtual circle, and all the virtual forces were swept away by the invisible force at this time, and then——

They changed, the ugly animal-shaped body began to change, the beast's limbs turned into hands and feet, the hideous mask head turned into a human-shaped head, and reason and wisdom appeared in the heart full of killing and devouring.

This is the evolution from beasts to humans!

This is to break the shackles of race and reach a higher level.

This is a god-like method, transforming the characteristics of the virtual race, turning its slaughter-filled race into a wise race.




Completely changed their form and transformed into virtuals with some beast characteristics, like half-orcs, and issued bursts of fanatical cries, the sound waves echoed throughout the virtual circle like a tidal wave, cheering for their king.

Hundreds of millions of virtuals shouting at the same time, how earth-shattering is that?

In an instant, the entire virtual circle was shrouded in a sea of ​​sound waves, and the shocking shouts echoed throughout the virtual circle, enough to shock anyone who saw this scene.

" amazing this is!!"

Above the Void Night Palace, the figure of the broken bee appeared there, and his eyes scanned the ground of the entire Void Night Palace, and he saw countless virtual people who turned into human figures, shouting frantically.

Thousands of phantoms shouted in unison, and the astonishing aura was enough to amaze anyone, not to mention that there were nearly [-] Achucas-level phantoms alone, hundreds of broken faces, Kylian and strong phantoms. This level is even more numerous.

It is conceivable that if this strength is assembled, how earth-shattering it will be. At the very least, if the Soul Realm of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai is excluded, it will be directly defeated.

Not to mention, in Broken Bee's perception, the entire virtual circle rushed into countless astonishing spiritual pressures at this moment, and there were tens of thousands of Achukas-level emptiness that she could perceive alone. And there is a deep sense of fanaticism in them.

As if embracing their king.

"so horrible!"

Taking a deep breath, Broken Bee finally understood what kind of terrifying power Kaido had mastered.

Not to mention, there are countless big voids around the virtual circle!

"What the hell did he do!?"

Broken Bee frowned, thinking with some doubts that the change in the virtual circle is definitely not simple, let alone in the sight of Broken Bee, who were originally ugly and huge virtual people, now they have all turned into human shapes, and broken bees. The shapes of the faces are not far from each other, as if they had changed from a different race.

Even the killing intent that was entangled in them disappeared. Such a change is undoubtedly astonishing.

'Could it be the reason for this coercion? '

Broken Bee can naturally feel the entire atmosphere, and at this moment there is a terrifying coercion. The power of this coercion is beyond all imagination.

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