But this powerful coercion does not have any terrifying sense of oppression, it is just pure power, which has to make people puzzled.

No matter how suspicious the Broken Bee is, Kaido, who is in the palace at this time, will not know.


The purple light faded, revealing Kaido's figure, still with silver hair and golden eyes, but more elegant than before, but now a little wilder.

Although it is still as handsome as before, it does not make people feel weak at all. Instead, there is an extremely domineering momentum blowing towards the face, which makes people tremble.


Chapter [-] The truly supreme virtual king!

"Doomsday" stage -

And it is the powerhouse in the "Doomsday" rank.

Combining three kinds of powers, combining the power of Bengyu, successfully breaking the dimension and reaching a higher dimension, Kaido can now be said to be a well-deserved "doomsday" rank powerhouse.

No matter in terms of physical body or strength, they have reached this realm flawlessly. ... It can be said that in the existence of this level, Kaido is a well-deserved top-level powerhouse - whether it is means or strength.

"What a great power!"

Clenching his fair fists, Kaido couldn't help showing a satisfied smile as he felt the power of a higher dimension rushing through his body that surpassed the three.

Just less than two years after he came to this world, Kaido has gone from a strong body with no spiritual power to a powerhouse of the "Doomsday" rank.

This kind of progress can be said to be extremely exaggerated. It can be said that it is extremely rare in the vast heavens and the world, except for some secret techniques to rapidly increase strength.

"Not only has the characteristics of the virtual changed, it will not take long for the virtual circle to be completely ruled!"

Slowly closing his eyes, from the spiritual sea deep in his mind, Kaido could clearly feel the aura in countless dark places, which was the aura of all beings in the virtual circle.

And if Kaido is willing, he can obliterate all these emptiness with just one thought, without wasting any power.

This is not Kaido's ability, but Kaido's imprint in the race of the virtual.

When Kaido linked all the virtuals before and changed them, he also set this brand.

Any Void, whether it is a weak Void that was just born, or a very powerful one, even if it surpasses the Great Void of Vastord, can't resist Kaido. There is the most fanatical worship.

It can be said that Kaido is now a veritable "Void King", and he can decide the survival of the entire ".' Void" family at a single thought.

As long as Kaido gives an order, all the virtuals in the entire virtual circle will do their best to serve Kaido, even if they fight for him, even if they commit suicide, they will not hesitate.

This is the true supremacy and the true king of the virtual circle!

"And, if I want, I can borrow all the power of the virtual!"

His mind was immersed in the spiritual ocean, sensing the spiritual aura of more than hundreds of millions distributed throughout the virtual circle, Kaido sighed a little.

"Is this some kind of 'inhibition'?"

The collective unconscious is the unconscious aggregate of a race, the aggregate of wills born by a race to continue. It can be said that it is the spiritual cohesion of a race, with a very special and powerful power.

Of course, not all races can have "inhibitory power". As far as Kaido knows, only the world of "Moon" has the human unconscious "Alaya" and the planetary will "Gaia"!

But now, Kaido is in a state similar to "inhibition". If Kaido is willing, he can fully mobilize the hundreds of millions of spiritual wills to gather the power of the entire "void" clan in himself, and make his own power become more powerful.

It may not be regarded as a real inhibitory force, but it is barely, and even the authority far exceeds the existence of the other party.

After all, "Alaya" cannot kill all human beings in a single thought - after all, the foundation of "Alaya" is human beings, and if human beings perish, "Alaya" will also perish.

It can be said that for the continuation of human beings, "Alaya" can do anything, even if it becomes r... there is no problem at all.

Kaido does not have such a big restriction. Even if all the emptiness are destroyed, Kaido will not have any influence. Even Kaido can obliterate them all in one thought, and Kaido can borrow the entire The power of the "virtual" family brings together all the power of the virtual.

It can be said that Kaido is better to be a "god" than a virtual "inhibition".

"Forget it, it's useless to think about it!"

But soon, Kaido shook his head and stopped thinking about such questions.

Anyway, with the current strength of Kaido, I don’t look down on this power-after all, all the power of the entire “Void” clan can’t compare to Kaido himself, let alone that there is no enemy in this world who can defeat Kaido. forced to this extent.

And go to another world. . .

They have already crossed the world, and the power of "empty" that Kaido does not think can also cross the world.

"Then, the next step is to rule the entire virtual circle and complete the second main task!"

Sitting on the throne, Kaido rubbed his chin and muttered.

Kaido needs to complete a total of three main quests in the world of "Death" -

The first is to defeat the five strongest, namely: Kurosaki Ichigo, Aizen Sousuke, Yuha Bach, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, and the main army Ichibei.

At present, Kaido has only completed one-fifth of it, and the rest of the people, except for the main soldier, a soldier, have not reached the peak period, so they will not be considered.

As for the second task, that is to unify the virtual circle and become the supreme king of the virtual circle.

If this task had been done before, I'm afraid it would still be a bit difficult. After all, the weak Daxu had no wisdom and only knew the existence of killing and devouring, and it was difficult to unify them, but now it is different.

By changing the characteristics of the entire ".~virtual", giving them wisdom and human form, and having the power to dominate them, Kaido only needs a thought to make all the virtuals surrender.

In this case, the second task can be completed logically.

"However, this integration is a hassle, so we can't let them gather together casually!"

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