But soon, Kaido frowned. Although he can make all the virtuals surrender in a single thought, it is not enough to leave them wandering around in the virtual circle (Li Mahao).

After all, they already have human form and intelligence, and various problems are prone to occur. If they are gathered together, there are hundreds of millions of them, which is also quite a headache.

"Forget it, I'll leave this matter to Shiren to complete it. They usually have nothing to do anyway."

But soon, Kaido thought of the Ten Blades, and he could not help but loosen his brows, and a malicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

They're usually fine anyway, so it's not bad to leave this thing to them.

I believe they will definitely complete it successfully, Kaido has this confidence.

Soon, Kaido closed his golden eyes, and an indifferent voice sounded in the hearts of Ten Blades except Halibel and Nilu, explaining the matter.

After speaking, regardless of their thoughts, Kaido ignored them and cut off the conversation directly.


Chapter [-]: Unified virtual circle, powerful system!

Time flew by and three months passed quickly.

Since Kaido gave the order to Ten Blades, for three months, the huge Void Night Palace, tens of thousands of Void Groups, under the leadership of Ten Blades, formed a team captain with many broken faces, mighty and mighty to the entire virtual circle.

This time, the Xuye Palace army led by Shiren did not encounter any obstacles. The Xumen who were ordered by Kaido along the way consciously surrendered to Xuye Palace, were arranged by Shiren, and did not wander around.

With the conscious cooperation of the troops of the Xuye Palace and the virtual people, although it only took three months, the huge virtual group of more than hundreds of millions was still arranged, and even the flag of the Xuye Palace was planted all over the place. the entire virtual circle.

Moreover, in various places of the virtual circle, there are also huge cities, and there are even avenues along the road connecting the cities, connecting the huge and barren virtual circles, so that the virtual circles are not desolate.

Even, Kaido used the power of all things, and tried his best to create a small "sun" formed by the power of "flowing blades like fire" in the sky above the virtual circle, burning with a full [-]-degree flame. The sun will illuminate the entire virtual circle.

It can be said that, apart from the still barren desert, today's virtual circle has gradually formed towards a huge country of 380.

Even the desert land that covers the entire virtual circle is gradually changing with Kaido's power. It is conceivable that within a few years, the entire virtual circle will surpass the Soul Realm and become another prosperous country.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the second main quest, rewarding the progress of the world strategy by [-]%, and obtaining the permission to open the door of the dimension!"

Sitting on the throne, Kaido closed his eyes and rested his spirits suddenly when he received a prompt from the system, he couldn't help opening his golden eyes, two dazzling rays of light flashed quickly, deep and dazzling, with a sacred wave.

"After nearly a year, the second main quest is finally completed!"

Hearing the system prompt, Kaido sighed slightly, and said with a little joy on his face. Kaido understood that with the completion of the task, it also meant that the virtual circle was finally fully contained in his hands and became his own territory.

And Kaido can also be rewarded by the system.

The reward of the second main quest, [-]% of the world's strategy progress, although this reward is very good, but for the current Kaido, it is not very useful.

Only the door of the dimension, for the current Kaido, has some use.

With [-] points of Wanjie points, build a dimensional gate that connects the world of One Piece, and connect the two worlds together, so that your subordinates can come to this world.

And, let your own woman come over!

"Then, how many Myriad Realm points do I have now!"

Lightly tapping the seat, Kaido pondered and asked the system in his heart.

"Ding, the current host's Wanjie point is [-] points!"

Soon, the icy system sound resounded in Kaido's heart, and the sound was as indifferent as ever.

However, Kaido didn't care about the sound of the system. At this time, he slowly frowned and smiled slightly in his heart.

'The girl who pushes is still not enough! '

Although [-] points may seem like a lot, for Kaido, it is pitiful.

Just one dimensional gate requires [-] points. It can be said that just one dimensional gate will make Kaido use up the Myriad Realm Points obtained before.

Not to mention, in the Wanjie Store, those deadly expensive abilities and items.

'Forget it, find a chance to push them! '

Soon, Kaido loosened his brows and stopped worrying.

After all, the girls are there, and they won't run away. As long as they are willing, Kaido can easily overthrow them and easily get hundreds of thousands of Myriad Points. There is no need to worry at all.

"Next, let's open the door of dimension first!"

Saying that, Kaido stood up, his figure disappeared in the blink of an eye, and left the Xuye Palace directly.

After all, the opening of the gate of dimension will definitely not be small, let alone according to the system, the gate of the second (bdff) yuan is [-] meters high and tens of meters wide, such a huge portal, Kaido is not willing to be in the virtual night. Palace opens.

Not to mention, the gate of dimension still exists forever, and it can connect the two worlds. It is also a channel for the One Piece world to communicate in the future. Just these two points, Kaido will not let the gate of dimension in the virtual night palace.


At a distance of [-] meters from the Xuye Palace, Kaido appeared there, with his feet on the ground, scanning the vast and barren land, then closed his eyes, and the indifferent and majestic voice echoed in Shiren's heart, calling them together. come over.

Soon, before Kaido waited for long, white figures appeared beside Kaido, each with a different complexion, exuding a powerful aura.

"His Majesty!"

As soon as they saw Kaido, everyone said respectfully, and their tone was full of awe and fanaticism.

After everything Kaido did three months ago, at this moment they are full of fanaticism towards Kaido, and regard Kaido as a real god, and there is no longer any dissatisfaction.

"Next, I'm about to open the door of the dimension, so please welcome my colleagues in the future!"

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